Biz movies recommendations thread

Biz movies recommendations thread
>The Big Short
>Glengarry Glen Ross
>The Wolf of Wall Street
>Pirates of Silicon Valley
>The Social Network
>Inside Job
Honorable Mentions:
>Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
>Lord of War

lord of war is one of my favorites :)


The Devil's Advocate

Citizen Kane

Knee-Pad Faggots 9

Fucking newfriends

Forgot Veeky Forums old favorite

Casino is somehow still under rated despite the praise

>The Big Knee Pads
>GlenKnee Glen Pads
>The Wolf of Knee Pads
>Pads of Knee Valley
>The Social Knee Pads
>Inside Knee Pads

No american psycho? wtf

What about boiler room?

too big to fail is pretty funny

>the big short
wtf i hate banks now

you wouldnt be here if you didnt hate banks t b h

the second wall street is pretty shitty

>Margin Call

was solid from start to finish.

boiler room, excellent movie

i hated state a lot more than i hated banks, now i want crypto to kill 'em both.



Wizard of Lies. Its about Bernie Madoffs ponzi scheme and Robert DeNero plays Bernie

Margin Call
Boiler Room
American Psycho

you're missing some major classics dude

AIDA. Attention, do i have your attention. Interest, are you interested, you better be cause it's fuck or walk, you close or you hit the bricks. Decision, have you made your decision for Christ.....?.....and Action.

Why does this exact movies thread get posted every week like clockwork.

Its always the same fucking movies too- the big short, wolf of wall street etc etc.

If your gonna waste your time waste it on Snatch not layercake.

That American Genius TV series is good, first episode on the Wright brothers

Dude, Trading Places.


star wars

Does anyone else hate Star Wars

this film contains all the secrets you need to make it

I wouldn't say I hate it but I don't understand the fascination at all.

>The founder
Really good movie about how McDonald's got started. On Netflix now

Scarface. It is not a gangster film, but a satire of Reagonomic, late-era capitalism. Watch it as a drama about the deregulation of markets in the 1980s.
Nice picks, I have to back these.
Agreed. Why not the original? Wall Street is, like Scarface, not meant to glamourise the slimy oligarch at its centre. Its meant to show Gekko as a virus that eats US enterprise from the inside out. That he became an icon of the 80s tells you everything you need to know about the idiots who were running shit back then.

Starsuckers, the documentary is probably a little dated now, but made some valuable points about modern media manipulation and corporate amorality.

I haven't been on Veeky Forums since 2015 to know what's happening around, this place had became a haven for cryptoshills whatsoever

A work of sheer breenius
A delicious three-breen-salad
A real human breen