At what point should you cash out?
At what point should you cash out?
Should we tell him?
What is cash out?
haha, not yet, dumping my bags as we speak
>cash out?
what are you talking about? do you really think it works like that?
like 6 hours ago
Mate you can't cash out. At least not during a BTC freefall. All exchanges will pull the plug.
Don't forget: You'll hodl forever.
Last night
>he thinks he can cash out
>he thinks he can cash out
but you can't. pic. related
>he thinks we were just meming
it's ogre
user... I-I...I'm sorry.
its impossible to cash out retard
ITT Retards only use coinbase and think there is no other way to cash out.
When you have your indicators that you should have learned to recognize tell you.
Why would you buy a depreciating asset like USD with an appreciating asset like BTC?
Like, what is your IQ bro, seriously lmao.
You still havent cashed out LMFAO
The problem is no one wants to make the effort to get an own wallet.
please, user. Enlighten us. Cookie?
>cash out
If you have a sub-180IQ. You need a big brain to be able to thrive in this market.
never cash out. dont even look at BTC/USD pair. one day u can buy all things with btc instead of fiat money. if you´re looking for fiat though, wait until btc reaches a million $. even then, i would not cash out. bitcoin will be the biggest bubble in the history of mankind.
>trying this hard
now i am confident i need to run for the exit
Yeah, Buttcoin saved again today by pulling the plug on the cash out. Days ago was the DDoS on Binance.
> If BTC is so strong why does it need so much handicap?
You have to be very dumb or be paid to not READ the writing on the wall. BTC is going down, something better witll replace it.