When mankind meets other races in the galaxy...

>When mankind meets other races in the galaxy, they find that they are literally the only race capable of finding humor easily.
>Other races have it, it's just harder for them.
>In other words, humans have the advantage of laughter.
How can this advantage and disadvantage us?

Other urls found in this thread:


we survive despite our startlingly high levels of retardation

We seek friendlier than other races.
Aliens constantly questioning our race's intelligence.

>Having a sense of humor is retardation.

>Wars against humans involve plastering humorous images and slogans on everything.
>If the pretty terrible jokes and the like don't make them laugh, the absurdity of the situation does
>Or, at least, it used to. Humans are desensitized by now.

We would create such a funny joke that we would kill everyone from laughter.


>Look at how stupid these hoomens are.


>Oh no, they have lasers and explosions, ahhh -ded-

I could see a negative being sarcasm as a form of humour and the aliens misinterpreting it.

Is there any guarantee other alien races will also have a concept of Humor? I mean, what's the evolutionary upshot of it?

Emotional pick me up.

We can make sanity rolls more easily, being able to just laugh off the illogicality of the universe.

We don't give in to despair as easily, and can use it to bond with each other.

Other species get annoyed that we aren't taking anything seriously.

Efficiency of communication? Aliens don't have room in their language for jokes, idioms, innuendos, double meanings, etc. They say what they mean and they mean what they say.

It's a social skil and we are social creatures so it provides many benefits. Such benefits are things like attracting mates, socialising with others and improving relationships, easing tension and working away stress , disarming minor or social conflict.

Imagine holding a conversation in which you are simultaneously tricking an alien and being truthful with another human. We'd have the best damn secret agents and criminal masterminds this side of the Virgo Supercluster.

Humans being best diplomat and spies? Original.

Wait, so essentially the other species of the galaxy have aspergers syndrome? If earth is any indication of how things would go down we would probably try to teach them about humour while also bullying them for not understanding it. Actually come to think of it maybe we would have the best psychologists / psychiatrists in the galaxy. Only maybe because on the one hand it could be that we are aware of psychological maladies that the other races are not, but then again maybe a sense of humour would be seen as a malady by them. At the very least we can be reasonably sure that many debates would be had, and that our differing autism spectrums would result in the migration of individuals between races.

I like all these threads theorizing what role mankind would assume in the future.

Human politicians are referred to as memelords unironically.

Laughter is the opposite of horror.
Something unexpected happened, and everything's okay.
We'd probably be more effective and nuanced communicators.

>Humans being best diplomat and spies?

>We'd probably be more effective and nuanced communicators.

To understand the coded messages of the Human armada is a nigh impossible task. There are many reasons for this, first of which is their impossibly complex ciphers which require decoding (good luck) or capturing a decoding machine. Then once the message is decoded one must understand the archaic earth languages all messages are sent in, which in itself is a problem given the small population pools of these languages. Next a team made up of scholars dedicated to studying human history, culture, and media is required to figure out if the message is referencing anything with allusions. The final step is the hardest stage of all requires hundreds of hours of work on the part of trained intelligence officers, scholars, and even mental patients all to figure out both who is there and why the chicken crossed the road.

We make other species really happy, and we are really good at reassuring them. A big part of laughter is the ability to dismiss something that might seem threatening, but in reality isn't.

So, we're kind of galactic cheerleaders. Who are also probably surprisingly good at fighting for long periods of time. On earth, Endurance is one of our main strengths, so that combined with being funny is pretty cool.
I'm assuming that we are also funny *to* the aliens right? Not just that we laugh more than them, but that our minds work in such a way that its easier for us to make them laugh.
So, we're not a great power, galactically speaking. Human colonies are likely sparse. On the other hand, humans are always present in the entourages of powerful aliens, and we find ourselves in a role as mercenaries, entertainers, and advisors (of a sort).

Downside, we're not taken particularly seriously, and aliens probably think of us as too emotional or a little bit crazy.

I like this thread. It is a good thread.

> Friend human. I have a quandary that has troubled my mind since I first learned of it. It has left me distracted through countless work hours and awake through sleep cycles unending. Please you must tell me, why did the chicken cross the road?

Advantage: We laugh off what other races would have seen as slights. Prevalence of "I didn't like that human at first but he grew on me" situations because we bounce back from situatioms other species would have taken personallyand become standoffish over

Disadvantage: we are seen like that laughing pet in Jabba's palace

Why, to get to the other side of course, my scholarly xenoid.

Seeking to derive pleasure from tragedy, we are less susceptible to PSTD than most alien species, not only from war and tragedy, but also from acidents and assaults. This also makes us more risk-prone which paid off in some fields of science and exploration.

However, being able to have such a unreal perspective is categorized as a form of mental disorder on these same species. The fact that we do it willingly makes it worse. In some jurisdictions, humans aren't considered capable of having autonomy, needing some sort of caretaker and housing at their equivalent of an asylum. A more extreme precaution treats us as memetic agents in need of AI-based censorship.

>we are seen like the laughing pet in Jabba's palace
suicide sounds like a preferable alternative.

