Grandma comes home

>grandma comes home
>"user, Im so proud of you, bitcoin is almost $9000!"
>hesitate for a moment
>in that instant she knew I had lost it all

basically she then sat me down and explained how every male in our family, including friends, lost their money trading. We are just.. immature boys

Is larping becoming a public mental health crisis?

>grandpa proud of me at thanksgiving telling me he's been researching eth and sees that it is at 450$
>don't have the heart to tell him that I went all in on chain link and lost it all

Fuck I'm sorry gramps

honestly yes, I think it's part of some kind of soyboycuck culture, fetishizing being a loser online.

It's a good story user, true or not. I like it.

>be me
>be thanksgiving, family all laughing and joking, asking me when Im going to get a job or even pay rent
>tell them im actually a successful crypto trader, its been going so well i recently became a millionaire
>they all laugh
>show them my blockfolio
>i try to explain bitcoin
>uncle downloads blockfolio, types in 1,000 bitcoin, starts showing it around saying hes a crypto millionaire too
>everyones laughing
>tell them its true and i can withdraw from a bitcoin atm
>convince my family to take me to nearest bitcoin atm, 2 hours away
>they wanted to go to this city anyways for shopping, tell them ill buy some gifts for christmas
>arrive at atm
>atm only allows you to buy bitcoin, not sell it
>family getting impatient
>"enough user, your joke is going too far, lets just go to the mall now"
>i ask the convenience store clerk how do I sell with the atm?
>he doesnt know what im talking about, "only buy, you buy here"
>aunt goes up to the atm with a $20 and pretends it came out, look user, I sold my byte coins, how come you cant sell yours?
>everyones laughing as they head back to the car

i want to believe this one is real

>manage my nanas portfolio for her
>she tells me to move all her litecoin into powr a week ago
>I don’t do because I think it’s a terrible idea
>At thanksgiving I have to explain to her in front of everyone that she’s actually down this week, not up 10x like she thinks

>he thinks he can cash out

You fucking loser, get a job hahahahha.

I also call her Nana


Shut up and take my money! I can see that being a skit on snl or something

>be me
>telling family how my initial investment is now 20x
>mum tells me I should sell
>"pff what would you know mum"
>2 days later hit peak of midyear bull run
>I HODL all the way down to 1/4 of what I had when she told me to sell

Only just getting back up to that level again now and I will never ever tell her she was right.

I've been browsing Veeky Forums for 10 hours and I saw this copypasta a few hours ago.

>arrive at grandparents house for thanksgiving
>there’s a brand new garage, pool, deck etc
>cousins start arriving, all driving new cars
>now we are eating and everyone is celebrating their btc and Eth gains
>my grandad sees i’m being quiet
>”what’s the matter son?”
>tell him I’m not holding any bitcoin now. I went all in Bcash at .38
>everyone goes silent
>my grandma yells out “he got fucking memed on”
>everyone is now laughing hysterically at me
>their faces are red and they are pointing at me and food is falling from their mouths
>my uncle walks away from the table he is laughing so hard. He starts dry retching
>I start feeling sick and dizzy
>vision is getting blurry
>the laughter continues and I can only make out a few certain words like “shitcoin” and “muh-flippening”
>pull out Blockfolio and through the haze can see I’m down another 11%
>laughter explodes now and I can hear a police siren getting closer - The neighbours reported a disturbance
>the last thing I remember before I pass out is my great aunt calling me a chink lover
>I wake up in a soup kitchen where the police dropped me off.
>the officer puts his hand on my shoulder
>your family doesn’t want to see you anymore, kid. They said something about Satoshi’s vision. Beats me. Well, Happy Thanksgiving.

best one here

dont forget, you're here forever (your btc never being withdrawn that is)




>tfw had a comfy thanksgiving watching my bch rise
>sold at 1700
>buying back in once the floor is established

Laughs in Mandarin.

user it wasnt THAT funny

Be gone. Witch.

Just cuz you have a Dragonslayer Dildo up your ass doesn't mean its not funny, user.

these stories. please more


Im just saying you over reacted a bit. Maybe take a deep breath?

I did. Read the post.Again.

The stories are funny. Why don't you stop trying to grab attention, take the stick up your ass, and piss of to another thread. Mmmmmmm?

Just give it to me straight. Were you larping?

Oh you want to argue buddy?

I didnt say it wasnt funny, I said it wasnt THAT funny. You wana take this outside?

>my family is everything a rational white american male hates.
>each one in the family takes advantage of all the minority programs out there to shell out a good living
>few of my cousins are all graduates and have good jobs supporting a shit ton of non white kids that are already showing signs of getting into good schools
>work at a warehouse while i study for my it career and investments. will literally get a job anywhere due to being a minority and having actual experience working with it people.
>co-workers are nothing but white hicks that dont know shit but expect things to come to them.
>see mass layoffs due to oversea productions and labor.
>my house is made up of two families, my uncle and my dad.
>drive way has a landrover, a lexus, and two bmws.
>catch neighbors mean mugging me a few times when we have more family over, its like an influx of immigration at a suburb neighborhood.
>actually had cops come over with fake complaints due to cousins parking on the opposite side of the street because lot was full.
>my investments in bitcoin alone has made me consider just getting a part time job after i graduate. uncle is a manager at a factory anyway and makes bank, he can get my schedule.
>smirk when white old people show their colors when i walk in their shops, steak restaurants, and their white blonde daughters checking out my flash wear.
>had two tight blondes sit on my face this past 3 months while their parents werent home.
>one of them rode my dick and still bounced when i came. took plan b because shes a slut. parents thought the actual boyfriend was home with her.
>actually overheard her dad talk shit about my family calling me gook, brown, spics. doesnt know my ethnicity while his slutty daughter was bouncing on top of me downstairs. snuck out the basement door a few hours later.
>came on her face while he and his friends were upstairs arm chair politics talking about trump and illegals getting deported.

