Nothing to see here. Perfectly sustainable growth.
Bitcoin BUBBLE
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Ever heard of a logarithmic scale?
Zoom out and show all the way from 2010
>>No bears in the market
Ever heard of sourcecode?
Study it and learn the secrets to your enslavement.
At first it will sting but with this you will be able to ride right through it.
What you are seeing is the rapidly approaching apex of the greatest scam of the modern era.
>only worth what people will pay for it
>gets hype pumped every year
>gotta get in and hold its limited digits of math dude
>thinking miners wont drop BTC the second its done
>thinking you can drop bags that no one will process
Its a beautiful fraud, respect to all the early adopters that made mad bank off it.
i hope there are many suicides very soon
ever heard of sigmoid?
gold looks silly in the same way yet it is a $7 trillion market.
>t. salty nocoiner
HAHA fucking die inside XD
fuck off NSA bitcoin literally is open source
It'll go up and down some more. But it really hasn't even started yet. It's only in the top 30 at the moment. Wait till it's top 10.
Straight line on a log scale is still exponential growth. Hell, it's not even that straight on that log scale. Not sustainable at all.
>it's just exponential growth, guys, totally normal.
the pessimism in this thread is very bullish.
just bought 100k. thanks guys.
All things priced in fiat are arms of the Federal Reserve squid. That image explains the cycle enacted by them. They are desperate to control all things financial so they hijack memes daily and price them in notes denominated by them. They really are a lonely group of souls that will stop at nothing to survive in their self created hell.
Their goal has always been to stop sound money from taking back over because that would mean that they (and all of their derivative meat suits) will no longer be needed.
Bitcoin was their response to stopping the largest bank run in history. The central banks are bleeding gold and silver so they had to try and stop it by COMEX and later crypto digital "like gold" assets. They will not let Wall St crash until block chain can stand on it's own two legs then they will pull the rug on it. Think Fight club and change over. In the end they still run the projector and the film that gets loaded into it.
They run a game where they make USD king and have digital assets run secondary command in a self feeding loop that is never allowed to take them over.
Get to stacking because real coin started to get issued in the 80's by law in multiple countries. This enactment was started by the military in an attempt to solve the precious metals stockpile issue they had. Shit is about to get real bumpy and digital shit isn't going to save you but it will enslave you.
So you still think in the end gold > crypto?
I am new to this. Please send $20 in Bitcoin here:
Lol sad peasants bickering about common people problems, here i am looking down at you all from my comfy oma chair.