Your son in 10 years: "Dad why didn't you buy bitcoin when it was only 10.000 dollars? Now one bitcoin is a million...

Your son in 10 years: "Dad why didn't you buy bitcoin when it was only 10.000 dollars? Now one bitcoin is a million, we would be so rich" *walks out crying*

Other urls found in this thread:

>1 BTC at 1 mil with its shitty infrastructure



I knew about and didn't buy or mine BTC when it was ~$20... less even

forever poor

>Because I knew it will crash to $1000 you retarded faggot.
>Go live with your mom Nigger

>be the future
>kid walks in
>dad why did you spend all our money on crypto
>looks out window, everything is on fire, no power, Muslims everywhere fucking sheep
>half the planet is radiated
>top teir people left earth in a ship
>no electricity
>why didnt you buy tobbaco, gold, silver and sheep vagina dady?

>pic related

You spelt Ethereum wrong nigger

and lighters. lighters are fucking valuable as shit in this scenario

Yeah me too. We are in a special club, the dissappointment club

this user gets it

Same kid, different universe: "Dad, why did it take you more than 3 years for you to be able to sell your Bitcoins?"

Dad: "Well son, we thought computing power was just going to keep getting more efficient and follow Moore's Law. Boy, were we ever wrong. My Bitcoin were supposed to make me a millionaire, but they were practically worthless by the time the transaction actually cleared."


Dad why did you spend all our money on virtual currency that isn't even real?

Your wifes son...


Im even worse. I knew about bitcoin in the early days and knew about ethereum when it was sub 1 dollar. I thought all cryptocurrencies had the purpose of becoming alternative currencies and i was always like "lol this shit will fail long term. No way bankers will ever let anyone take away their power, they jave too much control"

I just realised that not all cryptocurrency are supposed to simply be alternative currency in the middle of this year when a friend of mine that bought sub 1 dollar ethereum started shilling me it.

I blame the name "cryptocurrency", my stupid lazyness and bitcoin for this major fuckup in my life


Bummer that a transaction fee to move 0.0001 BTC to buy a Lambo will cost you 0.95 BTC.

That would be more than 15 trillion usd market cap. There¨s only like something over 80 trillion of all money (usd value) in the world. So I don't think that's very likely, unless we enter a period of hyperinflation or something.

Bitcoin isn't just USD idiot

>"Volunteers around the world gather and cumulate tons of hours from the best minds on this planet about the topic."

And yet it still takes up more electricity than many small countries, has $5+ transaction fees, and transactions take hours to confirm. It doesn't matter how many of the 'best minds' are working on it, if they can't agree on changes its development will continue to stagnate until something better overtakes it.


This cocaine connoisseur said it would. I believe him.
I mean, not enough to actually blow my spending in what is essentially a casino at this point, but enough to get mad when it happens.

>IRC friend hypes bitcoin when it first comes out
>haha internet money whatever dude
>run folding@home instead
>he cashes out at times between 5 cents to $5
>his family steals all his money
>tranny from IRC cashes out at $5
>spends it all on apartment, sports car, heroin
>inevitably is evicted, crashes car, heroin confiscated
>still only buy btc for drugs
>only start buying to hold this year
>thousands in debt from being stupid over the years
Character sheet: high int, high char, used wis as dump stat

I meant converted into usd. Current market cap is something over 150 billion usd. That doesn't mean everyone who buys btc pays in usd, it's just valued in usd.

Ayyy, they censored his actual gun to a finger gun in the picture.

>There¨s only like something over 80 trillion of all money (usd value) in the world

It's hard to comprehend how Blackrock manages $6 trillion and the Vanguard Group manages $4.4 trillion of it. Those two companies control 1/8th of the world's assets.

the gun imagery was too bearish

>And yet it still takes up more electricity than many small countries,
how much electricity do all the skyscrapers, office buildings, server farms, branches and atms from the legacy banking system use?
how much is the earth raped looking for gold?
weak FUD 2/10

>what is lightning network
>what is thimblejimble
stay poor

All my normie-type retirement savings are in Vanguard funds, at the end of the day index funds beat the market. I can't imagine playing the gambling game I do in crypto with my actual retirement money. Vanguard has the perfect mutual funds: spread across the good coi-stocks in the market, charge barely any management fees because you don't have to have a bunch of nerds and wallstreet jews sitting around plotting buys and sells, let your money grow with the biggest companies in the market. If your IRA isn't in a Vanguard fund you're probably fucking up.

presuming fiat keeps going with this trend that it has been since its inception 1 bitcoin will be worth something like a billion dollars however one cup of coffee something like $500

Ok, but there's no point wasting electricity for the sake of it. If it was a choice between legacy banking system and bitcoin then yes, obviously bitcoin would be preferable. But there are coins that do what bitcoin does much faster and much cheaper.

