Board Games General /bgg/ - Non-weeaboo Edition

Board Games General /bgg/

>there's this game you're really hyped for until you find something out about it - what's the worst dealbreaker for you that kills your hype instantly?

>what are some games you're hyped for at the moment?

>what are your most recent purchases and how do you like them?

>what are your worst cases of buyer's remorse and why?

>what would you really, really like to play with your group but haven't gotten the chance yet for whatever reason?

>what do you play regularly?

>what's something memorable that's happened while you were playing? be it awesome or shitty or funny or intense or thatguy-related

>what's your favorite Cosmic Encounter alien?

>what color do you try to always play?

>what's a mechanic you hate and instantly turns you off a game?

>what's a game you didn't expect much from but really won you over?

>what 5 games would you bring to convince a nongamer of how awesome board games can be?

>what are your top 3 all-time favorite games and why?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Non-weeaboo Edition

But we're all weaboo's here.

why do people who hate anime come to an anime site? I don't give a fuck if you don't care about anime, but it's absurd to come here if you actively dislike it

do you also go to gay bars to tell the homos that they're going to burn in eternal hellfire?

>Making a new thread while the current one hasn't even started autosaging, all because of how butthurt you are

For shame.

>>what's a mechanic you hate and instantly turns you off a game?

Attack resolution dice. It's not 1970 anymore and there is no fucking excuse for this dogshit mechanic to still exist.

>>what are some games you're hyped for at the moment?

Android: Mainframe. I heard it described as being like Onitama Go and got interested.

>there's this game you're really hyped for
nope, I don't usually hype over board games. I'm hype over buying a new car soon, but thats unrelated.

>what are your most recent purchases and how do you like them?
most recent was a game called FRAG, I enjoy it.

>what are your worst cases of buyer's remorse and why?
Warmachine, nobody around really wants to play it.

>what would you really, really like to play with your group but haven't gotten the chance yet for whatever reason?
a full run through Decent, but my group flakes harder than a baboon with dandruff so we never get past mission 4
that, or Kingdom death(see above reason also because expensive as balls)

>what do you play regularly?
catan, ticket to ride, so regularly that we keep track of wins/losses on an Excel document

>what's something memorable that's happened while you were playing? be it awesome or shitty or funny or intense or thatguy-related
2-round kill on Cthulhu in arkham horror. we rolled ALL OF THE SIXES...

>what's your favorite Cosmic Encounter alien?

>what color do you try to always play?
whenever available, I play with green pieces...

>what's a mechanic you hate and instantly turns you off a game?
have yet to find one

>what 5 games would you bring to convince a nongamer of how awesome board games can be?
Ticket to Ride, Catan, Pandemic, Strain, Eldritch Horror.

>>what are your worst cases of buyer's remorse and why?

Formula D
Merchants & Marauders

>there's this game you're really hyped for until you find something out about it - what's the worst dealbreaker for you that kills your hype instantly?
The realization that no one I know will want to play that kind of game.

>what are some games you're hyped for at the moment?
Xenoshyft Dreadmire atm. I'm also considering backing Dark Souls.

>what are your most recent purchases and how do you like them?
Battlecruisers and Good Cop, Bad Cop. GCBC is great fun, haven't played Battlecruisers yet.

>what are your worst cases of buyer's remorse and why?
Space Alert. The game just doesn't fit well with anyone that I play with. Should have done my research.

>what would you really, really like to play with your group but haven't gotten the chance yet for whatever reason?
Roll for the Galaxy

>what do you play regularly?
Blood Rage and Sushi-Go.

>what's something memorable that's happened while you were playing? be it awesome or shitty or funny or intense or thatguy-related
In the last turns of a Game of Thrones game there was a flurry of backstabbing and madness that ended up not changing anyone's rankings. Everyone just moved down in the same order, it was hilarious.

>what's your favorite Cosmic Encounter alien?
Never played. It's on my list to potentially add to my collection though.

>what color do you try to always play?

>what's a mechanic you hate and instantly turns you off a game?
Werewolf/Mafia type games where players get taken out too fast.

