Eclipse Phase General

Underwater edition

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Old thread
What have you done with underwater environments and habitats, /epg/?

Other urls found in this thread:

I shot a hole in a bulkhead

I think the surviving deep sea settlements on earth would be a good locale for a game, extra grimdark and horrible, and a pain to get to, but also pretty well established and stable.

Well, actually, I've just been writing some material for my party on Ceres, which has been an interesting experience thinking about stuff they have to handle underwater. I learned saltwater inhibits radio waves, for one thing, that was fun. Good luck with that tacnet guys.

>Good luck with that tacnet guys.
Now they're going to be even more paranoid of murderoctos ambushing and picking them off one by one in the frozen dark.
As they should be

Really, they should be more paranoid about the ambush from the military-trained Orca terrorists.

The worry about the murderoctos is if they're gonna shank them at the end of the gig or not.

>AF 10
>Not being paranoid of everyone and everything, everywhere, all the time
>Not searching for enemies and exsurgents in every shadow, alley, cave, and vending machine
>Not distrusting even yourself
Any rumors that Firewall is widely infected by a subtle strain of WML that causes pathological paranoia are untrue. Anyone spreading such rumors needs to be reported

Can't they just use neutrinos or any one of the thousand other bullshit forms of communication in EP?

>Good luck with that tacnet guys.
Modulated ultrasound or near UV lasers should more than suffice.

No, neutrino detectors are not portable.

> Neutrino Transceiver: This transceiver is capable of generating and receiving neutrino signals at a range of at least 100 astronomical units. It is large, with a size of 8 cubic meters (in a cube 2 meters on a side), but they can be loaded onto large vehicles. To function, it must be connected to a large power plant, such as one found in habitats or large spacecraft. The cost and size of this device includes the computer necessary for quantum farcasting. [Expensive]

>His morph isn't the size of a vehicle
>His morph doesn't have a large power plant

This is 10 AF, not 10 AD. Get with the times.

I figure they'll carry hypersonic communicators if they need distance, or just huddle real close with a radio booster.

Or they'll take X-ray emitters and do X-ray morse code, who knows.

Large power plant is too large for even Huge morphs.

>His morph isn't big enough to accommodate a large power plant

You're on the wrong board, hothead. >>>r/smallguys

is EP "finished", or are there more books in production?

Depending on who you believe, there's a Space Combat book, an 'X-Risks' book and an Argonaut book on the way

If I'm not mistaken, Firewall also references a published adventure that hasn't been released yet

This isn't >>>r/habbrain

>Depending on who you believe

You mean if you believe EP's own website

Really, they should just depth charge the area as a precaution.

>Believing the devs

X-rays have much worse attenuation in water than NUV.

I need a pic for the rest of the aquatic animals besides whales and maybe porpoises. Harbor porpoises are too solitary to know much about their social behavior, but that also makes it odd that they might be chosen for uplifting.





>Brinker detected

There's literally nothing wrong with brinkers in general.

That's because talking about "Brinkers in general" is uselessly broad and nonspecific.

Therefore detecting them is useless as well.

Unless you want to monitor them for signs of exsurgent infection and other threats, or prey upon them. Or if you're writing your graduate thesis on brinker studies.


most brinkers consider that last one preying upon them, and will likely fire on your vessel

>your vessel
Enjoy your Star Wars reskin



If you're going to play EP using spacecraft to move people you're fundamentally misunderstanding the setting, probably because you're assuming it's a space opera.

>don't use spacecraft to move people
>Live in earth orbit and want to go to the moon, let me use an [Expensive] service where i have to buy or rent an [Expensive] item at the other end as opposed to spending slightly more time on a [High] cost service to fly there in an LOTV

I think you also misunderstand the setting to try and sound more elite, my friend.

-If you don't pay attention to the book when it mentions that egocasting cost is affected by distance, then use the inverse square law to figure out that you can egocast to the next hab over with a walkie talkie while egocasting to the Fissure Gate would require an array of several meter dish antennas, then I'm not sure what to tell you.
-Brinkers aren't hiding in Earth orbit.
-Turning up in your LOTV is probably the dumbest way to infiltrate a brinker hab I've ever heard of.


not the guy you're arguing with, but thats why I said you'd get shot

I heard the reclaimers have some interesting plans to contact underwater survivors of the fall. I think this one requires a rather large opening in the interdiction zone, but it sure looks fun.

