Netepic Armageddon General: Tiny titans Edition

Netepic Armageddon is a 6mm (1:285 scale) wargame set in the Warhammer 40 000 universe.
In 2003 GW published the fourth edition of Epic, Epic Armageddon.The game relied on community feedback during development and the living rulebook was made available via GW's Fanatic website. The rules are still available for free, but not supported by GW any more. Until the promised return of the specialist games by GW, the game is developed by the fans in the form of Net Epic Armageddon.

>Where do I get the rules?
>Where do I get those fan made minis that show up everywhere?
You post your email in Epic threads and hope that one of the recasters contact you.
>Where else can I get miniatures?
There is a lot of old epic stuff on Ebay and some manufacturers produce good proxies, like, and other forums or facebook groups also do lots of trading in second hand epic minis.
>What's the game like?
Players alternate using parts of their armies called formations rather than moving and fighting with their entire force. Morale and fatigue is represented by giving “Blast Markers” to a formation when something bad happens to it, which gradually makes it less effective and stops more and more units in the formation from acting until they rally. The scale makes units with longer range weapons or high movement speed stand out more, makes manoeuvring more important and allows for the use of many units that are superheavy or above in Warhammer 40 000, such as Baneblades, fliers, knights or titans without warping the game too much.

In this user's opinion, this is a great gamers game as well as a great hobby game. Not as clumsy or random as 40k. An elegant game... for a more civilized age.

Other urls found in this thread:

This is what the forumware Reaver titan that you can buy from shady recasters that lurk on Veeky Forums looks like. The head shield is detachable and reveals the cockpit detail with the moderati and princeps, and it comes with several weapon options.

In game it's a beast like most titan weight units, but blowing up a bunch of tanks or several entire squads of infantry in a turn of shooting is not quite as terrifying when you have tons of them. Or titans of your own.

Bumping in the vain hope there's an Epic community within 2 hours of the Smoky Mountains.

6mm scale is the scale for me, especially with all the affordable third party model makers.

If you have anyone to play with at all, even if they don't play epic, collecting 2 armies doesn't break the bank and is a good way to introduce others to a tinier flavour of plastic crack.

I built an eldar and a space marine force when I first started and played with anyone who wanted to try.

Ah, about that, I do own the moulds - the original ones from the original creator - but with the condition of them... Ive had to re-print the entire titan and start from scratch with the moulds. So yes I can sell them... soon...

In all likelihood one of the other myriad of fellow dodgy bastards is able to sell you casts-of-a-cast in the meantime.

Also if anyone cries "where have I been" - blame the 'Strayans, they have a habit of sending me requests that suck up all my evenings for a month at a time.

I bought a pretty fresh cast besides some minor warping of the thin pieces due to pressure difference during making of mold vs casting of the resin I think, close to the end of last year, so they are still available from dodgy bastards like you said.

Also, I would do shameful, unspeakable things to you or people of your choosing in exchange for that 3D file.

Also, thank you for your service to the hobby, It's so great that people keep producing the forumware.

so it seems that posting a mail contact in these threads could help having a catalogue...
[email protected]

problem is, people willing to have some stuff will spam their e-mails and these threads will fuck off sooner, so to alleviate this, have some fitting image

Also posting email & pic, bought whole guard army for 300 $ and looking to get more titans, baneblades, etc.
[email protected]

Beautiful storm hammer

One of the user's bitching earlier, I guess I'm just displacing my anger at 40k for not doing its thing as well as it could I still think that superheavies at 28mm scale can work but not the way GW is doing them, the game would need rules built from the ground up with then in mind

Lizardman fan, never got to get into fantasy battle, where can I find some stuff for warmaster?

Warmaster stuff is hideously expensive second hand, but you can find pdfs of the rulebook online and there are lots of random historical and fantasy miniatures in 6, 10 or 15mm to use (warmaster is 10)

The best versions of warmaster were the historical ones. Warmaster Ancients etc. No losing to highelf dragons on turn 1.

Went down to my LGS today and got Slavic Sales Clerk to round me up their ancient Epic stuff. From what I've seen it's several dozens of Marine, CSM, Eldar and Squat Infantry, a few dozens plastic Rhinos, Land Raiders and Eldar tanks and thirty or so sprues of all the same. Other than that I've seen a few boxes with Squat vehicles. He said he's going to have a list by the end of next week.

