Sergey has dumped 1 million LINK tokens on binance so far with another 5 mil locked and loaded in the same wallet that the initial mil was dumped from. This is not FUD, this is real. Top wallets 2-7 started with 50 million tokens each, wallet 7 is down to 42 mil. 1 million of them were dumped on binance and that same dump wallet was sent another 5 mil this week. 600k of it is locked and loaded ready for the dump. Proof in pic. You can follow the tokens yourself on etherscan, they did indeed 110% end up on binance.
Proof of Sergey dumping LINK on binance
This is the wallet that the million tokens ender up in it. It is indeed a binance wallet. Feel free to fact check this for yourselves on etherscan.
True if big
huge if big
Nothing to say pepe baller? Nothing at all? I own a lot of LINK and this coupled with the complete lack of communication and updates to github is no joke. I will admit that I am
But I am still not selling. This can NOT be construed as good news no matter how you try and spin it.
1/3 the tokens for incentive
1/3 in the presale
1/3 for the devs
But I assume the exchanges have to be sold some initially and it looks like that came out of the dev pot.
big if big
So far in the red that I'll never sell
And what makes you think this is Sergey?
> HODLing
Can you post this on the linktrader subreddit? I'm banned on all accounts
1) how do you know it's sergey's wallet?
2) even if they went to binance, that doesn't mean they went there to get dumped.
These tokens were sent to binance about 20 days ago, long after it was listed. Trust me, I have tried to justify this to myself and write it off as nothing, but I just can't at this point.
New hire who is getting vested? Potentially to an advisor
u know guys. maybe they need actually cash to run a company?
>These tokens were sent to binance about 20 days ago, long after it was listed.
Like I said, wallets 2-7 started with 50 mil each which is the devs 300 mil split into 6 wallets as explained in the white paper that the devs set aside for themselves. This is not fake man, I wish it was. You can fact check everything I'm saying here.
Even if thats the case, that would mean this person with inside information is not confident enough in the company that he sold his tokens for pennies on the dollar. This is an impossible situation to portray in a positive light.
Holy crap, is this the state of Linkies now?
Why would someone send a million tokens to binance for any reason other than to sell them
to scare people like you?
they have 32 million dollars for that
They just got 32 mil in the ICO. Are they out of money? Where did it go? No new hires, no progress, no nothing.
the absolute state of link bagholders
A bunch of tokens were always meant for funding the devs.
Don't they have to sell tokens to Binance so binance has them? What if they ran out?
... in tokens, user
Jesus christ you people.
They lost it in the parity hack.
Everything that has more then 3 threads in Veeky Forums is a shilling market indicator, it's only understandable if you only been lurking here for a month but seriously people it's so god damn easy.
It must be sad, painful and lonely being a Linkie
I feel sorry for you guys, you got scammed
Binance charges a transaction fee in LINK. When LINK is sold on the exchanche its becsuse someone vought those same tokens. It's not possible for them to run out.
>They just got 32 mil in the ICO
Explain where they got this 32 mil.
I didnt intend to loose money lol, thank god I sold this long ago.
there are no devs though lmao
you volunteering for Go coding maybe?
they received 32 million dollars worth of ETH
I would know, 60 of those eth were mine
they've hired one part time dev and they already need to cut into the developer tokens?
holy fuck you are delusional
Wrong quote?
this link fud is getting to me fuck
They took our eth then cashed out. The tokens were worthless.
Are you serious? They raised 32 million in ETH from the ICO which was exchanged for LINK tokens that were created by the devs for free. This is how ICO's work man.
Its ok, they're gonna have a roadmap someday soon.
They might even hire a Go developer in a few months!
Just wait for SIBOS 2018 guys
Chainlink ICO round 2 will be right before Sibos 2018
Link is literally just an utter shit-show. However, I don't blame anons for hodling, since what other options exist at this point?
>they're gonna have a roadmap someday
because the way to run a business or any project actually is to have a roadmap someday, right?
30% of the total supply of Link was always intended for funding.
This information has been readily available on their website from the very beginning.
Wtf are you doing user?
I was a former LINK whale in the top 50 wallets, sold 2 weeks ago. The devs are blowing smoke they have nothing
> Picks up 9mm
> *BANG*
Are you a fucking brainlet or what?
We sent them ETH in the ICO and they gave us tokens.
They kept 32 million worth of ETH plus the 300 million LINK tokens.