It's like saying a typewriter will never be replaced because it's better than writing with a quill

This tbqh

>Bitcoin may well go to $20,000 but that won’t prove I’m wrong. When it gets back to $100, we’ll talk.

t. guy who manages a tenth of the whole planet's wealth.

It's shit like this that actually makes me feel safer.

I mean, the world is clearly run by people with the IQ of a potato so... how much worse could it get?

Well, I guess technically he may be right, but we don't know when the bubble pops and how high it will go before it does. It could be in 50 years with 1 mil usd ath or something like that. You can still make some serious cake in these markets.

I like to think about the fact that if you can even manage to own one bitcoin, if it became such that most people in the world were using it, you would be in the top 21 million people in the world.

Thats not even counting coins that havent' been mined and havent been lost. So by 2020 there will probably be around 17 million. You could be in the top 17 million out of 8 billion. That puts you in the top 0.2% of the entire world

So sell at 20k, thank you based obvious reptilian

That's true. Also don't forget there are huge whales with thousands of btc, which contracts the amount of people ahead of the 1btc holder even more.

Just think about to a year ago when people would have LAUGHED at you if you said 10k.

Even Veeky Forums would have.

We're going to the moon before the ride is over. No joke. Everyone IN right now, is going to very rich.

the fuck is that?

why do all millionaires that attack crypto looks liek fucking reptilian jews that are scheming something behind the curtains?

/biz called Ethereum a Russian scam back in 2016
Now we got /poltards on here, at least we can fleece them for their money

Someone gave me 55 ETH from Veeky Forums and I cant even find it

I remember very well what was been said a year and a bit ago

>Ok, but there's no point wasting electricity for the sake of it. But there are coins that do what bitcoin does much faster and much cheaper.
agreed. i assumed you were a legacy banking shill. i'm invested in BTC but am hedging with other cryptos that could replace it down the road.

People above the age of 60 shouldn't have an opinion on bitcoin. Rich or not. Except for those who worked in tech industry whole their life




But he is the most experienced and accomplished investors alive, possibly ever to have lived.

You've never heard of mumblewumble?

>Also don't forget there are huge whales with thousands of btc

Imagine being that guy when the market crashes mid 2018, after Trump announces that BItCoin is a chinese scam and bans it.

Imagine trying to explain fiat to your kid.
"So what gives it value?"
"It like Ether but you cant tell the supply and you have to pay your miner back more than was given? So kinda like bonds but with no company behind it?"

>nationalist sentiment rising
>global financial cabal in full damage control mode
A-Are we gonna make it, lads?

no, it sounds retarded

There won't be a developed western civilization left when we're old.
The world's going to shit, and Bitcoin is the first thing people give up when we run out of food.

Consider that the best time to sell ALL your crypto might be in the next 5 years.

>banning bitcoin

>$21 Trillion cap
lol no


>your son in 10 years

Haha you think I'm ever gonna get laid, and even if I did, you think I'm some kind of normie who reduces his whole being to fathering a child? LOL
I'm enjoying my crypto millions without hindrances thank you very much.

It's actually called Mimblewimble and it's really cool.

It can ensure privacy with encryption by monitoring the total money supply to prevent the creation of new coins.

It can also lock the blockchain at a size of 1 block, iirc, by using a system of linked inputs and outputs, which allows previous blocks to be discarded.

got my dad to buy BTC at $3500. yesterday he asked me how he can set up a second wallet to will to me. feels good to have a proper father figure

If change is needed there'll be a hard fork

>If change is needed there'll be a hard fork
Change IS needed, and there's already been multiple hard forks

Sadly this is a very real possibility. We had a trucker strike in the US a few years ago and people were in panic mode because grocery stores had a few empty shelves. Can't imagine what would happen if there was a pandemic or big natural disaster. That's why every one of you faggots needs to have a gun, a garden, and at least a few weeks' worth of stored food. BTC, cash, and even precious metals are mostly useless in a big crisis.

>implying it won't happen within 5-10 years

uh? quantum computers?

>instant free transactions are coming in 2019 for all normies to enjoy
>still doubting BTC is hitting millions of government funbucks per coin

End your life inmediately.

COSS will be 100$ next year and people still dont buy.

