who is still alive out there
damage report
who is still alive out there
damage report
please kill me already
> fell for the ARK memes
> fell for the LINK memes
ark is a meme
link is real but you bought it too early.
Not much damage, wished I went in harder in my smaller positions when they were plunging a month ago.
Why do I still have 4% in dysfunctional coin???
3.25 -> 1.2 BTC sergeant "strong handed retard"reporting in
All in REQ. Under the top 100 hodlers. Either calling the suicide hotline in several months or getting a real estate god.
Well, twas a long way struggle. We got reports of the chinese goin' up high, so my platoon attacked them on the eastern front on august to september. They all went crashing down, I lost half my crew, sir. It hurt to see them die. That soulless devil had rings as loops sir. It hurt us, I lost my leg. Then I lost hope for the chinese sir. I looked down in my pocket and I had lost some of my gains off ZRX and DNT, I loved them sir, they were amazing.
Then, I decided never to trust a chinese again. I grabbed all my money... But, you don't wanna hear this sir... I lost an arm... a leg... and my dignity with TNT... It blew up in my face and it hurt, but I still went through... I waited till it got on binance and sold the shit out of it.
Now I'm here, with 28 ETH and a lost dignity of what could've been. I'm still hanging through sir. Now take me to the moon and fix my legs.
I can't sleep it hurts
Went in various ICOs between August and Sept.
Waiting on the rises, I've already made 2x my original investment. But obviously the major moons are yet to come. Look forward to it. If I can make 10x what I have no I'll be golden.
12.7 BTC worth to less than 5 checking in.
What ICO if I may ask?
Doing pretty alright. Finally let my LINK go, made my money back in hours. Doubled down on REQ and it immediately went up 10%. Bought into a comfy position on GVT. Can't complain!
Haha i can tell your a newfag
>pro tip, one of those coins has a community outside of Veeky Forums and its not LINK
Seriously not a terrible idea considering all these 10X ICO moon missions happening lately. This one is over-fucking-due
Holding ODN hahah
In terms of fiat, I'm still ok (Im heavy on ETH, LTC and IOTA, and they are all mooning), but in terms of BTC I'm down a bit.
I keep telling that since I made Fiat profit I'm good, but this BTC rally is making me feel like I'm missing out. At the same time, I'm super positive about the crash, intend to buy the dip (only have 10% of my portfolio in BTC right now).
bought dnt and fun and sold immediately after
Still hodling comfy between ETH, POWR, & RCN.
nigga if u dont turn the option to satoshis view...
Deluded arkie, reporting in
Lost 50% of my holding, if I convert back to BTC now. Didn't lost much in fiat, but fuck it