Enemy Xenos would literally launch meme propaganda if we ever got into a war

"HUMAN AMBASSADOR! I MUST INSIST YOU REFRAIN FROM MAKING THIS RACKET! Now as I was saying the Organic material you choose to cover these seats in is causing sever rashes in the posteriors of the Du.... WHY ARE YOU MAKING THAT NOISE AGAIN"

This rattles my bones.

And then everyone would laugh because of how bad the alien's humor is.

>A more extreme precaution treats us as memetic agents
All hail Top Kek

Ayyyy lmao.

>be advanced space faring race
>attempt to trade with backwater world simians for their precious minerals
>the keep making that "ayy lmao" noise and then coughing or gagging

I say hoo-mens should be exterminated.

One of these days, we'll really end up making another race.

And then mankind will quickly try to erase all these discussion and Humanity, Fuck Yeah threads out of fear it'll be considered as some kind of chuuni fantasy.

I like this idea better
>first contact
>humanity and the aliens have just met after two explorer vessels come into contact
>alien greets you
>ayy lmao

There's only one way to counter meme warfare.

Ensure they encounter no meme-using websites except Facebook and 9gag. This will dramatically reduce the chances of their attacks actually being funny.

>alien find Earth
>they decide to learn our language first
>pick up communication channels
>the first thing they see from mankind is a XCOM2 stream
>"They play THAT? And they find it fun?!?"
>alien sweating intensifies

>alien spend more and more time monitoring communication
>they end up thinking that fighting aliens is mankind's fetish
>become really scared that, upon discovering, mankind's first reaction will be "Aliens are real! Get your guns!"

>aliens find Mass Effect and Star Trek
>get really confused

>report to their superiors that mankind will fuck them if they look like female, but murder them if they're anything else

No too far from our usual modus operandi, honestly.

Survival of the fittest.
That's how we survived.

>disadvantages: humans are attributed to having so many distinct advantages that they are considered special snowflakes and everyone will laugh at you if you try to play one in a ttrpg.
>advantages: all humans are dudebros with poor senses of humor (despite being the only beings naturally inclined to humor) and only play the most plebian of games, so they don't know or care about their infamous reputation.

Is there any setting where the humans are super speshul snowflakes and the rest of the galaxy/universe fucking hate us for it?

My favorite alium

Yeah, it's called every sci fi setting ever.

Anyone tagged as "HFY".

Through I remember a pasta decribing mankind as being the descendant of a galactic equivalent of a penal world, and the others aliens fearing them because humans are totally immune to psychic stuff.

>humans as space Australia

Ayy lamo, you find this fun human?

Every HFY-Thread ever. I'm sure you can make something out of it.

Basically, but even worse, since people were left with literally nothing and had to relearn everything, while Australia still had the Great Britain supporting them.

>The war against humanity was mostly a one sided battle
>Humanity tried it's best to stand against the alien menace, but practically every weapon in the sector was far too weak to even scratch the alien's war ships
>However, one vessel was able to break through the alien blockade, due to a complex coded order "Why did the chicken cross the road" confusing the aliens long enough to create a gap
>The human colonies seemed to be on the brink of destruction, as the full force of the alien armadas broke through their last line of defense
>However, a warp hole suddenly cracked open at the rear of the alien's fleets, and a massive wave of human ships came racing out, far more advanced than anything the colonies had, the aliens were caught completely off guard and their forces quickly broke against the onslaught
>The last image transmitted back to the command ship of the alien armada was of a massive behemoth of a cruiser lurching out of the warp rift, emblazoned on it's side was a bright blue orb splotched with green, and written next to it in big, bold letters was "OTHERSIDE"

What if it turned out the only advantage and special thing humanity has is our ability to eat really spicy foods for enjoyment?

It would suck big time.
>we are the terraken
>we have two brains
>we are the kasvagorians
>we are strong and extremely resilient
>we the salt hog
>we never complain and don't feel pain or boredom
>we the humans
>we can eat really spicy food!

We'd be the mad jesters of the universe.

"They laugh at everything! EVERYTHING!"

"You know they actually frequently kill one-another en masse?"

"Oh god it's smiling WHY THE FUCK IS IT SMILING..."


And then there's that thing called dark humour.

>I do not see how that is any talent, human
>Well, you see High Lord Glliblorp, this is a pepper, it is not just any pepper, it is a genetically modified pepper from our home planet, we specifically bred this pepper to be as hot as we could get it to be, and at this point, it is strong enough to peel paint, a single drop of it's juices causes such intense, blinding pain in anything capable of sensing it that they are reduced to a sobbing, sniffling, screaming ball of agony. We eat this for fun. And it's not even the hottest pepper we have created. Thats in my lunch.

>The humans have an entire industry of entertainment involving them hurting themselves in more and more idiotic and horrifying fashions
>Whats worse, the ones hurting themselves seem to be enjoying it almost as much as those watching!

>tfw when you will never grin illuminated by the fires of a giant graveyard of your enemies space cruisers

>tfw when your grin will never be illuminated by a cigar and laser burst as you burst into an alien foxhole

>tfw you will never laugh with maniacal rage as you rape and pillage your way through your enemies capital

why live?

