No memes. No jokes. No bullshit. I want concrete predictions.
How high will this thing go?
No memes. No jokes. No bullshit. I want concrete predictions.
How high will this thing go?
Genuinely, it doesn't have a top.
1 million
I'll still be suicidal
9.8 then 4 then moon
It doesn't really have a top, but it'll be at least $30k in 3-5 years.
Even if it crashes 80%.
Bitcoin can go up forever. You can never create more. People will keep "losing" bitcoin driving up the price.
Imo it will definitely hit 50k. As for higher? Only time will tell...
dubs confirm
my digits will confirm.
>hides thread
We'll see million dollar coins within the next few years.
The term is hyperbitcoinization. It will occur when there's enough liquidity, and the expected return on your bitcoin is more than the interest rate on any loan you'd take out.
seekingalpha. com/amp/article/4127181-bitcoin-exponentially-expanding-global-financial-economic-black-hole
my man ill give you a prediction for a source
Did they issue new tethers again?
There's no way that can happen for more than a very brief time. It would meltdown the financial industry. If nothing else, every government in the developed world would outlaw it.
Holy shit I was kidding but apparently they did. The market cap of tether has increased 250 million dollars within the last 30 days.
Imagine the shitstorm that'd ensue if US stepped in and tether went belly up BEFORE a natural correction. You have to be a retard to still keep money in the crypto market of today.
No. Coinbase is leading this pump.
where's your tinfoil now?
I need the bubble pops at about 16k.
The governments that don't buy bitcoin will be the first to fall.
it'll never stop
but if you want a 2020 prediticion, since that'll be easier to nail down a concrete prediction :
BTC will outlast USD as a currency and you will not be able to measure it against the Dollar as the Dollar will no longer exist.
The top will be 1BTC = 1488 single family homes.
On an Orbital Ring
Very interesting read. Thanks.
I predicted this. Lots of Thanksgivings chats about how Uncle Jim made 700% gains this year on bitcoin -- so lots of new coinbase fomo buys.
hey NSA
Coinbase tinfoil hat time!!
Coinbase is selling all the BCH it is holding for BTC.
So it can skim profits off it before Jan 1 when it has to hand over its BCH to its customers.
If you liked that read this: nakamotoinstitute. org/mempool/speculative-attack/
Many great pieces here.
Great read and certainly shows a dark side of this game we are playing.
I did the math okay, I am seeing roughly 16.5 million coins mined and they are worth about roughly 8800 dollars. This number = 1,454,000,000,000
The amount of gold in the world would be roughly 7.5 trillion dollars.
I was seeing how gold has roughly 5.3 times the total value of bitcoin so if everyone just threw their gold in the trash and turned it into bitcoin, maybe 6 times would be possible from here.
At a certain point money will simply stop flowing in but right now there is a lot more that could enter Bitcoin.
Theoretically the limit of bitcoin to gold would be 46640 (total value of bitcoins to gold = roughly 5.3 and 5.3 x 8800)
Bitcoin raised 1100% the full year.
If it raised 550% next year we might start seeing fear enter the market about October, strangely enough when the largest two stock market crashes happened in 1927/1987
Now people probably try to meme it up after a couple of dips but its realized that too many people are losing money and a massive 1929 type crash happens.
Zerohedge has an interesting article mapping out the adjusted price of gold back to 1265AD its highest value was in 1485 with about 1200 GBP. The total value of all gold ever mined would exceed US$7.5 trillion
Even if Bitcoin could be 2000 a coin that would be one of the greatest losses of wealth ever.
The good news is that finally it becomes a stable currency and can be adopted by all governments and communities.
TL:DR my opinion is using gold as a harbinger of a future for bitcoin and doing this my theoretical limit is probably 47k, money dries up and people feel like cashing in and the resulting crash destroys the coin
Or governments step in and decide they want a piece and start creating legislation...
>Bitcoin taking my precious schekles
>We need world government goy
>we die without my precious
>not one shred of evidence
(((Zoltan Ban)))
Kike Confirmed
sauce on vids?
its top in relation with USD is unquantifiable because the value of fiat currency is only based on its perceived value, whereas bitcoin's is based off of the potential of its technology.
tldr if all your net worth is in USD you are fucked within the next decade
>user asking the important questions.
i think by the end of next year we are anywhere between 30-50k
the problem then for 2019 is that the "fun" of shitcoins and neets getting rich from $100 investments will be dying out, big investors will control the few coins that actually have a use and then crypto and blockchain will need to see some serious real world use and mainstream adaption to continue from that point
What is this video genre and who is this fine ass dumpling?