Link hits yet another new low. This coin is now officially in the grave.
BREAKING: link no longer in top 100
Bumping so bagholders can see.
It was out last week you bully
fuck all y'all
This is old news and link is up like 10% last 24hrs. KYS
What a shocking revelation.
we're back bitches
chek em
Hahahaha aaaaannnnd it's gone.
Link is cancer.
Price is dropping as we speak. Should be at 10 cents soon
As we speak the price is +18% up and at 0.17$ again and still rising.
You don't even try to sound like a non-pajeet lowlife human existence anymore, right?
Where's that "smug pepe baller" poster? WHERE?!
And back to top100 lmao. Why dead project? Because faggots are fudding and are impatient like little kids who wants lollipops and can't wait for updates? Nothing changed in ChainLink, they are working hard and will deliver and you will be very sorry for selling and good luck fomoing back once there are news and bittrex. Link is still project with one of the biggest potential on the market right now, like it or not.
One coin in that screenshot is gonna make everyone here with patience and iron hands very wealthy. Thats RCN
Never bought this shitcoin. I've been too busy making gains on raiden gvt and dcorp.
It's up 1 percent lmao.
ITT shitcoin dumps again, suprise!
Even the dev dumped his worthless coin on these retards lmao
Do the FUDders honestly believe that LINKs volume right now has even the slightest effect on its prospective success,or are they just fucking with people?
LINKs trading volume could be LITERALLY zero until main net launch and the only people it would affect would be day traders.
>up +18%
>still at $0.15
user are you delusional?
2 threads a day.
90% of it is pajeets trying to flip vs each other day trading. The FUD is to get holders to drop them bags so they can actually make a profit. All the while dropping the price lower and lower. HODL! do not feed the pajeets.
There is not nearly enough LINK threads on Veeky Forums Show them the true meaning of cancer Marines!
Rory's wife's daughter will be very disappointed
It already is lower than 10 cents when adjusted for September BTC prices.
It shows how sir gay doesn't give a single fuck about community
He does which is why he is working on the project and gaining partnerships. He just doesn't care about short-term holders trying to make a quick buck in a few weeks. This is a long-term hold. Hold for a few months and you will be rewarded, maybe even within a month. hold for a few years and you will be rich. This is no coin for ADHD day traders. The Pajeets are just accumulating your cheap bags every time you buy high and sell low. Stop feeding the Pajeets and giving them a greater control over the binance market or they will have enough to control any new big exchanges it hits. the FUD is a dud. My hands are IRON!