Game Finder

>Timezone and Availability
>Method of Play/Text or Voice
>Contact info
>Additional information

Other urls found in this thread:

Game Master
Final Fantasy RPG
>Timezone and Availability
8:00am PST
>Method of Play/Text or Voice
>Contact info
dmblackhart on skype/roll20
>Additional information
Roll20 game. Link provided

do not join this game active dick gm

*grabs popcorn*

Seriously Alany. Great. Wat irked you exactly?

Which Final Fantasy system?
What days?
5/10 ad apply yourself

Litterally THE final fantasy RPG system. FFRPG, Returner Games. By the title itself it is just "Final Fantasy Roleplaying Game".

Saturdays, sorry I figured people would see that when they check the page, most of the important info is on there.

Just sayin' there's a few FF systems. I ran FFd6 last year.

Also put all the information on the ad, I don't want to have to log into roll20 to get some details you could have put here.

Ah, well there's a LOT of information. I didn't want to slap down a big'ol wall of text. I'll keep it in mind for next time.

And I wasn't aware there were other systems. Again my bad.

World/Chronicles of Darkness (preferably Beast or Demon), Call of Cthulhu, FATE core, probably anything else that's not Fantasy.
>Timezone and Availability
MDT, Sundays-Mondays-Tuesdays, all day.
>Method of Play/Text or Voice
Preferably Voice, but I can do Text
>Contact info
My skype is vorpal.james.
>Additional information
Found a few games on here and on roll20, but they all fell through/people flaked. I'm not a shitty player, and I will rarely, if ever, not show up without warning.

still waiting for the drama

No Drama here. The player had a problem with me I suppose, or if he/she had other issues they wont voice them.

Regardless, let that influence you or don't. I am leaving my post up, I am confident I will find plenty of interest.

Too early for me.

12 hours to learn an obscure system and a new setting well enough to make a dood that will pass muster might be ever so slightly too little for those of us that don't suffer from horrendous amounts of free time. Plus you appear to have enough players already. Good luck.

12 hours?

The game isn't for a week.

That's what it says on the roll20, urging people to submit their stuff. Multiple times, in fact. really ought to clean both the game forum and the ad up a bit, senpai.

Meh. I have a busy day ahead. But thank you for the advice, I will do so.

Any, Non-Pathfinder
>Timezone and Availability
After 5 PM EST Wednesday
>Method of Play/Text or Voice
>Contact info
[email protected]
>Additional information

That's not Alany. Hell, that's not even me. All either of us said was "Hey, this campaign's just not working for us, so we're going to have to step out". But I'm not going to say any more, because game finder drama is retarded.

Fearsome Gods- Homebrew. Inquire within.
>Timezone and Availability
Mountain Time -8
Usually off from work Sundays and Mondays, but may change week to week. Sorry I can't promise better.
>Method of Play/Text or Voice
Voice over Skype, rollz for rolls
>Contact info
Fearsome Noodles on Skype
>Additional information
Recruiting for a semi-old school dungeon crawling game in a homebrew game system/setting. Moderate lethality, will have to play by ear. If you're a power gamer or are care about in depth game design and/or balance, please don't apply as this game won't interest you. Looking for fun and energetic players.

GM or Player. Either looking to play a male character or find someone to play a party of dumb, busty adventuresses. I like cheesecake and silly ideas for games. Really just looking for one person to play with since I have trouble keeping to a set timetable.
Ideally something light, I have a few homebrew systems as well.
>Timezone and Availability
>Method of Play/Text or Voice
>Contact info
>Additional information
Interested in concepts that borrow from anime, (high school/mecha/harem/etc) with optional lewdness/emphasis on full-bodied girls. I can provide a few more clearcut ideas on request, but the main things I'm interested in doing are scenarios drawing influence based on Taimanin Asagi/Dead or Alive/Fatal Fury set in the modern day. Lots of muscles, fighting, dumb adventures for ancient artifacts, that sort of thing. I also had a more fantasy orientated for a team of ninjas infiltrating an enemy fortress I wouldn't mind discussing.
Can learn systems where necessary.
Skype is Frocto, but I can provide other contact methods if necessary! I'm an advanced writer and have years of experience playing rpgs, so someone who can match me would be really good. Looking forward to hearing from you guys.