>what's a game you didn't expect much from but really won you over?
King of Tokyo

>what 5 games would you bring to convince a nongamer of how awesome board games can be?
Pandemic, King of Tokyo, Blood Rage, Flashpoint, and Game of Thrones.

>what are your top 3 all-time favorite games and why?
I really haven't played many games. But Pandemic, King of Tokyo, and Blood Rage are lots of fun.

Man, people get really easily ass-blasted about what they do or don`t want in their /bgg/

>no literal generals for the board game general
>no anime girls that are still on topic
>no /d/ tier discussion when do you catan is brought up almost every therad, and Veeky Forums is known for being able to talk about anything

makes me sad, family

>there's this game you're really hyped for until you find something out about it - what's the worst dealbreaker for you that kills your hype instantly?


>what are some games you're hyped for at the moment?

none, I am playing very fun games atm, and could use some mroe sessions of those

>what are your most recent purchases and how do you like them?

I didn't pay a dime, and it was ordered in october, but i got twilight struggle on wednesday, and it has been a blast. just waiting for a day with enough free time to rope my wife into it.

>all these questions
>blowing your load this early

nah, I think I will pass.

Both GLORIOUS looking games with bright colors and tons of beautiful custom components...

which play like dogshit.
Formula D is a thinly veiled roll & move. There's kinda no game in the game.

Merchants & Marauders is... I don't even know. Somehow it just manages to be totally disinteresting and unfun. It bogs down in minutia and it takes godamn forever to close out a game.

Mysterium: Yay or nay?

My group likes Dixit, so i wanted to get a game that's similar but different.

>merchants and marauders

Are you the person that keeps crying foul on that game, without ever giving a reason? Some user keeps doing that; the not knowing why has been more triggering than my disagreement for some stupid reason.

Mysterium is awesome if you want a casual co-op deduction game. I've never found a group of people, casual or otherwise, that didn't like it.

Atleast he actually made the thread though, so points for putting effort into the act of hating I suppose. Not that it would stop anyone from animeposting to spite him.

Speaking of which, anyone have any news on Quickstart!! volume 3? Just a hint to the translators is enough.

And to stay on topic

>what are your most recent purchases and how do you like them?
Got Cthulhu Realms and Blueprints, and unfortunately both are a tad too fiddly to play with a 60+ year old. Looking forward to actually playing it in the future though. Also, the amount of dice in Blueprints made me look forward to Roll for the Galaxy even more.

>what color do you try to always play?
Purple, whenever it pops up.

Try before you buy if you can, opinions are varied especially when playing as the ghost, some say it's dull, some say it's stressful. Potentially hilarious if you don't take "what the fuck was that clue" questions too seriously. An alternative would be Deception in Hong Kong(?), where the ghost (forensic investigator) needs to point at evidence to solve the crime.

>Atleast he actually made the thread though, so points for putting effort into the act of hating I suppose.

What is wrong with you.

>he actually did it
>can't complain anymore

>there's this game you're really hyped for until you find something out about it - what's the worst dealbreaker for you that kills your hype instantly?
Kickstarter exclusives.

>what are some games you're hyped for at the moment?
Tentatively hyped for Welcome to Centerville and Pendragon, don't keep up much with upcoming releases that aren't GMT.

>what are your most recent purchases and how do you like them?
Pax Baltica, haven't found opportunity to play it yet, but from the rules it seems solid.

>what are your worst cases of buyer's remorse and why?
Game of Thrones boardgame (1st edition).

>what would you really, really like to play with your group but haven't gotten the chance yet for whatever reason?
Here I Stand.

>what's a mechanic you hate and instantly turns you off a game?
Movement by diceroll.

>what's a game you didn't expect much from but really won you over?
Chaos in the Old World.

>what 5 games would you bring to convince a nongamer of how awesome board games can be?
I honestly have no idea.

>what are your top 3 all-time favorite games and why?
Dominant Species
Twilight Struggle

Yeah that's what I'm going for. I'm started to dive into the more complex games but my group is still pretty casual. Didn't want anything too complex because it'll turn them all off.

I've heard of that game but haven't really researched a lot about it. I'll check it out.