There is literally no reason to touch those tokens whatsoever.
Even for paying the exchange listings, their ETH alone is enough for them to continue with this project for years.
Moving "locked" tokens to the exchange ruins the credibility of the team, what the fuck were they thinking?
well yes, you need a roadmap. Link doesnt have a roadmap now, and they havent made one in the months since the ICO. But they will have a roadmap someday! Maybe Q3 2018?
So they spent 32 million dollars (much more if they left some in eth) in approximately 2 months? That doesn't sit right with me.
You people are retarded lmaoooo
ALL eth from the presale was turned into Link, the funding for the devs was always in Link.
30% of Link was always meant for funding.
This has been clearly and proudly displayed on the website since the very beginning.
But hey, good luck baiting idiots into selling low, I guess.
9mm wont pierce that think skull of yours
Get some buffalo bore 357
Yeah, how about the ETH after the pre-sale?
Do you think they're fucking alchemists? They got to keep 2/3 of the link and all the eth we sent them. Where the fuck would that eth go other than into sergeys pocketbook? The Link literally came out of nowhere.
You don't magically turn ETH into LINK and poof it's gone, you must be trolling.
My sentiments exactly. I will be keeping a VERY close eye on those 5 million tokens that were sent to the dump wallet. If hit binance, I'm exiting my position. I just can't do it anymore. This coming from a HUGE Link fanboy.
All cryptos come out of nowhere you idiots
Read that post again. And All ETH from the ICO was turned into Link you brainlets.
The funding is 30% of all Link.
What's gone?
>not being able to tell the difference between real genuine posts and shill posts
t's only understandable if you only been lurking here for a 10 year time period but seriously people it's so god damn easy
>Just wait for SIBOS 2018
This scamcoin has lost over 6x it's satoshi price since fucking October. Soon to be the next Digibyte or DNT and lose over 10x. Bagholders do yourselves a favor and get out now.
how much was it again?
I just wonder if anyone is asking for explanations for these shady transactions in slack RIGHT NOW?
I'd ask Rory, but I got banned for asking this exact kind of questions already.
WTF do I know about the Link ICO motherfucker? You just said presale, which to me is the sale before the official ICO
just accept you've been Joost'd and kys
Can anyone else believe Sergey just up and left the rest of the team?
You have no idea what you are talking about, they didn't "turn the 32 mil ETH" into LINK. The 32 mil was supposed to be for development purposes and in exchange for that ETH the investors received LINK tokens that WERE FREE to create. I can literally create my own ERC20 shitcoin for free right now if i wanted to.
Lol it's so funny how people of inferior intelligence get manipulated. They literally just get shilled by seeing a lot of threads and their monkey brains causes them to buy it without doing any proper research.
Idk it's hard to feel bad because these retards were going to get fucked by crypto one way or another.
I have asked MULTIPLE times for a response from Rory but my request have been ignored repeatedly.
Someone post a fat Sergey picture.
I haven't saved any of them and I have a feeling I'm going to need them for the future.
and what did your research tell you?
It's good isn't it. I consider the 500 bucks I'm throwing in bar and eating out money. Who knows what will happen.
>Do you think they're fucking alchemists?
i lel'ed
dude we are surrounded by idiots
To not invest in an obvious scam lol.
Please explain what do you mean by "turn".
Do you think they make tokens out of Ether or what lmao?
The tokens are created out of thin air buddy.
Eh, watch out for than ban hammer my fellow linkie.
What kind of atmosphere is in the slack currently?
I thought we'd have livestreamed suicides at this point.
I believe the ICO has had a great impact on Sergey, and only he can solve this. For an average person to be given 32m in faith of succesfully completing a project...that is a lot of pressure to handle. A lot of thoughts must have crossed his mind, and I'm sure he's battled his own demons with being presented to this situation.
-Being meet with a "reward" of 32m before completion greatly diminishes motivation to complete the project and give the same amount of driven effort compared to before.
-With all these new investors, there are a lot of new eyes on me. What if I fail? What if I succeed, but can't handle it?
-Investors bring questions and expectations, with such a small team attempting such a large would be no surprise if they end up overwhelmed...and resort to having so much to do, that they end up getting nothing done.
-Expectations lie not only within the community, but Sergey himself. Not meeting his own expectations can resort to frustration, which leads to even lesser performance and continues this spiral of unproductivity.
