What a fucking shithole

What a fucking shithole

memes are fun.

nice meme bro xD


Edit: Thanks for the gold

Most cancerous subreddit on reddit. Why do normies have to ruin everything.

I know I'm just fucking sad I sold and didn't buy back :(

And the comment sections is filled "how can i get in on this? ???" and "anyone have a beginer guide to bitcoinzz xD??"

At least they are excited about something. This board is just a cesspool of retards talking about stuff they pretend to understand.

reddit normies are gonna make more money buying $9000 bitcoin than most of biz trading shitcoins.

This. Probably gonna be 10k by tomorrow morning.

You know we were all posting Vegeta everywhere here last night, right?

ahahhahah thats fucking gay


Go to /r/bitcoinmarkets

I just like to shit on that sub whenever I can.

wow reddits so lame you guys, not like us right guys haha we're cool n funny

how does it feel you autists spending your entire free time researching shitcoins, muh good prajekts etc, when stupid normie buys bitcoin, doesn't even know how to store it and makes sick ass gains regardless of the buy price because bitcoin doesn't give a fuck about TA?
this bitch is going straight to 10 next week if not tomorrow and after that the next psychological barrier is 100k, after that, 500k and then the famous 1m mark which is gonna happen, stupid normies and boomers jumping onboard at 50k will make more money anyway than autists on Veeky Forums will have made since 2016

we should introduce them to pink wojak, they're going to need it

*since 2011

this board did the same exact thing retard

I completely agree.

RemindMe! 1 day

kek, I see meme team 7 is at full work. Good goys