I'm sure alien psychologists will decide we're all secretly craving for a good old fashioned slaughter.

Basically being walking biohazards, that keep walking well after everything else has stopped.

Every human ship would have the masks of comedy and tragedy as the figureheads

So, we turn into the harlequins? space clowns: the race.

> >Other races have it, it's just harder for them.
Fuck. Veeky Forums is overrun by aliens.

Well. At least this explains a lot.

Humans. Its not our willpower, it's not our charisma, it's not our sense of humor, and it's not our sex drive. What sets us apart from all other races is our ability to shovel nightmarish things into our mouths and ask for seconds.

>By the stars, these humans have a dish that consists of a fish marinated in POISON

>can't sleep, humans will eat me

That's actually a cool idea.

I wish I still had that screenshot of OP pretending to be an alien looking for a place to live and user answering "fuck off space nigger, we're full, you can crash on the moon if you want".

>Gbbilbrax Intergalactic Transport Station has been in biohazard lockdown for the last 13 standard hours, due to a human delicacy known as Surströmming.

>found out a video of a human committing ritualistic suicide by jumping from a building
>showed video to other video
>he laughed
>he was still laughing when we evacuated the building
>I can still hear him
>his laugh is stuck in my head

Add in our adrenaline and strange moods, and we're an entire race of Gamzees.

Consider that pepper burns because the burning chemical is a neurotoxin.


Now that I think about it, it's not unheard for people (even these that aren't bipolars) to swing moods pretty quickly.

Not to mention we sometimes get depressed over stupid shit.
Like Han Solo's death.

>Aliens find Xeno threads on /aco/ and Veeky Forums
>Get REALLY confused

>mfw aliens tried to contact mankind through Veeky Forums
>got BTFO
>they're now infiltrating Veeky Forums
Let me get my bayonet.

Weirdly, humour is a massive evolutionary boon and probably as central to the development of primitive societies as our tendency to religion was.

It's grooming a la our close ancestors, basically. It's grooming except you can 'groom' a group of people in a significantly shorter time than it would take to pick through their hair for lice. It's a shot of happy neurological signals that can be triggered at will but only in social situations.

There are books on this shit man.

I remember reading somewhere that carnivorous species have less taste than herbivores.
So the meat-eating ayyys wouldn't be able to taste our food and the grass-munching ayyys would find it bland.

> infiltrating
> moon alien owns Veeky Forums
Slowpoke human.

All your base are belongs to us.

What you say!

>The great galactic Empire has ritualistised warfare down to an eating contest
>Humans have dominated the field of battle for centuries through their secret weapon
>Cheap balti house curries.

>new habitable planet found
>no dominant species
>each race wants it
>verge of civil war
>it's decided the planet will be handed out to the race winning the contest
>roll to see what kind of contest
>eating contest
>all other races just drops out
>humans are the only one competing

It's Veeky Forums. Autism is a prerequisite.

I prefer stories where aliens just see things differently.
For example :
>aliens see research as a religious duty
>only a handful of people are allowed to
>then they meet the humans
>so curious about everything they're literally researching everything they can
>from ants to cosmos
>including the art of fighting with just their hands
>the aliens' face when they learn that humans have more than 50 ways to fight with just their bodies
>including several martial arts where you fight your opponent without hitting him

And I forget :
>despite having made insane progress in warfare
>we still keep old weapons and use them in sports
>fencing is still a thing even through we have automatic weaponry
>and are on the verge of creating automated turrets

plot idea:

Aliens find Earth long after it is destroyed do to negligence. They unearth a massive deposit of Human media such as Star Wars, Warhammer 40k, Dungeons and Dragons etc. and they believe it all to be true. They come to believe that Humans inhabit some farflung corner of the galaxy and are all powerful.

Intergalactic society grinds to a fucking halt as they gear up to fight the human menace that is surely approaching.

Wasn't that already done with the Cthulhu Mythos?

This leads to the aliens own demise as resource hoarding impending the oncoming perceived onslaught is believed to happen. Galactic war breaks out amongst the Holy Ayy emprire causing great ruin and destruction on an unprecedented scale.

I honestly have no idea.

Automated turrets already exist, deployed on the korean border

>All other alien races are the same but Humanity's special

I hope you HFYfags had even one original idea

Woah, so edgy.

It's always one of these two things with Human circlejerkers:
>a seemingly innocent trait Humanity has that eventually turns out to be super awesome that makes us the best in the galaxy
>Humanity is cursed but we're so crazy and/or badass we overcome any impossible challenge the universe throws at us

Meanwhile, all the various cookie cutter alien races serve no purpose than to stand in awe of our greatness.

Woah, so edgy.

Man, Gamzee was so much more enjoyable as a character as a dumb alien stoner.

>they start looking at a subset of human media which contains several variations of laughter that can be used to gauge character traits


Oh boy, that takes me back. I feel so old.

>7 minutes of this retarded high-pitched laugh
Please no. It's only barely tolerable in small doses.

It wouldn't sound so shit if she had a deeper voice.