So don't be a moron about it then. Sneak in, or use a locally fabbed bot swarm.

well I guess my main sentiment was more that brinkers wouldn't take kindly to that field of study, no matter the form the scholar takes.

what is the worst you have done on luna?

Except there's an entire faction that moves around people primarily using ships. Do the scum just mass egocast everywhere they go in your interpretation of the setting?

Also, how the fuck are you gonna get to locations where egocasting anywhere near it simply isn't a viable option?

Scum ships are habs with engines. They're an effective way to move those habs once they've pissed off the locals, not an effective way to move people.


Hey, /epg/. For my campaign I kind of want to modify the setting so that its more like The Expanse post-Nemesis games. I've already made the Pandora Gates much larger to accommodate spaceships (100 meters as opposed to 10). Any other ideas?



I will be REMOV SURYA if will REMOV ROBOT. Deal?

Suryas did nuffin wrong

The idea is to remove anything with coronal adaptation from the setting because it's total bullshit.

Though if we removed all the bullshit from this game, there'd be very little left of Eclipse Phase.

You could say the same thing about life.

What else would you remove? I'd like to explore the implications of realistic speed on nanotechnology, but that's not strictly removing anything.

Personally? Nothing. I like the setting. I like the Pandora Gates, I like the TITANs, I like uplifts and hypercapitalists and anarchists and reputation economies and physics-shattering psychic powers and exsurgent outbreaks and scum swarms and pretty much everything else.

I am absolutely certain that everything in that list is considered bullshit by somebody in /epg/ and so, once we've collectively excised all the things people don't like, we're probably left with GURPS Humanity Fuck Yeah.


Many of the complaints about nanotechnology that get tossed around here are less valid than complainers like to think, anyway.

Like what?

Well the coronal adaptation itself is okay, sort of. What I don't get is how those things stay afloat in the corona in the first place.

Complaints about movement speed assume that the nanites have no help getting around and that they gain no benefits from bulk motion. Complaints about nanoassembly time assume the same and also that the the object is made whole in consecutive layers instead of having ongoing internal construction via nanites in the equivalent of blood vessels, and ignore the option of assembling the object in multiple high surface area parts and then assembling it. Complaints that nanites can't possibly cling to or function on surfaces ignore the fact that bacteria do just that. Complaints about nanites being too versatile ignore the possibility that they may be able to reconfigure themselves and can have specialized types within a swarm. Complaints about nanites being able to organize themselves ignore the possibility of external triggers and control mechanisms, as well as direction by larger overseer microbots.

I'm sure I've seen other complaints but I can't think of them at the moment.

And then there's the people who think assemblers only use nanites to make things, but that's a separate issue.

Could use flux pinning in high temperature superconductors. Cooling is the much bigger issue.

I disagree. I just don't see anything strong enough to fight off the sun's massive gravity there. Though where they get the water for cooling is also questionable, cooling like that is still in the realm of possibility.

Most of those are generally accepted. Only a few people don't like the gates and the setting works fine without them.
Same with psi and physics-bending exsurgent stuff. You aren't limited to cosmic horror and the game won't suffer much without it. We've discussed the long-term viability of the reputation economy and of anarchism in general, but the consensus was that it doesn't matter since it's only 10 AF. Removing uplifts is splitting hairs. The setting axioms are ego/morph duality, the ability to digitize the ego, and the ability to put the ego into a different brain. If you accept these, then the uplifting process should not be difficult to accept.

I myself like to limit physics-breaking tech to exsurgents and exsurgent-related things.

what are some inter-faction dynamics that can fastest break a sentinel team? What are ones that might be extra good groupings? One imagines an ultimate would work poorly with titanians, but they may do damn well with some weird esoteric brinkers that are too insane for anyone else. Conversely, firewall consortium assets might work great with extropians, or titanian assets with scum, but it could be a recipe for a total meltdown due to ideological infighting, as opposed to accepted animosity.

