Thank you whoever just sold me 100 POWR at 8699 sat on BIttrex. kek

Thank you whoever just sold me 100 POWR at 8699 sat on BIttrex. kek.

why does powr need powr coins AND SPARKZ? Cus it's a scam that's why

So the Australian government invested 8mil into a scam?

>buying alts when BTC is running
>L O L

Because its the only way you can scale a service across countries, you dummy. Sparkz are pegged to each country's currency.

More like 1.3 million out of 8 million, lying shill

“Power Ledger has received $1.3 million from the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, and part of those proceeds will go towards purchasing a battery, and part of it will be used to fund the development of the application platform,” she says.

Why would I care about another's countries currency if I cant trade electricity with them? If you're too dumb to understand what I mean then fuck off

Thats right shills, go to bed

I posted in another thread in my long-term non daytrade portfolio I have 25% POWR and 75% BTC

I put the shills to sleep

What exactly is this news we are expecting Monday? Quick rundown?

Power is corrupt Australians mayors and a big busted Jew working a scam coin

How is she corrupt?

>100 POWR
>less than $100 and you think this deserves a thread

I thought this was /s

Should I buy more POWR now?

very good chance of a pump mon or weds or both.

inb4 already priced in

I shit you not, I made 3000 into 4000 (now about 3800 buying in at 8000 and selling at 9900.

Rebought maximum at 9900 and I just pulled the debit max from coinbase to add a bit more and get in on this freefalling shitcoin. This is a barrrrrrrgain. We're going to $2 by EOY, then reevaluate if it's a scam.

it's going lower user, enjoy the bagz

Shill, can't explain why POWR tokens are necessary instead of just SPARKZ

Dump your shitcoin for the politically charged SUB, the chinks and amerifats are gonna buy the shit outta Substratum, dyor.

hasta la vista faggots!

How do you buy sparkz

I don't even know what a sparkz is. I instinctively trust a homely woman with a large bosom. Reminds me of me dear old ma.


Those aint tits those are udders. I wonder if they pump out gallons of milk when theyre breastfeeding?

100 powr wow did you have to take out a loan.

Big ol' natural boobies.

I sincerely hope that in two years' time this is said unironically.