Dunno. Possibly?

I think the Merchants & Marauders just tries to do too many things and they all fall a bit short of being interesting by themselves. The decisions you make are always pretty easy and straight-forward.

It also overstays it's welcome. It's not a "heavy' game by any means, but it takes as long to play as a much heavier game because you need a shitload of VPs to win, and it's really pretty easy for other players to slow you down or play kingmaker.

On top of all of that, there's quite a bit of downtime while you dick around with NPC ships and card decks and whatnot.

It's just not a very fun way to spend three hours.

>Attack resolution dice. It's not 1970 anymore and there is no fucking excuse for this dogshit mechanic to still exist.

OK, which system do you prefer then?

That sounds reasonable as fuck. I guess because I only play once or twice every couple of years, it always feels fresh, and I several games have been very tight affairs.

Cannot imagine it with the expansion though. It has plenty of stuff going on as is.

That doesn't explain what is wrong with you.
Encouraging spiteposting is almost as bad as spiteposting itself.

It depends on the game...
But honestly? Literally anything is preferable.

even rock paper scissors?

I was actually in the same camp as you, however then I got pretty worked up for Triumph&Tragedy for some reason, tried it, and the whole dice battle resolution thing actually works fine imo. I'd assume the it's the same for other well designed wargames.

Thinking about the last time I played, there's also a lot of times you just... skip your turn because RNG says so.

Spot dice not working out? Skip your turn.
NPCs in the wrong place? Skip your turn.
Bad weather? Skip your turn.
Pull the wrong commodities? Skip your turn.

There's so much of that...
and I can't think of anything more boring than having my turn skipped.

Yes, even RPS.

Try a card-driven wargame like Sekigahara. You'll never look back. Dice are shit. They've always been shit, will always be shit.

Kickstarter exclusives.

>Hyped for?
Mare Nostrum, maybe Santorini. Not a lot on my radar at the moment.

>Recent purchases?
More Netrunner, which is still more fun than it has any right to be, and Archaeology, because I needed a non-bluffing game filler. Pretty happy with it.

>Buyer's remorse?
Eh. . . Maybe Dominion? I'd just rather be playing thunderstone or arctic scavengers if I absolutely have to play a deckbuilder.

>Want to play with your group but haven't?
Four player Star Trek: Fleet Captains.

>What do you play regularly?
Netrunner, these days.

>Something memorable?
Crown Royale-infused Irish Weeb returning to game night from a snack run with a Jack-In-the-Box Brunch Burger in each hand and no shirt. Much undulating and yelling ensued. At least he stayed off the table.

>What's your favorite Cosmic Encounter alien?
Been a while since we've played CE, but probably still the Trickster.

>What color do you try to always play?
Purple or Red.

>What's a mechanic you hate and instantly turns you off a game?
Not a big fan of drafting, but I'll put up with almost any mechanic if it's used in an interesting way.

>What's a game you didn't expect much from but really won you over?
Not a thing that happens to me a lot since I'm the primary game owner/buyer for my group, but Codenames has been a significantly bigger hit than I was expecting.

>What 5 games would you bring to convince a nongamer of how awesome board games can be?
>Sheriff of Nottingham
>King of Tokyo
>Cosmic Encounter
Feels like a decent starter list today.

>Top 3?
Twilight Imperium for groups
Netrunner for 1v1
Chaosmos because a top3 should include something unusual.

Sounds promising, where'd you hear about it?

I swear, I played this game on pieces of paper as a child. So not hyped.

Nay, like Deception: Murder in Hong Kong WAY better.

>Four player Star Trek: Fleet Captains.

That sounds fucking amazing.

>13 questions in the OP
I'll pass on the severe autism, thanks

that's a pretty cool flier

>I swear, I played this game on pieces of paper as a child. So not hyped.

It's nothing like the box game.

You know how people always talk about shape in Go? Mainframe is a game where you get to play a shape all at once, but the shapes you can play are determined by the cards available.

There's a lot of other crazy stuff going on too. I wasn't looking forward to it at all until I read the rulebook.

I want to believe.

