This is it. Bitcoin's history in one chart. Notice anything?

This is it. Bitcoin's history in one chart. Notice anything?

>log chart

Looks like your mom’s intestine tract after I fucked her

We're going to crash March and rebound back higher by December?

if you turn it upside down it looks like a "W" signaling whales to accumulate WTC

It keeps rising forever with small bumps because of its limited supply and halving every 4 years?

Hold Bitcoin, it's literally written in the code LMAO

>log chart
It's the correct way to look at price history over long periods of time.

Hmmmmmmm, after careful analysis....

thanks bought 100k



We still got a ways to go.

>Notice anything?
thjs moon has just started

Basically this

We had wave 0. Then 1. This was 2.
Third wave brings us to $100k

explain why using a colloquial analogy or minions

Ladle and bowl?

Yeah, it's fucking tulip mania on steroids.

fucking GAINS,

I'll sell my BTC at 1,000,000

>tulip bubble actually happened

I clicked on ETH randomly, then got sidetracked on another tab. When I clicked back over to CB to check the BTC price it was $470 and I internally lost my shit for a sec before I realized I had just clicked on the ETH price lmao

Yeah, noticed that technical analysis is bullshit.

You’re fucking stupid, a trend where the line hit the chart after 5 years... really?

So going by this, it'll be $20k sometime next year? And then crash 80%?

Honestly? Who the fuck knows.
