
Bro's I have a spare 1k to drop in crypto. Looking for long term bag holding



What do you guys think.


than 2 lottery coins like IOTA and ARK

DNA is launching a live product in 3 weeks. They've already got customers. They're expanding into a rapidly growing $20billion industry. Go and research them now.


link for sure easy 100k from that 1k

I never liked how theres no frontdoor.

If youre not holding OMG, you're seriously retarded. Existing company with billions of transactions in a year, ALL Omises clients switching to OMG blockhain in the future.. OMG going POS next year.

You do the math.




Link and Xmr.
Xmr is the better store of value at this point.
Everyone taking profits off Bitcoin will be hiding it in Xmr. Everytime Bitcoin surges from New user base, Xmr will surge a little later as the old days take profits off the top.
Link, or any other "Oracle" coins, will easily 20x this next year. Just keep an eye out as they develope and diversify your investments. The winner will 100x, and the others will top out at 20.
Eth and the rest are good, but don't have as much room to grow as link, etc.
Basically, Xmr is your savings account, and link is your checking account.

Look into ARK

My advice is to get out and do your own research, otherwise you're gonna regret it.

already 1 billion market cap
stay mad holding your bags

I thank you all, definitely look into it.

The past months been very volatile.
Is it good to wait and see how things roll out?

Those above mentioned coins are at ATH now, I'd be not sure to enter now.



ETP (probably)
OMG (maybe)

XMR is the call

LTC is gonna die because it's nothing too special

IOTA is really nice but a little risky

ETH is nice but I feel like a crash is immenet

Link is the worst idea don't let this board trick you. It could hit $100 right now and I wouldn't give a fuck. Shit is how to lose money 101.

I wouldn't even buy LINK at 0.08

lol, anyone noticed the candle bar graph in the top right pic?

Can't know. We are currently in a crazy coin bubble. btc might go to 100K till correction to 20K or it will correct in the next days to 5K. No one knows, except for those fuelling the pump, and your 1K want do much affect it in any way.

If you really planned hodling 2 years, it doesn't really matter for you.

LINK is at a good price right now