You've had several weeks to accumulate..and what have you done with it?

you've had several weeks to accumulate..and what have you done with it?

It's a fucking instant messaging app.

just that

What a great christmas gift.
A messenger and insane gains.

brainlet, hush

my ODN brothers, we will win.

Put a buttplug in your newborn sister



Binance listing with rebranding initiative on Dec 4th.

Shhh..I wasn't supposed to tell.

printing free money

Just bough 240. Comfy af.

Is that mining or what?


its not just a messenger, brainlet

Can i stake with 200 odn in wallet?

Why does my wallet have a different balance than my odn block explorer btw?

god this feels great. see you cucks at $5 while i'm sippin a beer on a yacht

Yeah, but you won't make much. I make ~20 every month or so with 1200.

Does your wallet have multiple addresses that you used to get your ODN from? If not, are your transactions showing there up to date? Mine was showing an old value for a while but caught up yesterday.

$20 or 20 obsidian

20ODN per reward

The block explorer has a higher balance than my wallet.

Go on, I am listening. As of now, I dont see how the fuck is this supposed to take on apps like Signal just because it has tokens?


kek. If you're not a leftist the Signal team will literally leak your emails and deny you service.

Why the heck do you need the tokens here though?

I bought in 2 weeks earlier than I should have and am finally seeing gains. Lets go to the moon!

All blockchains need tokens to work.

Pragmatically it also works an incentive system for masternodes to validate transactions and provides value for the apps.

tokens allow it to be decentralized, which is kinda a good thing when we're talking about a messenger.

What's going on guys? Why the fuck is of mooning so hard?

News on Nov 4th

I mean December

>Tfw had 4000 odn not one month ago
>Got sick of holding bags
>Starts mooning right after

If this hits $1 by Dec 04 I'm literally killing myself

its basically a stratis fork with a focus on privacy

anonymous dapp platform

a damn good investment even at this price. might want to hold until the end of the year rather than try to ride the waves on this one.
considering it could 10x or more easily naturally

This coin under a dollar is a fucking steal, only brainlets think this is just another shitcoins wannabe messenger app..haha

>tfw 4k ODN
>never let go of my bags because every single time I received news about this coin I got FOMO

This coin really does have top tier fundamentals. Easily belongs in the top 20 once the messenger comes out and they start hosting ICOs. Dev team is also chill and they aren't stuttering potheads.

fuck off blackstone

honestly this. idk how long it will take, could be soon could be later in 2018.
But this has huge potential to become very close to Monero.

Like take for example, watching ETH a few years back. Trying to get in at a low price. It really didn't matter when you got in but you stressed out about it.
Just jump in and hodl. Its a fucking steal. Anyone whos watched the market for over 3 years at least knows whats up. Learn from your mistakes trying to make quick profits. This one is going to blow you away.