More like

Your wife'sons in 10 years: "yo, dawg, u sum kinda retard white boi? we could be kangz if we had sum bitcoin"

you can say that about literally any stock, currency or investment

>avoid buying slaves it'll be illegal someday

so your solution to the scaling problem is to centralise it?

this guy gets it


>fee: 0

>your son
i'll die a virgin, you ain't getting my millions, stacy.

>Being hedonistic in current year+10
baka famalam

>that pepe

>one bitcoin at 12,000 with its shitty infrastructure

Oh wait, that happened.

yea I said that too my mum over apple/microsoft/amazon stocks

That my friend is a rare pepe worth it's weight in btc

I bet the /pol/tards are the retards crying about losing money.

The rags to riches money has already been made unfortunately. The biggest winners from bitcoin have already won, they bought at $1 and sold at $10,000.

More like:

Your son to when you're homeless and divorced: "Daddy why did you spend all of our money on fake internet coins?" *cries because he hasn't seen you in 5 years because mom got full custody*

>Bitcoin is the first thing people give up when we run out of food.

This lol

>When SHTF people will be so scared naturally they'll buy BITCOIN and not literally anything else

How fucking retarded do you have to be to believe something like this

The fact is if there was suddenly hyperinflation or something, the first thing people are going to run out and buy is gold or other precious metals. You're mind numbingly delusional if you think otherwise, and especially if you think people are going to dump all of their money into your fake internet currency.

We're up, nigger.

Not according to Zimbabwe or Venezuela...

Guess you should keep up on world news.

that was an expensive coffee, btc not good for buying

>The rags to riches money has already been made unfortunately.

I looked into it when it was ~$1, couldn't work out how to buy any, tried downloading a miner but couldn't get it to work (I think) and deleted it because I figured it was a virus ridden evil. Got bored and went back to drinking and playing Wow 16 hours a day for the next 2-3 years until I got bored of that and moved onto the next game or obsession. I made thousands on the Diablo3 RMAH before they took that down. If I had understood crypto back then I would have become properly obsessed and been rich by now. I didn't realise it was almost like playing a video game until a year or so ago :(
MFW I already made a bit of money (Like $2k from $100, not much but as above, gamer for a decade and nothing else) but I also joined up for the military as I had decided to make something of myself... Right when I am starting to make some real money I am going to have to go to sea for months on end. I just hope I get the right HODLs. Shit.

me and my right hand had a kid? nice. I will call him Handy.

The most experienced and accomplished athletes, race drivers, designers, chess players, weight lifters, mathematicians etc of the 50s have been out done since their time.

Times change, bitcoin is an unknown. There was a time before the stock market and before commodities and before money even. Each period had experts and experienced people, all of whom would fail in new investment eras.

>second guessing bankers
>taking /pol/ seriously

Tried to buy in Afghanistan. Wasn't able. Decided to try and convince my fifty year old, rotary phone daddy to figure it out for me.

This was in 2011 while I had 70k and was making 10k a month.

Then i missed an opportunity to switch companies and make 18k a month because I was worried about that company going under and low and behold, my company quit.

So I came home with 100k and regret about missing that job opportunity...

Then I saw Bitcoin at 1000 and missed that opportunity...

Then I saw bitcoin at 2500 and decided better late than never.

Bought in and started college. We can't wallow in our regrets, because they fucking multiply.

Also... *Ahem* niggers.

People actually bragging they knew about ethereum in 2015? If you were even remotely interested in crypto it would be very hard NOT to have heard of ether before its ICO.

>has kids

There's your first mistake. Do the world a service and don't continue overpopulating with your retarded offspring.

lol, wtf niggers. Random.
I am just hoping I bought the right shit. I'll have weekends to trade if I get a laptop on base I guess and at sea will be hodl time. What is left from my wage that I am not spending on keeping my flat running (I have 30 years of shit in it I cba to store and two cats living here too that will get fed for me) and the rent on base and the odd drink ill be putting into crypto. I should be alright as I am going in for NCO training. The first year i'll not have much to invest but I should be able to put enough in to not miss out too much. I'll get my mate to buy/sell stuff and put it on my ledger if I have to and keep an eye on the coins via my mobile. I am still happy that I am joining desu, I'll get to play with ships and learn electrical engineering. I might miss out on really big money but ill not miss out entirely. I have a few months to try and get some investments to hold still, I just wish I had maybe an extra BTC to use as time is running out! meh. shit happens.

I think I heard about it and I wasn't even visiting Veeky Forums or anywhere related to finance or crypto at that point. Probably in passing on Imgur desu.