Hope you didn't miss this one Veeky Forums
who says i missed it. Comfy as fuck. can't wait to see the ED action
Threw 2 eth at it last minute because im broke af and need a x5 at least
When is it getting listed?
Price prediction?
Forgot: does anyone know the supply?
Another question: didnt those who participated early got kinda fucked?
Looks like they fixed the eth rate to 500 this week so we got a lot more tokens than the early birds.
ED listing is happening sometime on Dec 1st. HitBTC is confirmed and there's two more secret exchanges that are for a fact not crytopia mercatox tidex or whatever shit exchange you can think of. These are legit I know one and the other is larger.
Can't wait for Snovio.
5x here I come
Presalers got fucked and there are no discounts confirmed by team. right now the valuation is 2m. they have a working product and connections with Uber, LaPorte, SoundCloud. I think 10m is in order at very least.
comfy af too.
>hitbtc on dec2
>low cap
>working product
>costumers range from lenovo to uber to the french national post delivery la poste
10M tokens? Are you sure?
Glad to read that we even got something extra for buying later instead of getting fucked.
Price predictions? Binance listing maybe?
HOLY FUCK UBER? ORACLE? Is this confirmed or some fucking "partnership"
they've since updated with the name of the other two exchanges. Hint: they begin with L, and B
for those who missed it now asking themselves if they should scoop on ed
hue hue, i see user is member of the slack i posted this in before
When is Snovio hitting exchanges? Bummed i missed this by a few minutes. What's the ED link?
Link to their telegram: web.telegram.org
You know better than to trust ED links on Veeky Forums, right user?
Thanks user!
This is huge!
what was ico price?
1 ETH=50000 SNOV
This one looks interesting. Anybody have an ED link?
Anybody have the contract address? I can make my own ED link
Snovio really good project
I'm buying on Ed since I missed this
> mfw team is from Ukraine
> mfw working product is a chrome extension
> mfw when peepz are throwing money at a chrome extension valued at 2M$ thinking it will got to 10M$
> mfw Uber and Lego and shit is a fucking lie
> Confido all over again
you retards never learn. stay poor faggots
reminds me of BAT
When will SNOV be listed at ED? Missed the ICO
Can you buy snovio on ed?
PBL was $$$$
Trading is live now use the contract address.
Might as well bump my thread whilst you mention Ukraine
Am i being too greedy for thinking this could easily x15 or even more?
Just finished watching the leaked video. This is huge af!!
Are tou guys going to sell on ED right away or hodl?
You fucking PAJEETS ruined me. I'm losing these to whalers now 0.5x!!!! @@@@@