There are a lot of signs of distress being shown by Sergey. There are not many reasons why a project of this magnitude should be neglected with such poor cooperation and community awareness. One of them is definitely an inner conflict with Sergey.
-His recent notable weight gain. No one gains that much weight and feels good. It is VERY possible he is eating to cope with the pressure and expectations of the massive issue his company has promised to solve.
-He recently took a vacation. I believe this is a similar attempt at coping with the pressure, in a way similar to running from his problems.
He is in a state of metaphorical paralysis, where postponing the acknowledgment of the obvious distress amongst the community seems to be his percieved option. He is postponing the inevitable, and will blow the whole project is he continues to run from his problems.
Ok, opinion dropped
alright which faggot linked this thread to reddit
i know its shameful but accept it
What the fuck is this, Dr.Phil?
I don't care about his feelings and insecurities.
He opened his pocket and asked for 32 million dollars, now it's time to sit the fuck down and finish the project you were paid for.
>Sergey collected 32 million for 35% of the total supply
>Sergey dumps tokens from the remaining 65% on tokenholders
Why can't he use the Ether to fund his lifestyle? Why did he have to dump LINK?
I don't mind, reddit can actually have a productive discussion on this particular one without a bunch of FUD memes, layered trolling efforts and other Veeky Forums tricks, so I'll watch to see what they will conclude.
Dam dude...well said.
>-His recent notable weight gain. No one gains that much weight and feels good. It is VERY possible he is eating to cope with the pressure and expectations of the massive issue his company has promised to solve.
That's the one thing that scares me the most, what if he turns into a balloon?
Where the fuck is pepe baller when i need him!
Because the Ether is increasing in value.
So you admit you are deluded and you still hold even when your corrupted shitcoin is getting dumped by the devs themselves? HOLY FUCK THIS A NEW LEVEL OF DELUSION THAT ONLY A LINKIE CAN ACHIEVE
Here you go senpai
Unfortunately very small, it's the only one I got
"hands 32 million to two devs with a website and white paper"
wtf did you morons expect, there are people who spend years growing their business with a a highly established customer base and years of proven revenue and growth that dont come close to being worth 32million and you gave him that as just startup money
of course ICOs are a fucking bubble and tons of ppl are getting burned
Not in USD but in ETH,
right now it should worth around 50m unless he cash out since ICO finished
Can someone explain to me what kind of limits are on that $32m?
What nationality even is Sergey? Are you telling me since Link started he's had access to a bank account with millions and he can use it at will? No fail-safes, locks and other systems?
Jesus I'm not surprised he went AWOL. I'm surprised every shitcoin dev doesn't dissapear. He became a millionaire at 20/30-something, why risk it all just to please some basement dwelles and not dump his share and run? Who needs a reputation in a work field if you're loaded for life?
>All ETH from the ICO was turned into Link you brainlets.
>What is the SEC
>What is Federal Prison for committing securities fraud
I dont think sergey is buff enough for prison. Maybe that's why he's growing moobs
Thanks, it'll do for now.
My McDonalds posts lack the punch they need without an image.
If he doesn't take the money and run but instead simply half asses making this work out and it slowly fails it isnt "fraud" but instead just another failed startup. You knew the risks investing.
He's not an American citizen. He's a Russian citizen.
It's all in an ETH wallet, he has all of the money in ETH so yeah basically he could cash everything out straight to his bank account if he wanted.
There are no regulation for this type of shit anyway. Look at Confido though that was a much lower amount.
You could get killed over this much money.
But he has enough funds to run the project from the background.
Even if he wants to fuck off, he could still pull this off so idk what the fuck is his problem to be honest.
Isn't it obvious that this was a scam? Look at the whole thread lmao no legitimate argument against this "FUD", holy shit it's staring at you right in the face. They are dumping their own tokens. What else could it be? Seriously, listen, they fucking sent their tokens from the dev wallets to an exchange 2 months after the listing. Literally for what other fucking reason other than to dump their tokens? Nothing. Fucking nothing. It's fun to shit on all of you linktards but seriously this shit is staring at you right in the fucking face. I know the confido fucks are just meme-ing but what else could it be? I mean, what the fuck holy fuck I'm repeating myself but I'm imagining staring at the face of you bagholders asking you repeatedly, what else could it be? Why the fuck would they fucking send their tokens to a fucking exchange? It's so fucking sad actually.