What kinds of cosmetic surgery are you going to get when you become a crypto millionaire?

What kinds of cosmetic surgery are you going to get when you become a crypto millionaire?

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the face of success.

I always wanted to be a dolphin.

Fix my skin. Fix my nose. Do some under eye stuff. Nothing too much.


I'm already a beautiful Chad. My FUN holdings are proof enough.

dick reduction

How much BTC do I need to fuck that?

FUN getting ready for epic gains soon. Gonna pop off just like $NEO did a few months after it was added on Bittrex. Should be very similar in gains and price movement to POWR from last week.



Height lengthening
Dick lengthening and girth increase
Whole new set of teeth
Asshole and genital bleaching
Laser hair removal everywhere except hair, eyebrows

That's all I would change and I think it could all be done within a year. I might also do foreskin extension because it doesn't cover it all the way but I might also just go for the circumcision because it apparently also increases the effect of the girth increase.

Comparison to NEO just before it took off on it's first big moon

TKx cross up and exit from 4 hr cloud at about the same time too. Will be just the boost it needs to take off into orbit.

fix my sloping forehead and my ears

Just teeth. I look like a Brit right now.

Remove fat from eyelids, shorten the tip of my nose, hair transplant and maybe penis enlargment.

Looks bearish

Professional whitening of the teeth. That's about it, for the rest I'm just fine, I guess I'd get haircuts more often but that's about it.

Your TA for POWR was not spot on to say the least but you made me wait with buying, and had I not done that I'd have bought near ATH, so thanks for that.

Can a forehead even be fixed?

i think so, there's like an implant that you can get that's screwed into your skull

I will spend it all on coke and whores and on the second day I will regret

Real talk
I'm going to get my crooked ass bent pinkies surgically broken and realigned to be straight.

Also Lasik.

the best one

I'm going to buy some kind of ultra-modern house, like out of a movie.

Then get the full body wax and make myself look like some kind of weird god-like perfect creature and be obsessed with perfection.

Make me look like an alien God in human skin with billions of dollars and solid gold clothes + lambo.

this and maybe LASIK
great guy, also a Bitcoin Cash believer

Didn't know people on Biz was this stupid to use this as an example...Also lmao using TA on crypto

Maybe mild FFS, fat stem cell tit graft, none of that silicone shit look at how Linetrap ruined her sweet trap titties.

Mostly I will spend the money on monolithic domes on a large plot of land where a bunch of people from /k/ are going to dig a giant cave fortress where we all wait out The Happening.