Anyone ever offer to eat your liver with some fave beans and a nice bottle of Chianti?

That was the best thing I've read all day.


Salty Redditard got BTFO on Bcash. Kek.

no, pretty sure human liver is poisonous


This one I believe. Never, ever tell her she was right. Same with my wife. They don't know shit about money.

Same with mine. I tried trading with her involved. She decided she was smarter, took the reins, and refused to buy or bail when I told her. She had to "study" to know EXACTLY why a coin was moving one way or the other before she decided to sell or buy. By the time she decided to buy, the moon was over. When coins shit the bed, by the time she decided to sell they were down 60 percent. Women and crypto. Not even once.

are you the guy who punched his wife for losing his crypto money and then ran away

My wife just asks me to withdraw money and give it to her whenever I used to say a coin I held is doing really well. It's like she doesn't understand that I can compound my gains by reinvesting and thinks we should buy something every time it goes up. And then she decided one day she wanted to learn to trade too for some reason so I helped her set up some accounts so she bought like $10 of NXT for some reason to practice with and then forgot about it for a few months.

Now I just tell her I trade and no matter how good or bad I'm doing if she asks I'll just say everything is going "pretty well" and leave it at that.

Na. I met her when I was in third grade and she was in Kindergarten. We got married when I was like 21 and she was 19. raised 5 kids, been married 35 years or so. something as trivial as Crypto aint gonna break us up, or make us get physical.

I had all of that but minus college, rich family and BTC investments. REEEEEEEE

You and your family are everything that hates rational white males. FTFY.

Do you have any advice to make a marriage last that long? We've been married almost 2 years and I married fairly young, around the same age, as well. And there can be a lot of disagreements, and I've got some habits in my personality I know aren't great for our relationship.

>not just doing heroin

tempted desu

who the fuck interacts with kindergarteners in 3rd grade?

Meh. Dunno. Early years are roughest. It gets better. Best advice is, don't expect to be the center of your wife or your kids
Universe. That shit is over. Be the center of your own Universe, be your own best friend first. Get to where you can enjoy your own company for weeks at a time. Don't expect undying faithfulness and loyalty from any Human but yourself. Get a dog if you need that. Make your financial support of your family a priority, but your need for their unconditional love, loyalty, and faithfulness secondary. Hold on to tight, and they will run away. Be somewhat aloof, and they will come to you. By that time, they really are secondary, so you have to make an effort to pay attention to them and spend time with them.

We didn't. she was icky and had cooties at that time, retard.

Not to mention knock knees and freckles, and I was a full fledged member of the Lil' Rascals He Man woman Haters Club.

Just do heroin boys, Women only know how to bicker

I'm trying to learn to disengage more when things get really heated between us and I think that's because of my nagging need to feel emotionally validated by her or my anxiety when she's upset with me, which is something women typically do, and I think that's related to what you've said.

You're advice is really helpful and applicable to me though, thank you.

Yeah, we used to argue a lot, till I learned to be the Adult in the relationship and deescalate.

>tfw I'll never pass out to my great aut calling me a chink lover
I don't know how to even feel about this

A woman is incapable of emotionally validating a man. It is just not the way they are made. emotionally validate yourself. One you achieve that state, women see you as a mystical god, and they flock to you like a moth to the flame. At that point its kinda too late for them, because you really no longer need their loyalty.

She says things that she knows will make me very angry or sad on purpose to get a reaction when she doesn't mean it and then I end up yelling or something.

Is it best to just walk away and go find and do something I love to do, kind of like you said above? How do you deescalate?

Sometimes it's an emotional thing for me that I just don't feel comfortable doing something else knowing that my wife is still very upset, and that's something I'm trying to get over.

Anyway, this is tripe for another thread. back to funny crypto shit.

Alright. Thanks anyway it does help.

Cash out half of it asap my dude
coinbase, not fucking ATMs

I found this funny


>arrive at grandparents house for thanksgiving
>there’s a brand new garage, pool, deck etc
>cousins start arriving, all driving new cars
>now we are eating and everyone starts talking about how much i must have made on bitcoins
>my grandad sees i’m being quiet
>”what’s the matter son?”
>tell him I’m not holding any bitcoin now. I went all in Bcash at .38
>everyone goes silent
>my grandma yells out “he got fucking memed on”
>everyone is now laughing hysterically at me
>I start feeling sick and dizzy
>vision is getting blurry
>pull out Blockfolio and through the haze can see I’m down another 11%
>the last thing I remember before I pass out is my great aunt calling me a chink lover

>Live with my grandparents
>Tell them I made an investment 2 years ago and its doing really well.
>Printed out a screenshot of my Gemini account with a 200x zoom so they can see the amount
>Show them my 7 figure holdings
>They don't understand
>"user how much did you invest?"
>"About $5000 in the course of a year grandma"
>"What?! You spent that much money? How could you be so stupid!"
>Grandfather looks at me in disgust
>Grandma hands me back my Gemini printout
>"I don't even want to look at you right now user. How can you be so reckless with your money? I thought we raised you better"