Based on I hereby offer you:
Another Chainlink-Thread!
Are you faring well my fellow Link-brothers? Holding strong?
Based on I hereby offer you:
Another Chainlink-Thread!
Are you faring well my fellow Link-brothers? Holding strong?
Just bought in about 6 hours ago and thinking of hodl for a year. What do I have in store? How many do I need? Upcoming announcements etc?
does anyone have screencaps from the hype?
Stop buying this scam coin.
>Serves you right for making so many threads
Exact same boat as you.
I dont think we will ever see link below 2000 sats after dec. According to rory, sergey is going to announce something.
>upcoming announcements
You may have picked the wrong coin, lol
Link could be the biggest story of next year, but it is the anti-hype
Thanks, Rory.
my hands...nnnggghhhh...are getting tired...HALP!
Bump for annoyance.
My hands are Iron!
How in deep are you LINKYS?
Sitting on a glorious loss of 1000 dollarydoodoos
Hodling till 2019 or confirmed kill.
Not deep enough. I wish I had more. The main reason the price is dropping is because of all the pajeets trying to flip their stacks. They are constantly trying to FUD it to get more people to drop bags on them. If people keep giving them cheap bags another large exchange won't matter as they will have the volume to control that also.
>Hold and do not feed them more!
I added to my stack at the low last night and just now. Did I screw them over?
The decision was as smart as telling your past-you 5 years ago to buy BTC and hold through everything.
Pajeet here. No you didn't add enough bags but we did :) 2018 is going to be a very good year us pajeets beasue of you pisskins because you did the needful thank yousir
Bought another 1200 at 1379 sats, feeling comfy.
Hope you are right
Oh yes, you screwed over many Pajeets. You took their bag holders dumping money. It is really the bag holders who fall for the FUD that are the real losers here though :(
At least you helped to stop them gaining an extra Lambo and even more control over the volume/market. Every little helps. as its volume is only about 4-5btc it should be alright still. Unless the pajeets have accumulated gigantic bags the moon missions will leave them in the dust and they will not be able to manipulate them effectively.
I doubt you/they have more than 10million LINK between you so it will be fine. People dropping bags to Pajeets are only giving them Lambos.
Holding tighter than your little sisters cunt
as long as they don't move to any other exchanges 10 million is more than enough to control the price and we're adding to our stacks every day. Plus we have more than that so by the time it goes on bittrex it won't matter. You retarded american bagholders dropped at the low yesterday so I'm only going to assume you continue making bad decisions .
While it is only on one big exchange it is yes. Also, be prepared for a massive dump of Pajeet bags if they stop getting fed bagholders LINK. If people panic sell at this point they will scoop up even more LINK and return. If they do not get fed then they will bugger off.
Especially if it gets listed on another big exchange. They will pump and then dump it to accumulate enough to control both exchanges once that happens. Do not sell them your bags, if anything, buy theirs!
asking Veeky Forums not to panic sell after a pump they missed is like asking a man to breathe underwater.
well, people have also repeatedly asked biztards to buy low. they never listen. they would literally lose money with every cryptoproject in existence.
Iron Hands, Rewarded Faith.
It is worth a try. Whoever is still Holding LINK is made of sterner stuff than your average Veeky Forums pajeet.
There isn'tt nearly enough LINK threads on Veeky Forums Show them the true meaning of cancer Marines!
Do not feed the Pajeets! HODL! If you can't afford to hold for months then fine but you will regret it. The more you sell the more the Pajeets accumulate and the more they manipulate the market. It is on one exchange wiht a low volume becuase they are busy day trading it and FUDing to try and get holders to sell them cheap bags. It is manipulated to fuck. Hold for months and you shall be rewarded. Hold for 2 years and you shall be rich!
Hey cunts, just stopping through to say I got promoted again, see yall cunts in lamboland.
I want to sit in my new big home 3 years from now reading our old post in archive and laughing
But then I realize I don't have BTC or ETH and I'm Link baghodler
I want to be, but I'm poor for three months now, maybe next week will be an opportunity to drown about 1k dorra.
I'm frustrated every single day for not being able to buy...
god please help me.
Anyway, what exchange sells links?
Binance. Buy on a dip and screw over some Pajeets trying to flip their stack. If it keeps dropping just ignore it and hold for 6-24 months. Buy it and forget about it once you have it in a wallet.
That's what I want to do - HODL.
It's not gonna give me sudden gains, this is precious gem.
Correct attitude! The FUD may be strong, it may drop to 5c a LINK, but never sell your bags to the Pajeets! HODL!
One more question.
It doesn't matter what token it is, you can have it in your eth wallet?
I have two other coins that I hold from long ago, but those have their own wallets.
I never bought tokens before.
LINK can be held in a MEW as can most if not all ETH tokens. Your best bet is getting a ledger nano and putting a MEW on that to store them on safely. The online one is fine to store them on but risky if your PC is compromised. If you have a spare laptop or something you can create your wallet on that while it is offline. Just copy the HTML page for MEW onto a USB and transfer it to the offline computer and create your wallet form that. Then never connect it to the internet or at least never put your private key onto an online computer. Print off your private key or write it down. Then you can access your wallet using it as normal or preferable some other method of opening the wallet like the 12 word stuff. Your best bet is a Nano ledger tho as it has its own private key nobody even yourself can know and everything has to go through that so it is 100% safe as far as anybody knows. They are £70 $100 or 80 euros or something. Get it off their main site tho if you get one and not amazon.