Sounds like a pussy
Haha stay poor faggot.
hope you get raped and addicted to drugs.
replace bitcoin with dollars in that post and see how retarded that sounds
i was just about to say that lol
wait till this guy hears about USD.
The most common use case for bitcoin is buying other shitcoins and charity.
He's right though
USD is used everyday to finance war, terror and mass destruction weapons.
wow lol sorry didnt even realize. just sold all my bitcoin. only made 900% but Ill do it for the children
Honestly isn't a public ledger better than cash at tracking down this stuff, LOL
of course monero is BTFO
wtf i hate money now
Literally all of that applies to the US dollar
That doesn't make sense; you need physical presence to transfer cash without being traced easily. That's not possible in most of his examples. Early bitcoin allowed for Silk Road, modern private crypto (Monero, ZCash) are designed for stuff like that.
His complaints are whack though, private transactions are probably more good than bad.
>you need physical presence to transfer cash without being traced easily.
>>you need physical presence to transfer cash without being traced easily.
Salty as fuck
Lamprey fears being detached from host. Film at eleven.
He is saying that IRL transfer of money is the most anonymous way of transacting, anything else is traceable.
do people really need to make everything into a social justice issue? fucking dweeb faggot is probably 100k in debt from his shiity lib arts college
You can make the same argument about the internet
I wish I could reply to this a-hole directly and say:
"Congratulations to all of you who have ever used paper money! Not only have you condoned some of the most heinous crimes committed in recent history by using a currency designed to allow things like human/child trafficking, infesting communities with drugs like heroine, funding private wars.... etc."
I understand Crypto can and has been used for nefarious purposes, but at least there is no cocaine residue on my Bitcoin.
> legitimate financial products don't contribute to human suffering
WEW lad