So, what's good prices for those? I'm thinking about 0,20 to 0,40 cents at most for the bases and 0,5 to 1 buck per tank.

Aww... I wanted to have a tiny army of dinosaurs riding giant dinosaurs

Just look for the same stuff on ebay, there's tons of it available there since that stuff came in the starter boxes, so everyone has a pile of old rhinos etc. It will give you a good idea about prices.

Rick Priestley's warmaster site has all the rules/variants for download. Also check out Pendraken/Magister Militum/Polar Fox studios for non-GW 10mm fantasy. Not sure if any of them have not-Lizardmen though.

Hi Al, can I get on your mailing list? I've been ordering from the Aussie's but if you're US based, I'd rather order from you and avoid the heinous shipping fees.

onthelam08 (at) gmail dot com


Man if I didn't have a brazillion 40k recasts to paint I would totally ask for his catalog too. Must resist urge to collect more minis...

I hear you, I start a new game system every year, so it's too late for me. I figure I'll just stockpile now and when I'm retired in 30 years I can deal with them then. Stay strong.

Here's a NE:A battle rep to give people an idea of how the game plays. I'm hoping once I get a few Epic30k forces painted up I can start doing my own video bat reps.

I don't think they use the NE:A rules here, but the original Epic: Armageddon rules. Still a nice batrep to watch while doing some hobbying.

I will email people, but give me... two weeks? catch up on what Im behind on. Also as I change my email address regularly, I'd recommend only ordering a small thing off me first - it'd be far too easy for someone with an old version of my catalogue to rip people off.

And Im a Brit. There is definitely a yank recaster out there, but as with the ozzy and czech recasters the less we know about each other the better - means if someone gets caught nobody knows the others names/emails.

Sorry bud, this cost me as much as Ive made from recasts so far. I am using it as a basis to start modelling a warlord from though! Soon my pretty, soon....

Hello yes, I would too also like these models. Please every recaster send me their info so I can purchase these models. [email protected]

Hell, I'll wait two months if thats what it takes; just stoked at the chance of maybe finding someone not over the pond.
kraken9 (at) web dot de
And thank you.

Like this guy said, Pendraken has Normal and Tribal Lizardmen (pictured) in 10mm, Khurasan does some stuff in 15 that might work because of the already nonhuman size.

Also, theres Eureka USA, who sell these awesome looking chaps, pretty much exactly what you were looking for.

Do you cast in metal or resin?

>so it seems that posting a mail contact in these threads could help having a catalogue...
Good to know, i was looking for just that.

chrisnihilus @

Anyone know were I can get Lucius Pattern Titans?

where are the 30k armies I wanna get into legio Cybernetica is where the list are.

What exactly is the deal with the Tyranid bio-titans, anyway? There's only one model, which was sold as a Heirophant. It is absolutely huge compared to the 40k one, however. There's also the Dom, which is supposedly bigger and has more wounds, but is also tiny compared to it.

There's no models for anything between the range of the Trygon and the Heirophant. So just use whatever?

I use these bad boys.

Please Recasters Help Me
[email protected]

Those look great!

Aussie here.

Looking to start. Anyone know if there are any players around the Newcastle/Hunter region?

What's it generally cost to buy a basic Epic army for whatever the lowest common points game is?

Depends. Mostly on how tank heavy your forces are most of the time.
Like 70-100 usually for 3k is average I think.

It depends very much on what army you are building and from what minis. If you're building Eldar with the last editín of GW minis and want lots of tanks, it gets expensive. If you're building space marines with lots of plastic, it gets cheap.

Neat, thanks mates. Maybe I'll post my email in one of the threads in a bit... just have to see if my roommate is willing to start playing or not. Since we're poorfags we'd probably end up doing SM vs SM. Are there chapter tactics in Epic?

Just do 30k epic if you want to run marine on marine. It's pretty brutal.

Honestly, the lucius pattern reavers you'll find will be recasts of the forgeworld original, and cost you twice as much as a forumware reaver which is twice as big.

You can get a forumware lucius warlord which is even bigger for less.

Yeah but I'm assuming you need special (more $$$) HH models for that? Or did they even make HH models? If all I have to do is paint them pre-Heresy colors then yeah I'd do that for the honor of Mortarion

sorry but I suck at google, I appreciate the help though

Dude, it's you and a friend playing a discontinued game kept alive by fans. If you want to, you can play with little matchstick cutoffs painted ultramarine blue vs goblin green, glued five to a penny.