Do I have to play someone dumb and busty?

>I want someone else to play as a harem of waifus for my generic special snowflake animu character

Jesus Christ.

>I can run
Vampire: the Requiem 2e, Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition, Savage Worlds (Setting TBD), Over the Edge, Apocalypse World and assorted hacks, 40k RPGs (DH2e, Black Crusade, Rogue Trader), Delta Green, and Numenara.
>I would like to play
Exalted (3e preferred), oWoD or nWoD, 40k RPGs, Apocalypse World, and aSoIaF. Open to most games barring D&D. Just ask!
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Any, seeing as text-based 1-on-1s don't necessitate sessions. I have very open availability.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Skype text via PMs or forum-based play-by-post.
>Contact Info
[email protected]
>Additional Notes
I am looking for reciprocal 1x1 campaigns. I run a game for you, you run one for me. Competency with grammar/syntax/spelling is encouraged.

mountain time is -7, chucklefuck

I was actually right on the time zone, just wrong on the name. I meant to put pacific -8, not mountain. My mistake.

Open to any, know DnD 5e/Pathfinder/40k rpgies
>Timezone and Availability
Most days and times, Aus based but used to American Times
>Method of Play/Text or Voice
Prefer voice, Roll20 etc
>Contact info
skype: crimsomnomnom
>Additional information
Currently GMing a few games, want to play as well on side.


Game Master/Post Office
Need to find, make, or mod it
>Timezone and Availability
Play By Post, updates from the post office ever scheduled sensibly.
>Method of Play/Text or Voice
Play By Post
>Contact info
discord: minty_cream#4261 best loco, skype: kinosglitschen
>Additional information
Everyone is a "king" of their own "kingdom". Everything is done via letters to and from the post office. The post office will broadcast any bulletins sent out by other players, and handle letters to and from the other kingdoms. The post office sometimes broadcasts the news as well, such as major events and emergencies.

Exalted 3e, any CofD/nWoD2e splat
Skype, R20, discord, whatever
>contact info
skype: gentlemenshadow (screen name shada)
Shada#1090 on discord
>Other Info
I'm looking for something either 1 on 1 or small (2 other players tops). Preferably more focus on emotion and personal goals, and not much is off limits for me as long as we talk about it like civil people. I feel its a little selfish to ask for a solo game like this, but fuck it, someone wants to might as well go for it. I am not at all interested in running a game.

d&d 5e
>Timezone and Availability
Gathering interest at this point - time tentatively scheduled for evenings Sunday EST at around 8pm.
>Method of Play/Text or Voice
Voice through skype, using roll20 as our tabletop
>Contact info
Just gauging interest for now.
>Additional information
Will be running Lost Mines of Phandelver. I'm an experienced DM across a lot of systems, but I've never run an adventure/module before. I don't care how experienced you are as a player, my only requirement is that you haven't played this adventure before.

Contact me : [email protected]

I have my finals next week and then I will be as free as the wind.

contact info? I'm interested

Make that a third user interested.

[email protected]
That's my contact info.

I'll hit you guys up tomorrow, I'm heading to bed for now

[email protected] for me here

See, if you had said voice, I might have had a proposition for ya. Alas, not intrested in text-based games.

>GM, though if anyone else wants to run I won't stop them
>GMT, I'm available on Fridays and Saturdays after 4pm and Mondays and Wednesdays after 9pm - Thursdays and Sundays are impossible
>Skype is tommy.middleton8
Dropbox link to the system:

Saw everyone shitposting in a couple of threads that were getting spammed about this thing yesterday, looked at it and it's actually a pretty good system. Ignore the cringey art.

Oh hey, an actually decent fantasy AW hack. Can't join because fuck Skype, fuck text, and fuck that schedule, but do post results sometime later.

I'm interested, if there's room for one more.
theindividualperson on Skype.

