I mean if you bought this junk nearly 2 months ago you have lost over 90% of your assets. Even now it's not even in the top 100, the coin simply only still exists on Veeky Forums and one developer raising his wife's son.
How come all LINKies on thi board havent killed themselves yet?
Sucks I didn't short for more gains but we see where it's headed and all true hodlers have very bright futures ahead of them. You wanted the price to drop?
Ok, went from 12k sats to 1.5k sats. Still not buying? That's on you my friend.
because true holders will be filthy rich in a few years
>one developer raising his wife's son.
Rory is not a developer.
LINK is the easiest FUD target right now and you still managed to fuck it up.
DGB 2.0 in every way.
>implying crypto investors are smart
Chasing hype every day is great, but a guaranteed x1000 return within a few years is much easier.
>2 months ago
Because the ones still holding have the attention span of a normal functional adult.
i prefer to spend money in linkies better that a fuckin whore or a starbucks coffee, one coffee today two lambos tomorrow
> 90% of your assets
Jokes on you, I lost just 50%
Question OP. If link was a true shitcoin with no hope we would all stop talking about it. Why spread the FUD on a shitcoin when it will die out faster by not talking about it?
Pretending that I did lose 90% of money I put in, what's the point of pulling it out now?
Buy high sell low right?
OP sold his LINK, now he's shitting on it to rationalize his decision.
Because there is still hope
>oracle is real problem k?
Seriously though, look at the competition:
R3's Corda, centralized solution already being used by some banks
Blackmoon, whitepaper is shit
Tron, whitepaper is shit
IOC, not even sure this one is competition, they do have 2 aspects in common but I wouldn't call it competition (that would be like saying flickr is competition to instagram because in both you share pictures, not the best analogy maybe)
So what's left?
Link. Sergey worked on NXT and realized that the oracke's problem was real 3 years ago.
NXT reached top 3 on coinmarketcap
He wants to get back there, with a real solution to a real pain point, decentralized trustless oracles
I refuse to accept the possibility anything Binance gave me fifty cents worth for free will ever be worth more than fifty cents.
yet there are people here who genuinely just think LINK and SmartContract.com are shitcoin scams.
What is/was DGB use case?
Then tell me what LINKs use case is.
Then tell me how you were wrong.
What's FUD?
There's something going up with NXT
Could they be working on a partnership with link?
Would make sense, they kind of need link to keep growing and they already have Sergey's contact...
And there's the infamous "december news" (actually rory said before EOTY, I hate that faggot though)
Fear uncertainty and doubt
What is google?
Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt
fuck ur daddy
They are here
No you're wrong. DGB mooned hard as fuck before dumping, the gains were massive if you bought in early. LINK on the other hand only did 5x and dumped 90% right after.
LINK will become the new standard of justening and delusion. From now on, similar cases will be described as LINK 2.0 and not DGB 2.0.
NXT is as good as dead, it has tiny moons every once in a while if you follow their announcements, they credit you coins from their child chains according to your NXT holdings.
>as good as dead
>still top 50
Dude with link NXT could go to top 10
Think of all the "decentralized exchanges" that cant work because they dont have an external data source.
And since they're first movers and have sergey's contact they should be the ones getting the best out of the competition.
I'd buy some if I had more money, but I'm comfy with Link
/comfydo/ kek, had to
What's next, dry water?
Hard for you to wrap your head around, huh?
It is also probably a case of an Adopted child for both him and his wife. His other kid looks Asian.
No, actually scams are quite easy to detect if you have a decent IQ.
Kek. Salt it is.
I held bitcoin for 4 years u stupid fag, why would I get depressed over 2 months of relative inaction.
Newfags are so dumb, I'm glad they'll lose all their money.
yes, that's why Sergey became a public figure before creating this scam ICO
that's why he lives a very modest, minimalistic, experience based lifestyle despite having millions of dollars from purchasing ETH during its ICO
that's why he did not engage of any form of advertising or marketing for chainlink, which could have pumped the token price (of which he has 300 million) to well above a dollar.
I can keep going
you have poor verbal reasoning. Low IQ detected
>decent IQ
Well damn, so who told you?
Like an oracle where you ask a question and based on that question he answers
Except you dint ask 1 oracle but ALL oracles so you can base the data you receive on consensus and you dont have to trust the oracles but the network
And then people say "but if everyone gets the data from the same place then it's the same than trusting the central entitiy that gave that info"
Sergey talks about this in one of the conferences, the idea is that node operators should get their info from different sources and not from the same source
" he says 5 node operators getting the data from 5 different sources" on the example, can't remember what conference that was on, maybe devcon
At the same time the info might be broadcasted by node operators without them knowing what info it is, so they xan't alter it or use it for their advantage on the contracts
Oh come on man at least post the gif version I made.
I was basically OD'ing on LINK shilling only a few days ago, but didn't have any free cash to get in there. Now it's cheap and I have my money ready. Guess who'll laugh in two years.
Bought at 15 cents
Now its still 15 cents but BTC is way higher
I could have waited and got in now:(
Or I coild have sold the tops and bouvht back lower:(
Still feels good to own link
To me Ethereum is Apple and ChainLink is the Microsoft of the "crypto bubble"
Everyone going for quick profit and we're here waiting for real tech to be implemented into the world
I think we've got quite some time to go until the price goes up substantially and stays there. This is a long-term hold.
It can't feel good to own link
It feels fucking amazing user, you should try it.
I already own some
Nice meme, you made it?
I know, that's why im comfy
It does though, the fud eventually makes me doubt my decisions but at the ned of the day it's nothing but FUD
The fundamentals are great with Link, to me only comparable to Ethereum
>90% of the shitcoins out there wont exist when I plan to cash out of Link
Look, I made a trip
I bought in at 16 cents and now it's 15. Boo hoo gonna kms.
Because there's still hope.
where to buy link guys? already have some through binance for eth but wanna get more and the comission was kinda high
Binance has the lowest fees ai've found so far (besides some sketchy sites that claim to have 0 fees)
Did you buy like 100 link?
rakesh if the fee was high on binance you must be a literal street shitter.
yeah i just wrote it like a retard but i am changing eth at cex.io and it is really terrible since im a poorfag, binance is ok