He fell for the buying a fraction of a bitcoin meme

>he fell for the buying a fraction of a bitcoin meme

whats the point? gains are so small its a waste of time

>he doesnt understand percentage gains
>hes a poorfag who cant afford to buy btc
>he listened to biz and bought worthless shitcoins instead

i bought 0.5 btc at 2000

(so i paid 1000 obviously)

if bitcoin cost 1,000,000 and you bought $100 and it went to 10,000,000 next week is that a better decision than buying $100 of ether that costs $1000 and went to 1200? you fucking retard op

1 mbtc will overtake LTC this year.

Finish middle school before you post on biz user

Exactly. this is why I put my money on less than 10 cent coins.

OP this is your mother.
So do not pretend otherwise Jeremy.
I asked you to stop talking to your friends on 4chins and bring me those cereal bowls you have piled from underneath your bed. Your father saw a cock roach run from under the door last night it is disgusting. Also throw those empty soda cans out too you keep piled at your computer desk. You live like a pig

I'm sorry to interrupt everyone's chat here but I am just tired of it.

Learn to understand market cap. Back this up with volume if doubtful.

>And it gave you x10 your investment in one week

Invest 100

10% raise

10$ gain wow you are now a yacht owner :)

I like this drawing. I don't care for tumblrwatch, though.

$7000 profit is good if you were a poorfag that could only afford $1k to start with. Half a bitcoin will buy you a house in the Philippines one day, if you want more you'll have to gamble on shitcoins.

sorry karen. also sorry about your yeast infection, I didn't feel like showering before coming over last night

well $3500 but still

yeah except BTC went up 10x this year you dipshit lol

>Don't invest 100
>Stays 100, goes down with inflation or you spend it on shit


1000$ == a true whale is born

>implying everyone is a poorfag like you who can only spare a hunnid bucks

>actually answering a POST HERE poor pajeet not about myself

>x10 for a year
>gains too small

any gain is a good gain