I'll take your word for it, that doesn't sound too terrible. Come back with some thoughts once you've got some plays under your belt.

>Sounds promising, where'd you hear about it?
Different user, but I saw it here, jump to 4:55

>blind booster packs
aaaand dropped

One of my co-workers thinks they're funny.

I don't like anime.
I do think some people who like anime are akin to pedophiles. Specifically, images like the OP in the last general are essentially child porn.

I have friends who like anime, but to my knowledge it's mostly harmless stuff. They probably get off to hentai too, but there's nothing wrong with that so long as it isn't a child in a swimsuit. I do think it shows weakness of character to be an anime fan though.

So why am I here? Because I don't care. I wasn't one of the ones who complained, I'm obviously used to it. Granted, I usually frequent boards that rarely have anime. Also Veeky Forums is a great place to browse memes making fun of anime and its fans that I can share with my friends.

I can see why someone would try to shout down an anime fan who tries to bring it to /bgg/. Basically, all opinions of taste go out the window, especially with regard to a social activity like board games. Nothing personal, I might say different if I knew you personally.

Deception looks great, thanks for the suggestions! I watched and read several reviews about it and I'm confident that I'd personally like it more than Mysterium.

I'm not completely sold on getting it yet though because my regular gaming group is pretty small (max 4 total, typically only 2-3 are free). Also Deception seems to be best with more players to include the Witness and Accomplice roles.


What's it like?

>I do think some people who like anime are akin to pedophiles. Specifically, images like the OP in the last general are essentially child porn.

You seriously need to shut up.
No, really. The fact that you don't understand how retarded you are, and how retarded your entire post is, makes it clear that you don't have any clue when you are supposed to shut up.

Right now? Shut up. That's really it. I don't want to have to go through the long process of educating you until you reach the level of basic human intelligence, all just so you can ignore it and continue to be the absolute idiot that you are, so I'm just going to give you the advice that you desperately, desperately need.

Stop making a fool of yourself, and shut the fuck up.

The witness and accomplice are fun, but the game doesn't suffer at all from their exclusion.

Only been playing with proxy components and no player powers, but it feels like it's got pretty good legs for a light abstract with puzzle elements. Poke around on the kickstarter they've got up right now if you're interested. Price point for the new edition is a little high due to expensive components, but honestly it's a pretty easy game to proxy with just a set of checkers pieces and a few chess pawns.

>being this insane

You need to off yourself quick.

I don't even get hype about new games these days - cult of the new just pisses me off. Also, I don't give a shit about what colour I'm playing as, and I've never played Cosmic Encounter.
>what are your most recent purchases and how do you like them?
The new Star Wars Monopoly, but I haven't played it yet.
>what are your worst cases of buyer's remorse and why?
Ponte Vecchio - great boxart, fucking awful mechanics
>what would you really, really like to play with your group but haven't gotten the chance yet for whatever reason?
80% of my collection
>what do you play regularly?
My groups tend to mix things up a bit
>what's something memorable that's happened while you were playing? be it awesome or shitty or funny or intense or thatguy-related
Playing One Night Ultimate Werewolf, while one guy does absolutely hilarious announcing
>what's a mechanic you hate and instantly turns you off a game?
Stock market shit
>what's a game you didn't expect much from but really won you over?
I had a surprising amount of fun with the Portal board game last night
>what 5 games would you bring to convince a nongamer of how awesome board games can be?
Carcassonne, Ankh Morpork, ONUW, Word Whimsy, Gemblo
>what are your top 3 all-time favorite games and why?
Ankh Morpork, ONUW aaaaaand... let's say Viticulture

Is the game in the bottom right an actual game?