>what are some inter-faction dynamics that can fastest break a sentinel team?

Any, really, presuming that you've got people who put ideologies ahead of, you know, saving transhumanity from existential threats.

Gravity there is ~270 N/kg. Typical magnetic field strength is .01 T. Hard to tell from the chart (not scaled for this purpose), but it looks like at least 10^8 N/m^3 with some superconductors. If we assume ten times the density of water for the superconductor (an overestimate) then the object needs to be 2.7% superconductor by mass.

This is why "I just don't see it happening" isn't a publishable argument.

As for cooling, a 1 m^2 blackbody in the corona will receive about 60 MW from radiative heating alone, enough to boil 20 kg of ice per second at one atmosphere. Even if you achieve 99% reflectivity across the solar spectrum and undergo no convective heating, that's still .2 kg of ice per second per square meter of exposed area. Good luck with that.


one game I'd like to run is the crew of the Planet Express ship, working as a branch of ComEx. Physically transporting expensive or unique items. Handmade goods from the real weirdos in the outer system, iceteroids, Earth junk, custom morphs.

and of course highly deadly criminal items naturally

>Using spaceships in your EP game

Wow fuck off with your Luddite Star Wars bullshit. You're an objective dumbass if you use spaceships in any capacity in EP. Just egocast, you dongus. Put everything on an antimatter courier to your destination. Bam, done.

But who flies the Antimatter courier?

your mom

In all seriousness though, I'm not clear on what the crew is for.

Pilot, Co-pilot, Engineer?

In case something goes wrong. This shit is expensive, whatever it is.

Are networked bots total bullshit?

Maybe the people that can afford the crazy, rare, expensive shit can also afford to hire some people (or grab some indentures) to tend the spaceship while wearing a fancy uniform as an added luxury.

"Conspicuous consumption" is a justification for all kinds of shit.

Almost certainly, at least as far as somebody is concerned.

Maybe the spaceship is covered with cameras, and the ship owner mitigates the cost of running the ship by running it in the manner of a reality-TV show. For the purposes of running a game, this would give a good reason for all kinds of ridiculous hijinks as player characters conspire to boost their ratings, survive the bizarre challenges set to them, and still try to deliver the goods.

Crap. So the roboraptors pinning down every exit are acting on their own. Guess it's time to make another one.

The thing you should take away from all this is "pretty much everything in the game is contentious, so fuck it, just run the game how you want".

So that's one person, probably an infomorph to save mass

Don't those exist in real life

>People I'll never see are an added luxury
I could see it happening, but regularly?

>Releasing footage of the internal operations of our super high security antimatter courier

Uh, because it's a ship. That needs crew. I'd imagine that even in Eclipse Phase, having a ship full of rare, expensive valuables be entirely automated or piloted exclusively by infomorphs is an incredibly dumb idea.

Even in EP's supposedly post-scarcity setting, spaceships don't grow on trees. Neither does the shit they haul around.

>so fuck it, just run the game how you want

What? I'm not supposed to please everyone else? Mom and Dad taught me wrong?

Nah, I'm pretty sure with an antimatter courier you probably want one or two engineers with hands backed by AI Bots, the containment rigs are huge on those things.

>I could see it happening, but regularly?

You're an immortal hyper-elite with so much wealth that you don't know what to do with it; you set up a little courier company to shower you and your friends with regularly delivered curios to impress your so-called peers. People in real life with more money than they'd ever need spend it on ridiculous pet projects, now add an infinite amount of time to potentially fill up and nobody to tell you that you shouldn't be doing this shit.

I know that pointing at the rulebooks for a source is generally frowned on, but the positive trait "Spaceship" (Transhuman, p86) suggests that the needs and demands of the crew should feature in the game as an obligation that needs to be met sometimes. So clearly, in the setting at least, there are crewed ships. Why? I'm not entirely sure, but the game assumes they're going to be there nonetheless.

/epg/ - Home of "waah, your fun is dumb, you're a stupid luddite idiot technophobe subhuman if you don't run the setting in the most pure way - which is the way I choose to interpret the setting!"