Prefer 4e but willing to learn
First let's see if there are any games actually available, whether in person or over internet, before sharing contact info

I prefer games with as little roleplaying, story, fluff, narrative, dm fiat, rule of cool, making rules up "on the fly", or "unwritten rules" as possible.
I just wanna roll some dice and win some encounters.

Dick gm how?
As in allows things that you don't like
or bans things that you like
or makes sudden changes you don't like
or refuses to make sudden changes you like?

That's called a video game, user.

Any FFG 40k, 5e, anything really
>Timezone and Availability
>Method of Play/Text or Voice
Whatever is needed
>Contact info
Skype uncle.hunter1
>Additional information

Quite a lot of experience with 40k FFG systems.

Would destroy worlds to play a rogue trader campaign again.

I'm chill.



Always the worst GMs / players.

Always the worst human beings.

Posssibly? What did you have in mind?

Use your commas, dear.

>Alas, not intrested in text-based games.
Why not?

I grow completely uninterested when I have to look at walls of text and can't hear another person.

UPDATE: Game is now confirmed for Friday. Got two players, looking for up to three more.

Only War with some light house rules
>Timezone and Availability
EST. Everyday after like 4 PM.
>Method of Play/Text or Voice
>Contact info
leonard_the_tzer on Skype.
>Additional information
This is not going to be a game where I grab the first four people that respond, stuff us all in a group chat, and then do nothing but watch the game die. I think one of the main problems with Game Finder games is personality conflict and lack of familiarity. So I'll be talking to you first. Basically vetting to see if we can be friends. I might even play vidya with you. If we're friends, we're less likely to flake, more eager to play the game.

Good grammar, spelling, and syntax required. My English is decent- if you can match how I'm typing in this ad, you should be fine.

I will be making the regiment as I have a very particular theme in mind for the game. Sorry if that's a deal-breaker for you. I'm not sure exactly what it's going to be yet, except that it will -not- include ground vehicles, at least in a combat capacity.

It would help if you explained what that particular theme is, fampai. Less people would join, ask that question, then leave.

I didn't have anything in mind, I just generally like to mix up my characters and not just play dumb//busty over and over.

I'm already playing dumb and busty in two games

I feel you. Get in touch if you'd like to talk it out, maybe we can find a compromise.

I'm confused, are you two gonna Skype bone?


>Basically vetting to see if we can be friends
Lonely GM wants to find friends, that's cute.

Lonely bump

Very likely. Get the bleach ready?


Only War
>Timezone and Availability
Sundays, 7:00 AM GMT+8
>Method of Play/Text or Voice
Roll20 with text and optional voice
>Contact info
WheatSnake on roll20
>Additional information
The juvenile and infirm, of Goscadia's 113th, limp and timidly waddle into battle against the enemies of the Imperium once more! | Due to a clerical error over 200 years ago, a regiment of the planet's orphans, elderly and infirm was created and found to have the same survival rate as one comprised of able-bodied, working age men. With some careful cooking of the books, the 113th was formed, resulting in a global productivity increase of 0.16% You play as one of the unfortunate sods, plucked from orphanages, the streets, hospitals and homes, to overcome your natural detriments and serve the Emperor in the name of increased efficiency.

That is a... Strangely hilarious idea. Are you going to run it seriously, going for the katawa shoujo-esque "cripple hentai" vibe or do you just want a series of missadventures of the elderly, retarded and spergs?

Kid of an inappropriate European sitcom about the disabled in a bus crash with a really bad day on the Eastern Front, presented in the zero to hero style.

This made me laugh far too hard

Oh my god this is the most fucking amazing premise ever

>Busty milf adventure game
>That timezone while I'm EST
Dammit. It sounds so fun and interesting.

Do you have any people already friend?

Like I wrote, my hours are irregular and I only want one player/GM. So that should solve both your problems.

Anyone wanna play 4e?

That's a big plus indeed. I'm pretty inexperienced with tabletops in general, I only played a campaign on Magical Burst years ago. And as that post quoted, I'm interested only if we go full milf big titties adventure. Is that good with you?

I didn't really mention anything about milfs! But you can contact me on Skype if you want, I'd rather not fill up the thread talking about it.