>most recent purchases?
Chaos in the Old World - pretty nice. Needs more plays to say anything against it. I don't like the dice mechanic for combat resolution ut apart from that everything seems suerb.
>worst cases of buyer's remorse?
This question and remembering I own Munchkin.
>haven't gotten the chance yet?
Any game on a deep level. Something deep war game.
>play regularly?
StarCraft (once per week)
Welcome to the Dungeon - almost at each meeting
Dominion, Ghost Stories, Imperial Settlers - probably hits the table every month
>what's something memorable that's happened
That Guyâ„¢ won Kemet by hiding his VPs and then doing a surprised "oh gosh looks like I won". Frustrating to the extreme.
Over reliance on dice in a otherwise deep game. My biggest complaint against CitoW.
>didn't expect much from?
I guess the only one that fits the bill was Welcome to the Dungeon. All the other games I tried to watch a couple of reviews and read the manual before buying so I knew what to expect. I bought WttD on a whim when somebody here recommended me a filler game.
>top 3 all-time games?
StarCraft - strategy, tactics and theme
Neuroshima - very fun in your-face tactical game. "Modern chess"
Ghost Stories - losing is fun
Jesus fucking christ your questions contain 900 chars and there's 13 of them. Learn some restraint.

Looks familiar, but I can't put my finger on the title.
Some kind of abstract from a while back.

looks like Thud! but without the center stone.

small dwarfs and big trolls,

>>what are some games you're hyped for at the moment?

SeaFall Legacy

>implying you have to answer all of them

> implying I did
> implying that's still not stupid

It definitely looks like some sort of Tafl game.

>what are some games you're hyped for at the moment?

Star Trek: Ascendancy is looking great.

Are there any board games based on an anime?

Does pokemon master trainer count?

>Man, people get really easily ass-blasted about what they do or don`t want in their /bgg/
Some trip was also butthurt about using silly games like monopoly or children's games.

You can't please all people but you can't pleasy any bgg-er it seems.

Was this the one that had an app version release recently? I think I remember seeing a board gameish Pokemon release somewhere.

Coming out later this year is an Attack of Titan game, where one player is the titan and the other(s) are trying to kill it. Uses a 3d titan and buildings you climb to get up to it's neck and strike at it. Not sure it'll be any good since it's Cryptozoic, but it's designed by Bauza/Maublanc who have done a lot of great games individually and the last time they collaborated did Rampage/Terror in Meeple City.

>shut up
Hey man, I usually do. Why rattle the hornet's nest right? But someone clearly wanted to know, and not just meme about normies. I gave an honest response. I don't expect much discussion about it, and I'm not asking you to change your behavior because of it. Just know that there are all kinds of people on this board.
True, but not because of my values and beliefs. That part of me is pretty normative

>there's this game you're really hyped for until you find something out about it - what's the worst dealbreaker for you that kills your hype instantly?
Anything that bothers me rulewise.

>what are some games you're hyped for at the moment?
None really, I am interested in the Conan game by Monolith though. Since it is kickstarter, I am quite sceptical though.

>what are your worst cases of buyer's remorse and why?
Arkham Horror + Dunwich Horror. After one/two playthrough(s) you will see through it. It is far to easy to see through it.

>what's a mechanic you hate and instantly turns you off a game?
"Strict" roll movement (think monopoly).

Well there's that Naruto game that's apparently "not bad". Eric Lang also made some DBZ games when he started designing for Fantasy Flight Games, apparently they're all shyte.

I've seen a few One Piece games in France, from what I can gather, they're pretty shit too.

Please shut up forever. Your "views" are just you being stupid, your "beliefs" are just you being retarded and making assumptions based around prejudices, and you might as well run away to a different site if you actually think that anyone with any sense will ever treat your opinions like anything other than an idiot mindlessly trying to justify their stupidity.

I don't think I've conveyed how backwards and empty your mind is, so I think it's also necessary to call you a dummy and an idiot once more. Trust me. When someone tells you to shut up, you personally, you should take the hint and stop assuming that there's anything except dust and lint in your skull and just keep your mouth closed.

That's a good argument there. Very convincing.

There's no need for argument. You are just that stupid. You get upset when you see anime girls. You think there's something wrong with liking anime.

You are basically too stupid to hold a conversation. So, do the world a favor, and don't show off just how retarded you are. Keep your ignorance to yourself, and never speak.

Understand? Of course not, so here's the tl;dr.

Shut up. Not an argument, just advice so you stop making yourself look like such a moron.

lawl, I'm not even the same person as the previous guy you're railing against. I think it's time for angsty baby to go take a nap, you'll feel better when you wake up.

