Where were you when Bitcoin reached $9000?

Where were you when Bitcoin reached $9000?

sitting at my computer on .Veeky Forums

I was lying in my car shitposting before sleep.

ignoring my girlfriend refreshing biz and watching gdax like a hawk. Looks like ill be single soon enough boys


She keeps asking me why im so excited about 9000 like i wud ever explain

Shitposting on Veeky Forums

Listening to the peaceful Nier Automata soundtrack in a state of pure bliss.

It's not stopping. Why wont it stop.

There was supposed to be a crash.

jerking off to traps on /b/

I was all in LINK.



Explaning the significance of this moment to my girlfriend who was on acid

She wants me to tell you all she's really happy for all of us

Sitting at a bouncy castle getting paid to watch some kiddies.

tell her bitch lasagna

tell her tits or GTFO

Tell her to open up her cloth

OVER 9000

Lisening this while on Veeky Forums

deadmau5 - Imaginary Friends W:/2016ALBUM/

It will never crash again. I mean yeah, it'll fall a grand or two but that will eventually become a daily occurrence and no one will flinch a second thought at it. There is a slight chance it may halve near/after 10k and that might seem scary but, it will recover within weeks. Buy then. 10k on new years. Halving the day after. Recovery before Valentine's day.

We're entering into Level 2, you can feel it. The game is getting better.





Did it make you wanna cry? Or did you think it was kinda gay?

>bb..but.. BCH is the better coin.. right??
>BTC is finished
>muh flippening

laugh at everyone that thought a shit coin could dethrone the king

>new paradigm!

Our banks have lost the fight. World is waking up. Digital currencies for the future. Prepare or die. Refugees arive in life boats with smartphones...