There is a lot of horus heresy stuff being made too though, you can get them from resinbro or one of the other recasters, but just buy some old epic plastic marines and rhinos on ebay, they're dirt cheap.

yeah what said. just get some 20x40mm bases and label them for now what infantry they are, larger bases 20x20mm 40x40mm for vehicles. If you like the game, then figure out a way to get the good Epic30k casts.

>Dude, it's you and a friend playing a discontinued game kept alive by fans. If you want to, you can play with little matchstick cutoffs painted ultramarine blue vs goblin green, glued five to a penny.

Fucking kek. I, uh, somehow didn't think of that. I'm used to playing in a pretty strict store/meta. But yeah, good point m8.

>labelled bases

Good idea, thanks user.

Fine, I'll sculpt and print my own reaver, with hookers, and blackjack!

For real though let us know when the reaver is available in metal again, I need that like millennials need discipline.

Please add me remaster [email protected]

I've used one guy before and they came out excellent

Why limit it to NetEA OP?

It's the most popular version of the rules and if people like it they're free to branch out.

Don't get me wrong, I love Netepic Gold and Heresy, etc (netepic is great for titan battles!) but netepic armageddon is the more approachable, smooth game with the more active community.

You need it like I need over the hill, regret filled gen-xers to stop moaning about millenials.

Okay, correction, I need it like millenials need to learn to take a joke.

LOL sounds like someone is triggered.

What makes you think the person making the comment is a "regret filled"? gen-xer?

Posting here myself: [email protected]

>You post your email in Epic threads and hope that one of the recasters contact you.

fiktivijus (at) yahoo . com

especially if in Europe.


Wow, I have not seen these before, we did you get that photo?

Thats amazing.

Also I was wrong. The reaver sized shrimp bug was sold as a heirodule. They really changed names. I mail ordered mine so dont have a box. I really like the model but i guess it counts as a hydraphant now.

Also the Dom model is awful. Looks like a giant headless termigant.

>That Fellblade

I would seriously be interested in buying a number of those if someone could point me in the direction of the producer.

>theshigure (at)

its from a french 30k forum

What are the variations between the different versions ?

Got it from Facebook. Unfortunately the sculptor isn't selling to people right now.

Sign me up for that mailing list been looking to get into epic.
rex0809 (at) sbcglobal . net

Shame those look great

Hopefully the other casters who are selling primarch sculpts do a version of Perty and the ICs.

We've got to clear up the naming situation. imo, "NetEpic" and "Armageddon" should not be used together so the editions break down like:

NetEPIC: 2nd edition
Epic 40,000: 3rd edition
Epic Armageddon: 4th edition

If playing 4th ed, you then use the NetEA army lists (or EpicUK for tournaments there) with the Epic Armageddon rules. Let's not write out what NetEA stands for because that always gets confused with fucking NetEPIC, whose creators I hate for not coming up with a more distinctive name.

The HH models are fanmade. But the original Epic game, Space Marine, was set in the HH (so that both sides could use the exact same minis). It had marines, rhinos, and land raiders, that's it.

There's a starter guide if it helps anyone.

I only mention Epic: Armageddon and NE:A because in the video you can clearly see they're just using the original E:A rulebook. I don't find the difference between NetEpic and NE:A confusing at all. Probably because I don't play NetEpic at al and only play the HH expansion for NE:A.

Around how much would it cost me to pick up the 3000 points suggested for an Epic army? Are we talking a couple hundred dollars, several hundred, or a couple thousand?

Like it was said before, it varies. What army are you thinking of doing?

Also 3k is recommended for Epic30k. Regular Armageddon you only need 2k usually.

As a regular armageddon player, I'd say the game (or rather the rules used with the standard tournament scenario) shines at 3k or slightly higher.
>you play for all victory conditions not just 2 or 3
>the biggest titans become available at these points
>battlefield feels inhabited i stead of sparse
>still only takes 3h to deploy and play
Unless minigeddon, the lowest point value I'd recommend for regular play is 2400.

bump with official models

>I don't find the difference between NetEpic and NE:A confusing at all.
These threads bring in a lot of prospective players. Those that have done some research don't get confused. Others do. I've also seen a lot of former players of 2nd ed. show up, not having followed Epic at all the last 15 years, and getting confused.

