Why the fuck is this shitcoin dropping like a rock?
Why the fuck is this shitcoin dropping like a rock?
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>why are shitcoins shit
Dumb money fomo'ing into BTC
It's a long term invest, still unfinished
the final reckoning Arkies.... goodnight sweet princes
It's long term dude.
Just relax
Is it possible that someone is not making money right now?
Legit wtf????
Arks like the only shitcoin I had faith in and it's one of the worse effected today by this btc pump, was i really this wrong
Don't invest your rent money on this, you either need a lot of coins to stake or a lot of time.
FOMO on Bitcoin, Ark is still a work in progress, next thing is the mobile wallet release
Are you new here? This is what happens when bitcoin does it's dance. So ready for that glorified shitcoin to die so alts can flourish. There is so much better technology than that old dump buttcoin.
You don't need any minimum to stake, user. And it takes like no time
Plus when it's $100/coin, early buyers will be able to passively earn 1 or 2 a week with a relatively small investment
hopefully it is just fomo
i thought the news yesterday was pretty big...hopefully mobile wallets will help
no fag. all my other alts are fine, but ARK just took a giant dump
yeah there are a lot of scams, but i wouldnt really call ARK one of them
>Wanted to buy more ARK
>Was waiting for a dip
>Soon as I got home, it dips
Thanks fellas, nothing personell.
How do I start staking my ARK?
The lack of hype is why the price is so low. They doesn't usually announce anything. They're more of a "show, don't hype or announce" kinda team.
Start with the latest desktop wallet: Ark Client-1.4.3. Create an account, write passphrases exactly, copy/paste, take pictures. Then you vote for a delegate
$4 12/19, $5 EOY
Check out
Just got in last night and Im down over 10%, shall I add to my bags? Im a long term holder.
ark is for the long term, so yes
these dips may well be the last few chances to get in early
but only if you're willing to accept maximum delusion and let it pay off
I'd do it if you can. Might wait til it hits a floor ($3, maybe $2.80 or so if it breaks that.
yea because there are a lot of retards obviously in ARK
Yes, just don't panic sell the stagnation periods
Already found the floor and climbing back up.
There are like fucking 3+ ICO's that pay dividends of fucking 30%+ I get 250$ fucking dollars a week for a 500$ ICO buy in I did.
Jesus christ you guys are missing out on a lot of free shit, i'll start getting 2k a week for doing jack shit starting January if the price even manages to bump x5.
>not using stop-losses
You're supposed to hold when the trend is up.
Enjoy those shitcoin bags after the devs dump on you after they lured you in with impossibly sustainable returns.
What icos?
What ICO was that?
I'm not talking about Astro or Specture, I invested in another one that's closely tied with NEM.
ARK is a real piece of shit but the time IF it even becomes relevant i'd probably make more money on any ICO if I pulled it out randomly out of a hat.
>he didn't sell at 120k
Why larp?
Back up to $3.35
Literally doing fucking NOTHING
I moved my main currency out of the account, it does some node bullshit that generates whatever the fuck. All I know is that I was told to buy it in August by that fag Cliff High.
>he actually put thousands of dollars into some trash called Dimcoin
Enjoy getting dumped on.
No I put 500$ and it kept generating money.
ARK is a piece of shit and you faucet roaches are annoying and will never make it.
kek dubs twice cy@ m8
Good luck trying to sell that, you retard. That means nothing when it's not listed on ANY exchange. The price is literally artificial. You got scammed.
can't wait to moon again
>he didn't withdraw and stake AT ALL from July to September
I didn't know that was a thing until like 3 days ago lol. How much have I missed out on?
yeah, I'm insanely hard cringing at that transaction history
Like 15 Ark. Don't worry about it
about 4 ark by current staking rates
Can it moon already?
I want my holiday money
>Why the fuck is this shitcoin dropping like a rock?
BTC pump and the WAN, AION, ICON alliance announcement yesterday.
I want to buy a car to go on a roadtrip down the west coast with my girl
Is it going to go lower this week?
I'm hoping to buy at 2.90 or at least an even 3.00
Not going lower than $3 or 30k sats