so where are we dropping to after 10k? 8? 7? 4?
what are you buying at
So where are we dropping to after 10k? 8? 7? 4?
Other urls found in this thread:
this is the end of the ride, final destination
I'm not buying until it gets down to 1k.
We are dropping to 12k
Jap exchange with 6 times the volume of Bitfinex currently trading at 10.2k
post yfw it doesn't drop after 10k and just blasts off straight to 11k within a week with all the cashed out coinlets left behind
Check out:
More like a couple days. 8000 to 9000 literally took a day.
What if BTC never goes below 10k ever again once it hits it? What if it went straight to 100k in a week? What if?
Buyback is 5.8K.
I mean, thats what will happen once the normies officially find out about it...
No way a normie would buy BTC at 15k and have the iron hands to hold until 100k, they would sell at 20k and think they make a killing, since it's 33% profit.
>normies arent human and dont like profit as much as this hardened veteran trader right here
I swear to god this normie= stupid fucking rertard sheep liberal/not normie = genius intelligent individual free thinker not shitlib dichotomy is the most retarded thing to ever come out of this website
It'll go up to 20k by the end of next week
I'm going to FOMO at 12k.
normies are cattle
settling sell order at 2500
all the "not normie" losers have committed suicide, which is why you see an usually high number of winners on Veeky Forums
Bitcoin Cash will moon so hard if this happens. Maybe 100%
I'm unironically holding until some sort of libertarian paradise ensues and I can cash out without paying taxes
Go hang out on Roger Ver's crazy people island when he makes it
make me laugh
2 k at very bottom. Will take atleast a year. Look at what happened when bitcoin hit 10x in a short amount of time and hit 1000. it slowly dropped to 200ish
Only brainlets, coinlets and normies cash out before their btc holdings are 1 million usd.
nah, the BTC market is much bigger than it was in 2013/2014
I do expect another 30-40% crash eventually since there's been quite a few of these this year
holy shit I would be so happy, if you don't load up at that price you'll never make it.
this so much. rick morty atlantis