Preferably old 80's style maps
Preferably old 80's style maps
Other urls found in this thread:
>Who designed this, an alien?
This makes me nostalgia so hard
...I always knew The Seven Kingdoms was Britain and Valyria was Rome/Italy, but I never realized the extent to which the universe is Europe.
and I'm spent.
Oh, I really like the simplicity of this. What's this kind of map called?
>Kanga rat murder society
So Australia didn't change much then?
It bugs me how little that lines up with what we see in the show.
This is just the map of Ethshar, a world by fiction writer Lawrence Watt-Evans.
It is a pretty good series, light-hearted fantasy emphasizing magic.
>Oh no, someone likes a children's show.
>How dare they.
>Not posting both sides of based Xeen.
has Veeky Forums truly sunk this low?
Looks like I need to make a map folder.
dumping some maps
last one I got on me(at least without doing a bunch of digging through my pictures folder)
Yfw this is just Europe turned sideways.
>Each comment is a joke about the area.
Don't believe me?
Look at Crete on the right, Spain near the bottom right, and Great Britain on the bottom.
every thread there's one like this. Is this a long running joke on my expense or are people this stupid?
I feel like I am probably getting worked here, but boy am I.
You mean, that their whole world is a derrative of our world.
I encourage you guys to look at the cartographer's guild forum. It full of tips, and there are a couple excellent artists there.
Have one without creases.
For a set of stories people hardly read, there's a lot of dreamlands maps.
Well, if you're bringing in Cybertron...
It's not even the most recent map. I'd post the more recent one, but, you know, rule 15
> Who designed this? An alien?
Yes. His name is Slartibartfast
Why is there a big ass mountain
>nintendu 64
Seems oddly familiar, somehow ...
This is the same slowpoke user who posts "Am I the only one" topics about the blindingly obvious.
Yeah, the Almanacs stick quite a lot of references in their maps and write ups.
Quite possibly too many
The pokemon world is so comfy
It really is.
I don't get it
Alcatraz sounds like it would be a pretty badass dungeon
It looks like a wonky dick
probably cause once you do read those stories you realize that they're among Lovecraft's best, and amazingly evocative in nature
neat, and Rule 15?
Animated is best Transformers setting
hasn't been explicitly explained yet in the show, but there's some hints that it's due to the global war that occurred in the setting about 5500 years before the present
my patriotism is surging
a classic
yup very comfy
Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy. Doesn't matter if you listen to the radio play, watch the TV serial, read the book, the comic book, watch the movie, play the video game or use the Towel. Just remember the golden rule: DON'T PANIC.
Well considering that map is form a video game it might be.
I want to live in The Rad Zone.
dis nigger
You can explore half of this world, unfortunately the other half was never written.
Sokara is civil war england, Golnir medieval/arthurian england with fair folks, Old Harkuna is england waiting for a king, Uttaku is the Byzantine empire, the great steppes are sword and sorcery to the max, there is pirates adventures in the violet ocean, and Akatsurai is Japanese mythology to the max.
Some highlights are Tarimura (a city of not!Japanese exile from Akatsurai in the Great Steppes), the huge capital of Uttaku, Aku, the Isle of Mystery full of magicians, and everywhere there is name, really. Also a fair folk bazaar in Wheatfields which is a deathtrap.
I would pay a hefty sum to have the rest. I want Dangor, I want Atticala, I want Chrysoprais, I want Ankon-Konu.
Global rule 15 prohibits certain materials being posted on other boards.
With kanto.
Jesus fuck guys it's an obvious piss take on how people are always overly critical about everything and how the real world doesn't always "make sense" either.
>Looks like a fucking boot, back to the drawing board kiddo
Even if you think someone in a map thread is too retarded to recognize Europe turned sideways, the comment about Italy should tip you off.
Why does this map of Hyboria look so comfy?