What part of "Shut up" is hard to understand?
Is it not literal enough for your autism?
"Stop posting."

Maybe if I'll keep posting your blood pressure will spike and you'll stroke out. That would be a win right?

>so regularly that we keep track of wins/losses on an Excel document
for what pvrpose

Published by a company on my "do not buy" list. Unfortunately it gets longer all the time
>hype atm
Great Western Trail, Mr. Pfister is on pfire
>most recent purchase
Suburbia on clearance last week, still haven't gotten it played because I didn't have time to pack my bag for game night
>worst buyer's remorse
City Council, shit rulebook makes it unplayable
>would really like to play with my group
any Vital Lacerda or similar weight game with my longtime MtG friends. I want to melt their brains so bad. Also MegaCiv with my game group would be cool
>play regularly
Innovation, it's basically a game night ritual now
>memorable event
Too many to list, but I miss the trademark "no wait fuck you" followed by slapping down some hate card, which friend #1 used to pull on friend #2 EVERY SINGLE GAME and then come up with some weak-ass reasoning when friend #2 calls bullshit
>fave CE alien
Haven't played in too long. Really like Gambler, Loser, Calculator, shit like that
Purple or green
>shitty mechanic
DICE COMBAT, especially one that takes 6+ rolls per turn
>surprise winner
New York 1901, turns out TtR+Blokus is awesome

yes, it would be a win for the rest of us as well

on the other hand that butthurt weeaboo keeps bumping a traditionally slow general, so there's that

Do you know how I know you have autism?

>you get upset
Not really.
>you think there's something wrong with liking anime
I mean, I think it shows weakness of character as I said, but we all have weaknesses. There's nothing more wrong with you than me for having a weird interest. "Discard opinions of those who like anime" may be a little harsh. Admittedly my interests are Western-centric. But even if you and I tried to find common ground, we likely wouldn't find much. As I said I have friends who like anime, but I think all their tastes in music, movies, books, etc are a little "high school." They're great guys though.

How have I never heard of this before today.


There's like 20 Sailor Moon board games alone.


Apparently because people living in major cities in Japan often don't have a lot of storage space, Japan is known for releasing a lot of game in itty bitty boxes?

Is this true? What Japanese games (they don't have to be animu themed but I also don't mind if they are) would you recommend?

Genuinely curious.

Additionally, weebing up thread for OP.

>I mean, I think it shows weakness of character
I was kind of wondering if you were just going to reveal that you're just a really try-hard troll, but to do so by insisting on this point is the part where I'm going to have to agree and say that you probably need to keep your "opinions" to yourself.

Why didn't anyone tell me this game was so great? Apologies to the people who did.

My niggaverse

Knizia delivers.

What's so good about it? What kind of game is it?

Also, those of you who are making you're own version of Onitama, what are you using to make it?

If you want to go ultra-cheap you can just inkjet your cards on normal crappy paper and put them in sleeves with some slightly thicker tagboard or whatever for rigidity. There are a number of popular choices for having custom cards printed, but including them in my post triggers the anti-spam widget so you'll have to google.

The board and pieces are dead simple. Use whatever you like.

Since I own Fleet Captains, I was pretty skeptical of Ascendancy's value to me.
Previews are rapidly changing that perception.

It takes less than five minutes to explain the game. Incredibly simple in that regard.

But, it's got a lot of strategy to it that relies on being able to assess rapidly changing conditions and evaluating risk/vs. reward, recognizing and countering your opponent's strategies, and there's even a degree of diplomacy in larger games.

You roll dice to try to complete objectives on different castle cards in order to capture them (for example, for Kitanosho, you need to roll either a helmet, a bow and a horse, or total of six swords with your initial seven dice, and then you have to roll to complete a second objective with the remaining dice, and than the third objective with whatever dice remain. Each time you fail to meet one of the objectives, you lose a die, and you keep rolling until you capture the castle or have no dice left), and you can also try to capture your opponent's already claimed castles by accomplishing an additional dice roll objective. The goal is to capture a certain amount of points worth of castles.

