Incoming long red 1 hour candle. Hold on to your butts.
BTC Meme Line Broken
>being this new
Just watch.
>the crash is coming
Go look at what happened 2 days ago, it "crashed" all the way to 9400.
Yeah, I called that one too.
Hour just changed. Watch.
OK buddy.
You can't draw a trendline that is angled 89.9 degrees up on a 1d chart and then be surprised when it breaks and claim its crashing
it's literally mooning to ATH as we speak you retard
christ i hope you get short liquidated
KEK, it absolutely mooned the shit out of your prediction, you Harvard rocket scientist. No shit BTC is gonna drop this week massively but please keep your "predictions" out of this board. You make yourself look like a scammy fortuneteller.
This, OP please stop trying so hard.
What are you, the meme line police? Don't tell me what I can't do.
>it's at ath, it can't correct right now
Ladies and gentlemen, an actual retard!
of course he isn't shorting, fucking TA fags don't believe in the shit they say they just want to feel smart because of their lines
if TA fags followed their own advice they would be liquidated 10 times already and would stop posting.
Watch what happens when it hits $11.5k
No, you stated it was gonna drop immediatly but instead it went to ATH. He called you out for it, and you make it seem like he said it won't drop anymore but he didn't say that
>being this illiterate
Do you know what 1 hour candles are? They're candles, one for each hour. I posted right before the hour changed. Just watch. By 10AM EST you'll be eating crow.
>doesn't hit 11.5k and goes down
lmao you're wrong in every direction holy kek
show me your short
oh look, it's this thread again
>doesn't hit 11.5k
This post hasn't really aged well.
>so new
just hodl and watch what happens, you'll learn something
welp...i didn't want to believe it, but at this point it's undeniable that the normies are here in full force. i'm missing out on one of the biggest bubbles mankind has ever created by holding an excellent collection of shitcoins. could've almost retired at this point if i switched that shit for BTC two months ago, good job me.
>47 minutes in
>hour candle is exactly flat
>op predicted also 11.5k which didn't happen then pretended he meant it wouldn't happen
This is why TA fags are so poor and no one takes them seriously.
>the state of ta cucks
Here we were goooĆ³
All in BCH