Give me one good reason I shouldn't all in on monero right now

Give me one good reason I shouldn't all in on monero right now.

poor scaling, high transaction fees

Zencash will moon higher and faster.

you could all in on drugs

This. Also possible US banning it on US-linked exchanges. Also also, all-in'ing is dumb, spread your shit around.

Other than that though, none really.

I'd expect strong as heck short and mid-term growth, but a pretty limited long term. It'll be the king of it's niche.

It will literally replace btc

you should, its a no-brainer

Because it didn't dip yet. You weakhand will sell when you buy now and it dips 1/3 of it's price before going up to 250 USD per Monero.

honestly if you are less than 20 Monero right fucking now, you will never make it and your mother will die in your sleep tonight.

There isn't. Buying any other cryptocurrency is retarded.

- Diversification,
- It could blacklisted if it becomes the "dark web coin"
- Someone else could come along and do it better
- The CEO is a manchild that I wouldn't trust to run a McDonalds, let alone a potential billion dollar operation.

There's 4.

I have a bit of Monero but I wouldn't go above 3% on it.

Ethereum is run by a pedo autismo skelly and monero is the name brand for a privacy coin, and it being blacklisted would only drive the price up. try again

You don’t all-in on XMR at 0.018. If you really want to, then do it at 0.013.

>Monero CEO

Spagni's one of the last honest people in alts, or bitcoin for that matter. I don't have a problem with the guy. And Monero's an open source foundation, stooge.

Crypto CEO's are a meme mang

bitcoin was a "dark web coin" stupid nigger

yeah, Monero doesn't have a CEO, Spagni's never claimed to be anything but a dev and PR guy.

I'm 80% in XMR. I've researched it diligently, so I'm bullish as fuck. Plenty of news coming up soon, so it should do well during the next few months.

Losing on normies buying buttcoin at 12K. For the rest, no, there is not really an argument against monero beside that it will probably grow slower and don't make 2000% in 2 months and fall 75% in half an hour like pump and dump coins

That's not a nice thing to say, user.

Honest people don't make money and won't make me money.

Bitcoin grew beyond that though and didn't invite the wrath of governments because it's not private at all; they can trace and tax it. It's better for them than cash.

Monero is specifically designed to make that impossible though. It wants to be a darknet coin.

Don't go all in on Monero, but you should diversify into it or another privacy coin and keep it off the exchange.

Privacy coins are a good bet in that they will always have an underlying value due to black market trade. This means even if they get black listed on exchanges they should remain a relatively robust store of value. If BTC and BCC flipped tomorrow, something like Monero would likely be stable relative to the new frontrunner mid-term.

>your mother will die in your sleep tonight
Not if you post more of that girl

Monero is what Bitcoin wanted to be but failed. Accumulate while it's cheap.

So with your logic, USD wants to be the number one irl drug cash? You don't seem to value freedom and privacy very much.

>USD wants to be the number one irl drug cash
Implying it isn't

But yeah, I love the idea of monero, and have a bunch. Just trying to keep things realistic for people. I hope i'm wrong too.

>It wants to be a darknet coin.
It wants to be private. Come on man you sound like a TV reporter talking about Bitcoin a year ago.

Yeah, Monero is private as fuck so it's great for black market money, but so is cash, and bitcoin is/was used for dark nets for years now.

XMR is an absolute king of a coin and the recent price increases are showing that people think so too - watch us go to $400 in a few months.

Because when BTC corrects Monero will too, only safe havens are ETH and BCH (if even that)

Yes it is. But does this imply it "wants" to be it. No, such a statment just smells like retard. If you are interested what the xmr developper and PR people want, better dig a bit on bitcointalk, to be bluntly, it was about making crypto cash and solving the deflationary/inflationary dichotomy in crypto.

Someone needs to email bittrex support about these faggot bots artificially inflating the volume. They are feeding off weak hands. And they operate all fucking day.

It is called bcash, and nothing more than a bcore clone. Eth dies as soon as people realize that banks and shit put their names behind random projects all the time, and pull out as soon as it goes belly up

Sure, but as long as Monero is still used to buy drugs it will retain decent value relative to whatever coin becomes the financial darling in the longer term.

You won't see mad gains, but privacy coins are great insurance against some catastrophic event like a flippening. Privacy coins are a good choice.

U wot?
Are you really complaining about bots in crypto. What next? Fight hft bots on wallstreet?. Top Kek

Bitcoin Cash is going to be the natural hedge against BTC. ETH is a different ecosystem and will be minimally correlated- BCH will be inversely correlated, especially in a sudden crash