This is like the perfect vehicle for cartels to wash their dirty fucking money... in turn making us RICH.

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it has been trading for less than a month now
giive the whales time to accumulate
the past 4 days they've been buying a lot...what do you think caused that little spike


New exchanges coming up and partnerships as well. Discouraging but still going to hold

how are those discouraging?

I swear all these fucking normies here now have the attention span of a cat. Hurr durr if it doesnt moon after i bought it its not worth waiting for. Hope all the weak hands gets BTFO before we go to the moon


Its literally fluctuatig a penny. Wait until its worth $1 bro.

lol sorry am just being a dick. Man knows wassup nigga

Who getting REKT here? This is worst than the POWR bottoms getting buttfucked

you want to be buying now

I can't understand how anyone can be stupid enough to not be accumulating RCN right now.

Bittrex immediately. Huobi partnership. UpBit Korea. Alpha live with loans. Beta next month with more partnerships. FULL LAUNCH in April (shorter than most roadmaps).

The tokens will actually allow you to earn interest. What do you think will happen when the bullshit MLM ponzi schemes like BitConnect and Hextracoin finally get shut down by regulation and the only choice is something legitimate?

I just want my vert to double before I get in on this.

You may have until mid-Dec when more partnerships are announced, but who knows. It's all up to the whales when they decide it's time to let RCN fly.

wait it's on Upbit?
i had no idea
KOREA FTW!!!!!!!

also they're allocating resources to media and marketing.....

The KRW pair isn't even active yet. Only BTC/ETH pairs.

KRW pair is expected soon, expect a nice uptick then.

not a single other company is doing or has achieved what they have in the space of consumer credit.
all they need to do is begin announcing partnerships then it could moon past 2k and around 2.5k the whales will drive it up to 10k sats

Should I buy back in at .00029 ETH?

I sold at a loss earlier

Stop selling gems.


Sub 1000 sat in next 7 days screencap thia

i hope so
i want to buy as much as possible
LMAO you make it sound like this is a bad thing

do yourself a favor and take 15mins. out of your time to read today's AMA.....

Unless there are major partnerships or backings, I don't give a flying fuck.

Partnering with BIOCOIN, russians FIRST LEGAL crypto company. They have an coin sale now, $1 is 35bio. FIRST LEGAL.

All RCN needs is some GIANT FUCKING SQUIDS to come eat the whales, then we get in the space ship and get rich. Im in strong HODL mode, iron hand. Steadfast, going over flight plan.

if you dont have RCN bags and arent filling them up, then gtfo. omg, its down a PENNY.

THis is some slit your wrist smart money shit. once their PR department is up and running we in it.

If it hit's $30, im takin a mil

It being down a penny is significant if you bought at two pennies.

please read the ama you'll find what you're looking for

i read it twice to make sure i wasn't loosing it


dude, don't get emotional when investing
lay the facts in front of you and base your decision after you've evaluated them

remember you're buying into something that billionaires already bought into

Link to this cult ama?

Yes good goy, but my bags at the ath :^)


i read the AMA and they said they are diluting the market with a fuckton of new coins next year for no reason. This coin is dire.

I am reading the same shit too like fuck nigga the rcn cheerleading squad is just looking to pump and dump this turd.

This is a scam

No partnerships, only a marketing plan and the only partnership I've seen so far is with shapeshift and crypto partnerships are irrelevant, shitcoin.

so when a company like Ripply has over 35 billion in circulation and almost double that owned by them, that's not a concern.....kek

at least unlike XRP, RCN's token has utility and will be adopted by every stakeholder on the network

this FUD by the clowns swing trading at the bottom. GTFO

"kyber and enigma teamed upwanchain and aion made an annoucement todayis rcn/ripio planning to team up with some "coins/ico" existing?"

Yes, we will start announcing partnerships soon.


try harder to FUD

Are you legit retarded I just said crypto partnerships dont mean shit, and "announcing partnerships soon" means absolutely nothing, they can announce partnerships with Confido for all I know.

If you're gonna shill at least present something even remotely interesting

it's all good man
if you don't want to get in at the level then don't
All i'm saying is it's a great project and it was listed less than a month ago. and that i'm not worried about the direction this is taking because it's going to be big real real soon
if you soon not to invest in this then that's fine. be on your way and chase the next PnD for all that i care.....but lets not discount the fact that the devs are doing great work and that we look forward to announcements in the very near future...

no need to get hostile or think that anyone here owes you anything. i'm currently down 10% and i'm not going to cry about it....Strong hands here

and it's not like you or anyone that browses /biz will pump this enough for me or anyone else here to "dump" their bags.....i'm not dumping this till it hits at least a dollar

RCN gonna pay off my student loans. My ol man bought apple stock at like $1 and netflix EARLY, but sold out of each for some reason. I will make up for his fuck up. This generation is too impatient. not me. HODL


If there are any whales here, my entire portfolio is like 150$ and getting JUSTed

please help

dont panic. its gonna bounce hard on 1200


Russian mob + S. American Cartels + my bags = rocket ship to bonertown.