>being a luddite idiot technophobe subhuman

You have the wrong board, my friend. >>>r/anarchoprimitivism

Afraid so. The truth to RPGs is that, as long as everyone around the table is having fun, then it's fine. You can mangle the setting, fuck up the rules beyond recognition, do things that'd make the developers of the game cry tears of rage, run characters that'd upset the sensibilities of your fellow user... but if everyone around the table is having fun, and they keep coming back for more, your game is a success.

You want to run Eclipse Phase as an erotically charged sexventure aboard a Scum swarm engaged in civil war over the finer points of the rights of vending machines? Fuck it, man, run that. A game where the TITANs never left and humanity is engaged in a bitter war across the solar system, set to the soundtrack of some anime show? No problem. I used to be pretty fucking uptight about how Eclipse Phase should work, then realised that it really doesn't matter. Play it the way you want to play it and, if I don't like it, then it doesn't matter.

It's a fucking antimatter courier. Are you expecting pirates to show up while you're hugging c and can't manage to have security arrangements at the destinations?

So one infomorph crewman and some bots then. The courier probably doesn't even have moving parts.

>So clearly, in the setting at least, there are crewed ships. Why? I'm not entirely sure

Warships. Scum barges. Mining ships. Large scale cargo haulers that need to move a lot of stuff around. Pretty much anything with a lot of moving parts.

That's the rub. I don't know how I want to run or play Eclipse Phase. In fact, I'm starting to doubt that I even deserve the privilege. I feel that an Epsilon Minus semi-moron like me shouldn't even dream of this.

>Why? I'm not entirely sure

Depends on what you're doing, but in general space travel is going to be a complex situation which is also heavily regulated (at least within the zones of major polities). AI have hard limitations; they have lower aptitudes, lower active skill caps, can't default and tend to have shittier bodies.

But, get a well trained bouncer or hibernoid, you have somebody who can physically interact with problems who should have much better aptitudes, better active skills, similar knowledge skills and is prebaked with helpful mods. And they have hands (in the case of a Bouncer, feet and possibly tails) which can hold tool kits and utilitools, etc. Humans also have the ability to improvise and have more robust sanity (even if it's just +5 WIL on average over an ALI), so they can deal with stressful situations better. Combine with the right indentureship contracts in the Inner System that you can basically "own" this person as much as an AI (for a period of time).

As for "why not just get one guy and fork him", well, forking is weird in the inner system, and in general you might not get the right guy to have all the skills. That rocket science student or airplane mechanic might be good as an engineer, but not have the same flight skills as an ex-drone pilot or freelance stunt plane operator.

Or maybe I'm full of shit and you want robots and and multitasking forked infomorphs run all spaceships all the time. The Spacecraft trait should be discussed with a GM. That's all "you do you".

Reposting this nonsense...


>Are you expecting pirates to show up while you're hugging c and can't manage to have security arrangements at the destinations?

Well, let me tell you... NPC File has some very interesting things in it.

To drop off this followup. It's gay in the opposite direction as the first.

It's about the universal human experience of people messaging you about stupid shit while you're trying to masturbate, undoubtedly a problem in the year 10 AF.


>But, get a well trained bouncer or hibernoid, you have somebody who can physically interact with problems who should have much better aptitudes, better active skills, similar knowledge skills and is prebaked with helpful mods. And they have hands
So, if you're tight on mass (an antimatter courier, for instance), an infomorph and some repair bots would be the same with far less mass

Does it have antimatter pirate ships?

So some ships have crew in the game, user wants to run a game where they're playing the crew of a ship that transports stuff - you could use the ubiquitous Standard Transport rather than an anti-matter drive courier. It kind of lacks that small, nimble Planet Express-ship-ness to it, but it'd be a way of reconciling the desire to run a game about a starship crew in Eclipse Phase with whatever the fuck people's objections are about having manned couriers.

Or he could just say, fuck it, this courier is manned; they've got a passenger capacity listed, so it's not beyond the pale to think that there would be people on board one.

>an infomorph

Two infomorphs per role.
