Good idea

Thou8ght of a good idea to use Quantum suicide as a method of getting rich.

>buy coin, stock, whatever
>connect a shotgun to blast your brains out if it drops to a certain point

this will ensure it goes up forever. You could keep moving your stop loss up and up

Best idea on Veeky Forums ever. Lets do it user.

I did this, it really works. Scary as fuck but basically I did it and every stock I pick just starts going up. The scary thing is you never know if it's actually working and countless alternate version of you are dying, or if it's just sheer luck and any second you might die. Still the adrenaline rush is insane. Btw that's why McAfee believes BTC is going to 1MM, because he does this. Of course in our timeline McAfee will be found dead from Russian roulette, but he'll be in a new reality where BTC is even higher. That's why he bet he'd eat his dick, he literally knows he's gonna die if BTC doesn't go up, in this timeline he'll be dead.

you should start an ICO that sets up these types of trading strategies into a fund
might be the best idea ever to be put on ethereum's network

this. when he dies that means sell your bitcoin

quantum suicide is cool until you think about the infinite realities in which you just become a vegetable

Just use a suicide method that leaves no possibility of surviving. A grenade necklace perhaps.

except, there's still an infinite number of worlds in which all the grenades manage to malfunction

The grenades malfunctioning is the point of quantum suicide. You'll always be in the universe where they malfunction.

How about a helium gas tank connected to a gas mask then, jesus you're hard to please.

dude, there's always going to be an infinite number of worlds in which you're a vegetable
as well as infinite number of worlds in which you survive unscathed

>Become a vegetable
>Yolo, 100x leverage quantum suicide until 1MM BTC
>Freeze yourself
>Thaw yourself out 100 years later
>Use BTC to build a cyborg body

Yfw you realise this is exactly what happened to Hal Finney. He got ALS from trying Q.S. but he did it until he ended up in the reality where he was Satoshi. In his original timeline he was -a loser who missed the boat and he went on Veeky Forums asking for advice. Sort of like OP.

yeah 100 years from now they ask whats a bitcoin?

Infinite does not mean every outcome. There are infinite numbers between 0 and 1. That doesn't mean there aren't also infinite integers, but it means you can be in a universe where the only outcomes are between 0 and 1.

There will never be a universe you perceive where you don't exist, for example. That doesn't mean that those universes don't exist, it just means you'll never perceive them.

Conversely, you can devise a method of quantum suicide that is mathematically impossible to fail and it won't ever fail. Not in any of the infinite universe you might be in.

>Believes in Quantum Suicide
>Skeptical about Bitcoin

I agree about the infinities thing, lots of people don't understand infinities themselves follow certain patterns. I.e. There an infinite number of universes but not an infinitely high probability of each outcome. If there were an infinite number of universes where I won the lottery every day but with my breakfast food being slightly different in each one, the probability would be infinitely high that I'd end up in one of them.

>You'll always be in the universe where they malfunction.
But wouldn't there be multiple (infinite) universes where you survived for all kinds of reasons? What decides which one you end up in?

Solution: Make it so shotgun blast head, then body bomb goes off, then house burns down

Then there is an extremely low chance that you live in an universe where he lives on this long unscathed. Not saying it's not possible, just for some almond activation.

*extremely low chance of ending up living in a universe where

It needs to be an observable viewpoint to be viable
Vegetable basically = dead

But seriously. Life is a 0 or 1 thing.

Most people live at 0 levels of insignificance. Only a small fraction ascend to really living beyond the basics if the zero level. if you're going to spend your life in mediocre suburbia married to a 6 with 2 kids and a mortgage who gives a fuck?? Go big even if it means giving up your comfortable insignificant life- not like it matters to anyone I the first place

>“Quantum immortality, which posits that no one ever dies, they only appear to. Whenever I might die, there will be another universe in which I still live, some quantum event (however remotely unlikely) which saves me from death. Hence, it is argued, I will never actually experience my own death, but from my own perspective will live forever, even as countless others will witness me die countless times. Life however will get very lonely, since everyone I know will eventually die (from my perspective), and it will seem I am the only one who is living forever — in fact, everyone else is living forever also, but in different universes from me.”

Genuinely surprised I'm not the only one /leveraged 100x quantum trading/ here. Post your suicide failsafes with timestamp for btc.

.....but, but making the decision to engage in quantum suicide is practically random. There's an infinite number of universes in which you already decide to engage in that activity and an infinite number in which it never occurs to you. The whole thing falls apart.

>he thinks thoughts are random

look up Transient Global amnesia

>Post your suicide failsafes with timestamp for btc.
How about you start

The specific arrangement of all subatomic particles in our universe is not determined moment by moment but rather predetermined at the beginning of time.

The placement of all subatomic particles is essentially random and this theory cannot possibly work without having an infinite number of universes which appear completely to be the same but which are technically completely different in an infinite number of ways, if there is an infinite amount of space.

Agreed. You're very likely to never try it to begin with, since that subset insures the greatest probability of survival. If you're really on your own optimal path, then it's very unlikely to include a machine rigged to kill you whenever the value of btc drops or rises

Ok I looked it up....and?
I'll concede that thoughts are not random, as it's pretty self-evident they're caused by events or chains of events...

well, in this context, the only thoughts that matter is the real you, not the puppet you in the other universes, they dont have a conscience or individual thoughts, otherwise they wouldnt die either

What if you experience all outcomes
one at a time

Holy shit I used to be a brainlet but this just made me understand Quantum in meaning.

impossible because you cant go back in time

right now Im in my real universe, talking to the puppet version of you, and you are receiving messages from the puppet version of me, simultaneously, the same thoughts, different outcomes


Well, it would be non-linear, but it would be experience as if one-after-another. In reality they're happening simultaneously, but they can't be experience that way

Anyway, if you're really off in your own universe where things are (presumably) better than they're happening for me in my universe, then the probability is high that one of us never even had this conversation. You (or I) might never even come to Veeky Forums for instance, so why would you assume we're having the same conversation in different universes? You might not even exist in my prime universe

How did I manage to drop the d off experienced twice

if you are reading this you are in your prime universe and so am I, but theres no way to verify you arent a puppet about to die. If you are truly real, and reading this, I promise you are universes have contacted for this moment, as I am real

Everyone would swear up and down that they are real

schrodinger's kek

Yes but they are are thinking through the main vessel, which is you. Puppet you has no conscience

schrodinger's retard

But this is the problem. This is borderline solipsism

And if the possibilities are infinite, universes would never contact. You'd merely be in a universe where I happen to be behaving the same way I am in mine.

What about your parents? They must certainly exist if you do and my mother has a degenerative muscle illness. It seems like she should exist in a universe that she never had it

It was an entertaining thought when I was in my 20s but once I started getting grey hairs I realized I was aging just like everyone else. How can I be aging if I'm going to live forever?

those are just puppet thoughts. You will live forever

well, not you that Im talking to here, but the real you, will exist when they find a way to slow down mitosis, and then you will live forever

you are speaking of the puppet version of your mother fyi, and, if this illness is not the cause of death, then she has it in all universe

So you're saying because it's genetic, then it must exist in all iterations? What if just that one gene was different? Does that count as a completely different person? Because that reality surely exists too. Why can someone make completely different life choices and be the same person but if they just have one gene different then they're a different person

no you are assuming an infinite possibilities exist, but only the same exist with slight variations. like the Odd number example. all puppets are controlled by the main puppeteer until Death situation occurs

i guffawed at this