Which shitcoin to invest early in? what has high hopes of MOONING??

which shitcoin to invest early in? what has high hopes of MOONING??




not too late

Funfair. Hold long term or dump in a couple months for 2x 3x. Research it

>kaeru kaeru

HST is an easy 2x in the next few days. good long term hold too

Honestly never seen a more worthless coin that people try to present seriously. Like it isn't a meme, but it clearly isn't worth shit either. What's the motivation for buying in the first place?


Die in a grease fire, racist

wow so edgy

There is this new ERC-20 token called LINK that is promising. It’s a do nothing shit coin right now, but this fat guy is working hard converting it to use some meme programming language. It will probably moon in Q2 of 2021.

> muh visa annoucnement

NULS. Null is nothing... NULS is everything


Just because you don't like a product or name doesn't mean the property or currency itself doesn't hold value. Niggercoin exists and has value whether you like it or not

Go back to pol if you want to be racist jackass

>i want someone to die extremely painfully because he said mr meaniepants words

Go back to the middle ages you fucking zealot.

Loopring, seriously.


If you aren't deep in BBC you clearly must hate money. Everyone likes big boobs

Yes, racism is edgy.

Meaniepants words? Really? Are you 15 y.o.?

Not standing for racism doesn’t mean I’m a zealot. The racist post contributed nothing of value to the discussion, and doesn’t belong on this board. Gtfo if you have nothing better to do than try and defend blatant racism with me, seriously.

Shut the fuck up idiot. Stop derailing the thread with your fee fees.

Monaco are already delivering their card

holy shit you know its an actual coin right
and its a single post on imageboard, who fucking cares

as for shitcoins, BAT is very promising, but it likely won't moon or increase in value for awhile, only if you plan to hold

Grow a spine you oversensitive infant.

You're on an anonymous imageboard where shit will be thrown around from time to time. Get over it, or fuck off to a hyper moderated hugbox website.

>Not standing for racism doesn’t mean I’m a zealot

You said you wanted someone to die in a grease fire for posting the word "nigger". You're on the level of a cultist trying to purge all the filthy heretics for daring to not share the same views as you.

You would never say that to my fucking face would you, coward?

I’m allowed to defend racist remarks, if you have a problem with that you might as well fuck right off, there’s no room for you in this day and age

Yeah I would you self righteous turd. Nobody needs you to defend anything you fedora wearing virgin.

You know why racism is welcomed here?
It's because it raises the signal to noise ratio and separates the men from the boys.
If the good ideas are presented just in line with the bad ideas, you've got to pick the bones and find the good ideas. And as long as good ideas are available just as easy as bad ideas, there's no standard for what is a good idea. With no standard for a good idea, we can be a depository for all ideas.
By not having social mores, we are the most inclusive branch of the internet. The ones who have excluded themselves are little bitch nugget fagtrons like yourself who can't separate the valuable from the acceptable.

Please stay to your containment boards.

>Veeky Forums doesn't realize the influx of /pol/ is a sign of normies adopting crypto
>Veeky Forums doesn't realize this is one of the biggest signs of a bull market entering peak mania phase
>Veeky Forums isn't ready to cash out of shitcoins to gold and guns
>Veeky Forums

>racism doesnt belong in Veeky Forums
>racism doesnt belong in tech ventures where indians, niggers and women are clear red flags on any team
>racism doesnt belong on Veeky Forums

Hohohoho, reddit is that way >>>