Promised wedding ring @ $500/ETH

Hello fellow anons,

I promised my wife I will get her a real wedding ring (i've bought her only a very cheap version for our wedding) worth of 5 ETH when ETH will hit $500.

Tried my best to multiply my ETH, didn't really work out.

Now as ETH approaches $500 I need your help. Every little ETH will help me buying her a new wedding ring.

Will post pic if I get to buy it.

This is actually my real traiding address, not hidding anything:

Other urls found in this thread:

well i have news for you bud! stay poor and get cucked

New ATL every day

Lel, nice try. Go get a real job user. Also, remember to HODL.

Give her 0.0000001 bitcoins and tell her it's more rare and valuable than diamond

Give her a timeframe for a ring and yacht


Enjoy your divorce.


6 months

These begging threads are getting annoying, especially when they come with a stupid story like this.

You made a promise to your wife that you can't keep, now you're asking Veeky Forums to bail you out.

Yea, you are right.

Apologizing for this thread.

Sorry guys, was a big mistake!

My wife and I have steel wedding rings

Flashy jewelry isn't important to her

Different wife, different life.

Sent you 2 BTC ur begging worked

Wedding rings especially diamonds are a big scam. Look it up. Stop falling for memes from the 50s

I know this is terrible, but she’ll thank you in the long run... Cash out one, and buy a super nice fake. Say you got it at an estate sale auction, or actually get one at an estate sale auction.. they’re super affordable..

Sauce on the diamond scam is here:

send me too

Well, I already bought her the super fake cheap one. Didn't last long.

Sent you 5 ETH

You know the blockchain is pooblic, we can see txs to all adreeeses

Hey OP, sharpie in pooper timestamped and I will send 1 ETH


Hope you have children, so they can also enjoy the divorce of their parents.

>wasting thousands of dollars on a useless rock
Women are such a fucking waste it's unreal that people keep falling for it.

No, OP is a fucking waste for putting himself into a position that he is incapable of solving. If he was an honest man that wasn't so pathetic, we wouldn't be here and there would be space on this board for more link threads, not beggars.