Board Games General /bgg/
>there's this game you're really hyped for until you find something out about it - what's the worst dealbreaker for you that kills your hype instantly?
>what are some games you're hyped for at the moment?
>what are your most recent purchases and how do you like them?
>what are your worst cases of buyer's remorse and why?
>what would you really, really like to play with your group but haven't gotten the chance yet for whatever reason?
>what do you play regularly?
>what's something memorable that's happened while you were playing? be it awesome or shitty or funny or intense or thatguy-related
>what's your favorite Cosmic Encounter alien?
>what color do you try to always play?
>what's a mechanic you hate and instantly turns you off a game?
>what's a game you didn't expect much from but really won you over?
>what 5 games would you bring to convince a nongamer of how awesome board games can be?
>what are your top 3 all-time favorite games and why?