Probably $250-300 for a standard 3000pt army if you're using new 3rd party minis. An eBay army can be significantly more unless you're being patient and only looking for minis sold near original prices.

Regular Armageddon works at 2000, but 3000 is standard. For Horus Heresy lists using the Armageddon rules, 4000 is standard.

See the guide here

If you're using forumware resin minis, army building can actually get pretty cheap. 20 bases of various marines, a reaver or a couple of thunderhawks and a bunch of tanks is less than 100 burgerdollars.

Except the updated version of the armageddon rules is called Netepic Armageddon, and the rules are named as such when downloading them.

Netepic departs from 2nd edition in a nontrivial way so just saying it's 2nd edition is a bit of an oversimplification.

Yes, the names are a bit of a clusterfuck, but since this thread was made with netepic armageddon in mind I'm not going to mislabel stuff just for the 3 people, me included, who like Netepic too.

I mean, we could list heresy and adeptus titanicus too, but I'm just trying to get people interested so I focused on what I think is the easiest to get into and generally the smoother game.

To me, "netepic" means the fan refinement of 2nd. It's been in use for a long time, and earned the right not to lose its name to 4th ed.

Epic Armageddon's rules were updated in 2009, but not as "Net Epic Armageddon". The NetEA group did exist and helped out with the adjustments, but GW was still hosting the pdfs on their website at the time. It's simply Epic Armageddon v2. NetEA does list writing. And there's no confusion if we call it NetEA.

How would I find local players if I'm interested in starting epic? From Southwest Ontario btw.

Really hoping to get onto a mailing list, some of these homemade models are bloody masterpieces!

Williamsonltw [at] gmail [dot] com

Anyone know anywhere that does half decent Notwarhounds that delivers to the uk? My usual port of call is vanguard miniatures but they don't have anything that suits

Aliexpress if you don't need true scale

>still only takes 3h to deploy and play
I thought Epic was supposed to be a faster game than 40k?

We generally need two hours.

I wouldn't say it's faster, but that it's much more about movement and (post-deployment) positioning. Totally different game.

Okay, so further research comes up with the following;

Epic 40k Heirophant model (this is what I have) = EpicUk Hydraphant
Epic 40k Heirodule model (this is similar but actually smaller) = EpicUk Heirophant
No official model for the EpicUK list Heirodule

Is this right?

Yes, that's right. They probably did it to match FW's 40k naming system.

Understandable given how ancient the original Epic naming scheme is. It was throwing me off because I didn't realise that there were two different sized Bio-titan models until I saw them side by side. They look very, very similar.

Looks like I can get a nid list to fight my marines without too much issue. Just buy some rippers to use as raveners to go with my trygon, and then a handful of oop big guys to add to the swarms, like zoanthropes etc.

Yeah, sometimes they're well priced on eBay. Onslaught Minis and can help too.

There are some fanatic magazines at my FLGS, vol. 3 & vol. 4 I think, are they worth picking up?

Not really.

Imperial Guard. I impulse bought two boxes from the FLGS, one were these cute, lil Death Korps guys along with some mortar team stands and the other was an artillery company I think (bunch of basilisks and manticores).

There's still one box of Death Korps infantry and a box of fliers (bombers?) at the FLGS I was thinking of grabbing.


Those are probably Steel Legion IG, not DKK.

Some Forumware guys make DKK though. Funny if they ended up in a FLGS.

The IG are probably Steel Legion, not DKK.

I went downstairs and checked the box and it just says "Siege Infantry Company" in English and "Baran Infanteriekompanie" is what I assume is German?

Trolls under the Bridge has Steel Legion-ish infantry. Their stuff isn't terribly detailed, but it paints up just fine. Email them or check their eBay store; they had to pull their 6mm stuff off of their website.

Baran is different... and weird. For some reason GW made a completely new IG army as an Epic Armageddon release. There's a Baran Siegemasters army list, but you're better off using the minis in a normal IG list (i.e. use the NetEA Steel Legion army list). The Baran list plays strangely and is more suited for scenarios, not general play.

Baran Siege Masters is an army list.

It's not really. The difference is that 40k spends so much time on just individual rolls and finnicky stuff, in epic a stand of orks firing at a rhino is just one roll.

But you spend a lot of time on movement and and dealing with morale and positioning etc.

So the game isn't really faster, but it feels like you get a lot more done in the same time if that makes sense.

One more for the mailing list please (especially 30k stuff)

Testingaccout (at) gmail .com