The more difficult to capture castles are worth more points, and if you capture all the castles of a certain color, your opponents cannot capture any of those from you and you get a additional points for completing the set.

It's fast paced and really exciting, especially when you're down to your last few dice and trying to capture a difficult and sought-after castle before your opponents do.

>>what do you play regularly?
Honestly Settlers

But I try and play ECLIPSE every few months

Genuinely the greatest board game I've ever played. Can't wait to buy the expansion

My only quam is the time you need to invest into it before games run smoothly

My friends aren't always down for a 4 hour game and since there is usually one new player every time we play, it always takes 4 hours. Theres also never enough table space but w.e

>expanding directly away from interacting with the other players
Oh look, it's the absolute worst thing about the game made, manifest in .jpg form.

I mean, good on you for enjoying it, but any time a game directly incentivizes avoiding player interation, something weird is going on.

Is this tacky chess?

Guys I got a package today.

Dude, do you like in an area where there's wild rancors or something?

lol this is also why one of my friends doesn't exactly enjoy it.

But I think it just encourages the "multiple paths to victory" aspect, paired with the idea that different races have advantages in different parts of space for example :

Plant people - tier 3
Ancient-energy people - inner tiers
Hegamony - the tier that your opponent resides in

Plus if you want to be aggressive you can just bust through the center piece, which can be done mid-game in the non expansion version

There's a Lupin III board game, but the rulebook is pretty shit. There's a second version of it online, though.
Love Letter and Shadow Hunters. I have Tragedy Looper, but I still haven't gotten round to playing it yet.

That's partially why. The other reason is that Japanese publishers aren't big enough for worldwide distribution yet, so getting the big games over here is very expensive. Also, Hanafuda's influence on the Japanese market is such that card games are still the most popular. Some people say it's because of "Japanese simplicity" or some shit but that's just prejudiced imo.

I like Oink Games' stuff, especially In A Grove and Deep Sea Adventure. R is a good Keji Kenai 2p game though the best version has shit cardstock quality so you might as well print it yourself. I've been trying to get my hands on Vampire Radar for a while but it's very expensive to ship to the US

not played it

Just for user...

Storytime ?

Was the delivery guy killed too?

>>what kills your hype instantly?
A swift kick to the groin? And games with horrible rules editing.

>>what are some games you're hyped for at the moment?

I'm wanting to get the 'Nemo' game once it's released. Otherwise not a lot right now.

>>what are your most recent purchases and how do you like them?

Code Names, Mission Red Planet, and Fury of Dracula. Haven't had a chance to play them yet.

>>what are your worst cases of buyer's remorse and why?

Probably getting into the MTG 'CCG' rat-race. Fortunately I stopped years ago, and held onto my cards long enough that some of them were worth big $$$$ when I finally traded them in.

>>what would you really, really like to play with your group but haven't gotten the chance yet for whatever reason?

More of my 4x collection.

>>what do you play regularly?

Light, and mid-weight games.

>>what's something memorable?

We're gaming at a friend's house around a nice old antique dining table. We're in the middle of a game and there's this startlingly loud 'POP!' sound. We look around and the host has the weirdest look on his face. He then sticks his arms out and starts windmilling them around in circles. The rest of us look at him with 'What the Hell are you doing?' expressions on our faces. And we all watched as he slowly crashed over backwards. The loud 'POP' sound was the wood that held the back legs of his chair in place suddenly breaking. He could feel it but couldn't stand up in time to keep from going over backwards.

>>what's your favorite Cosmic Encounter alien?

None yet

>>what color do you try to always play?


>>what's a mechanic you hate and instantly turns you off a game?

Board games where you really need a table or some device to really play it.

>>what's a game you didn't expect much from but really won you over?

7 Wonders

>>what are your top 3 all-time favorite games and why?

What kind of 'real' gamer has only 3 all time favorites?

Suggested title: 'RAGE QUIT'

>Board games where you really need a table or some device to really play it.

that should read 'where you really need a tablet or some device'... Doh!

Hope your fiendish pet found its taste agreeable.