Remember when crypto's didn't exist and Veeky Forums was a place where anons discussed stock portfolios and general...

Remember when crypto's didn't exist and Veeky Forums was a place where anons discussed stock portfolios and general discussions about the markets?

Ah, those days are long gone

whats next after crypto

It's illegal to trade stocks on insider information, essentially making stock market speculation random gambling.
It's not illegal to trade crypto on insider information, so speculators can make informed and strategic decisions.
Which one sounds like the better place to put your money?

No. Because this board was literally made because of all the crypto threads on /g/
We didn't start talking actual business until the bear market. And the board was dead as fuck then

Depends if you are on the inside or not
>you arent

>implying people don't trade stocks on insider information

This is horse shit. This board was created BECAUSE of crypto posts getting out of hand. There never was a day where we weren't mostly shitposting about cryptos. You newfaggots need to accept this.

This is untrue

Veeky Forums was created after Dogecoin set off a wave of altcoins

These threads have become a meme on biz.

ah yes. the stock market.
in ten years I'll be able to afford a used Honda Civic with my stock gains

I often wonder how long this crypto thing is going to go. Everything has a natural incline and decline, we must be pretty damn close the top. This thing might crash big

Please faggots, we are no where near the top. "early adopter".

It would take another Mt. Gox to crash the market.

>I often wonder how long this crypto thing is going to go.

It's a brand new asset class, so forever. Bitcoin might not last, but crypto as a concept will. Digital currency is just too useful of an idea in the modern era

Another Mt Gox. would hurt, but it couldn't kill the market. There are way too many exchanges in existence now

Not really I basically remember posts asking "how do I make 10k per month without leaving the house?!".

Bitfinex and tether ftw

Silver. Many libertarian types will be rich. They'll see silver at 17$ and the stock market at 24000 and think. We'll i see silver hitting 100, but the dow 150k? No way.

I do.

I wish we could get /crypto/ so we could have some of that side-hustle energy back, instead of 99% of threads screaming about ICO's, shitcoins, shills declaring moons/crashes/hodls etc.

We wuz poor n shiiiit.

Life is change

They will be lucky to live long enough for $20 silver

The good old days of book recommendations and debates about different economic view points are gone.

It's true, but back when the board was created, there weren't very many altcoins and there was more room for discussion of old world financial instruments.

It was, however, always a crypto containment board, and always will be. Deal with it, or leave.

>implying Veeky Forums wasn't always shit
Anom, please

Looks like a big dip coming soon though

I liked the discussion of actual business and personal finance. Now its just a shill show.

It was slow back then, but at least we got more triggered and wiggled in our seats at different thought ideas that make people millions.

Back to your containment thread in Robinhood general, normie.

I don't remember that because I only just started coming to the Veeky Forums website after my son introduced me to bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. I am looking to create a nice spread of alternative coins with the payout money I got for my retirement. Do you guys have any advice it would be very much appreciate :)

Yes they were shit. Then I told everyone to buy ethereum and we all got rich

Crypto existed before Veeky Forums. Before crypto was banned on/g/, Veeky Forums was nothing but get rich quick schemes and scams. So no, Veeky Forums hasn't changed at all.


Incorrect Veeky Forums was created to get crypto off of /pol/ mainly. All the econfags from pol came over talking about gay assed stocks I used to just make crypto threads. And then people realised crypto was actually a good way of putting theory in to practice and getting loaded.

Newfag detected. This has always been a crypto board.

Fuck Crypto, Amway!!!

>remember when cryptos didn't exist and Veeky Forums...
>BTC introduced in 2009
>Veeky Forums created in 2014

Really makes you think.

It was never as bad as today.
This board is 100% shill board.

Used Honda civics go for a couple grand. If you can't write a check for a new one after this bull market you suck at investing.

Now THIS is cancer. Keep that shit away from Veeky Forums.

it was comfier back then, but it was really slow. the same threads would be up for up to 2 weeks sometimes. i do miss it but there werent many people making decent gains like they are now.

we have way too many shill threads though. you dont notice how bad it is until you have like 120 threads hidden and refresh the catalog every minute. the SAME shill threads pop up every 10 minutes or so. im convinced the pajeet thing is legit and there are street shitters earning 8c for every post on this board

No, I remember when Veeky Forums was the place where people talked about how to not spill spaghetti all over the place during an entry level job interview and how to raise capital by prostitution.

>invest in a stock
>make 20 dollar over the course of 5 years with a capital of 5000 usd
wow... so exciting, i earned myself a subway sandwich
Crypto has the whole ''get rich quick'' appeal.

That is the big question.
Us latecoiners need the next big thing to get in on cents for the dollar.