The correction is upon us, the LTC moon shall ascend

bought LTC today after my normie friend was bragging about having just bought one full litecoin. realized at that point that fundamentals had gone out the window. instead they would see on coinbase this thing being 1% the price of bitcoin and go "oh that looks like a much better deal"

Litecoin will moon! Predictions were $100 for December and it came sooner than anticipated.

If it breaks $120, it'll moon to $250 just like ETH did earlier this year. The walls per dollar value are only $10 from $120 onward for a while, so a possible massive 2x breakout is very possible.

you tell em' steve dave!

Agreed, that is how I thought when I started and with all the fresh meat, no doubt.

i want to buy but i'm waiting for it to go lower. it was just at $80 the other day, will it return there or should i buy now?

I'd only spend what your willing to loose. Don't play with scared money but its not too late to just invest at $80.

Fucking massively under rated post.

Buy high sell low bro!

Trips confirmed

Bought Mona yesterday when it dipped, put rest in LTC. Trying not to FOMO back to BTC before gains.

New here,

When you buy LTC on coinbase, do you need to transfer it to an exchange to have the value go up? Or can you just leave it in your coinbase wallet

use gdax exchange. it is integrated with coinbase

That shit is pegged to BTC harder than your ass last night.

What lol... no. A coin is only worth what someone will it from you for.


Wait you can transfer your BTC into a prepaid visa card?? USA ok?

Bitpay works pretty okay

Still waiting for this shit to moon, you said soon, when?


this coin never moons its shit, it only went 2x in fucking 3 months

Think of it logically.
LTC has more or less been steadily increasing at a 100:1 ratio to BTC. But this is not the rational ratio. If LTC is truly the silver to BTC's gold, as I believe it is, then we must look at the historic value of actual silver relative to actual gold, which is 40-80%, so let's average that out to 60%.

So, LTC should average out as about 60% of BTC's value, which speculative economics teaches us it WILL average out to in time, probably at a steady rate of its true ratio to BTC's value at any given point in time.
Now, we have no way of knowing what BTC's price is going to do, but we have it on strong authority that it will rise by some amount. Some say it will inch upward at a snail's pace after the bubble self-corrects, and others think it will increase exponentially in value from here on out. Let's find a healthy middle between these two extremes and say that BTC will maintain its current rate of increase of 35-40% per month. So, according to our model, LTC will increase at 60% of that rate, or approximately 23% a month.
So, by the end of December LTC will be worth approximately $123. January it will be worth 123% of that figure, and so on.

Tbh the 1:4 ratio doesn't make all that much sense since other things are going to atomic swaps w/ btc too.

I wouldn't apply the actual silver/gold ratio in this case, it should really be the supply which is 4x BTC. If litecoin had the same "value" as bitcoin it should be 1/4th the price (or $2500 currently)

Also gold and silver have actual physical properties that drive supple and demand

Back to comfy steady longterm gains

I second this.

Good point.

Besides, I messed up the equation. LTC would, in that scenario rise by 160% of BTC's increase. That is, it would rise by 60%, meaning it would be worth $160 by the end of January. Or, $147 by your estimate of LTC's true ratio.

*end of December

we about to pass Bitcoin Gold again. Strap in lads.

I feel like this is almost pasta at this juncture