>concepts from anime
oh, well this sounds-
>optional lewdness
huh, didn't see that coming but i'm definitely on b-
>team of ninjas
wait a second, i recognize that campaign pitch-
>mfw i know that skype name
seriously though Veeky Forums, i've been in this guy's games before, he is a cool guy

So I'm literally bad at Discord, does anyone know how I can share my name on there so people can message me?

You have a number under your name. They can find you with that.

Cheers. Once I get not-bad at Discord I'll start advertising for my Exalted 3e game. It'll be Mortals at the start, so I imagine I'll get a lower turnout of people though.

I fucking love mortals at start

I hope you have fun.
To bad i don't know a thing about exalted.

I'm sold

I hope you plan to run it on mondays.

D&D 5E (Still kind of a beginner)
>Timezone and Availability
Eastern Standard Time
About every day except Tuesday on evenings.
>Method of Play/Text or Voice
>Contact info
>Additional information
[email protected]
Skype has "tylermckitt" as user.

I have a pretty standard weekday, 9-5 type job so while I can do Mondays (or other weekdays) it'd have to be between pretty specific hours. The weekends could be more flexibly on hours, but at the same time I'd love to keep them open for karaoke, pub, date night, whatever. I don't think I can have my cake and eat it too.

How do you plan to run a game with such limited hours, fampai?

I generally find time to do things on weekdays by being very disciplined with my time and expecting the same from my players. So a 6 pm start means we're off the ground by 6.

I'm definitely in.
I like Exalted with Mortals at the beginning.

Dependning on time and method of play I would definitely be interested.

I'm looking for someone to join my game, play normally for a session or two, only to suddenly start raping all the female PCs one by one (there are three in total).
Don't ask why. Game has been going for a couple of months now, Shadowrun, text only, done on Skype.

Why the fuck not. I'll ruin your game for you.

What's your Skype?

Is this some kind of an elaborate social experiment? If so, I want you to tell us the results after you're done.

What's yours?
You're the one advertising this game.

I want to join too.

Why. Give me a solid reason why I should waste my time to join and rape a female pc. And make it a good reason.

The most I've ever been late is about 10 minutes because I physically could not consume my dinner fast enough.

[email protected]

Legend of the Five Rings 4e
>Timezone and Availability
Mondays at 7PM EST
>Method of Play/Text or Voice
Roll20, text only. Skype for IRC.
>Contact info
Siegemonkeys on skype. I'm in class now, but I'll check my skype once I get home and I'll pop in every now and then if there's questions.
>Additional information
Tried running an L5R game a while ago, but schedule problems on my end killed it on the launchpad. Things are more stable now though, so I'm ready to try again.

We'll be starting off playing through the Topaz Championship adventure, then time-skipping a couple years to when the PCs are older. If you're not familiar with L5R's setting or are new to L5R in general, not to worry, new players are welcome. I can answer questions once I'm back home.

The campaign will take place years after where the setting's currently at, with the Spider being defeated and thrown out of the empire after attempting to take the Emperor's throne. Thus, Spider characters won't be available for play. Any other clans in the book are fine by me.

Is that legit or a joke?

>3.5/pathfinder, 5e, Star Wars Saga
>PST, available most weekdays in the evening/night, and Sunday evening/nights.
>Willing to try anything, I love to write but I've never played text before
>Circa_1960 skype
My groups have generally liked me. I've DM'd enough to really respect the role so I don't give DM's a hard time about anything really.
I'm an okay roleplayer but I won't fight for the spotlight and if there's nothing there for my character to be doing I have trouble paying attention.
Most of my characters are melee oriented, I like playing the warrior's warrior role, but I play a caster every now and then.
I'm not someone who plays to indulge fantasies, but to take part in an interesting story. Everything I do with a character is something that I could see happening in a heroic fantasy narrative and I put effort into keeping that immersion, just so that it'll be that much cooler of an overall story once the character dies or the campaign ends.

All in all if you have an open spot just hit me up and Skype and talk to me. I'm not going to be intense about it if you change your mind about having me, I have a lot going on these days anyways. But if you have an all-martial war campaign going on I'll suck your dick.

Sent a contact request.