MTG: EDH/Commander General

Extra Turns edition

>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.
>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.
>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.
>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.

>Official search site. Current for all sets.
>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface

You lazy shitheads.
>Favorite extra turn spell?
>Which triggers you more, Narset or Mizzix?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Favorite extra turn spell
Savor the Moment, because I'm still looking for a way to abuse it.
>Which triggers you more, Narset or Mizzix
Probably Mizzix, at least Narset has to attack and costs 6.
Now that that's out of the way, I'm thinking about building a MBC deck, and the options are Toshiro Umezawa and Greel, Mind Raker. Right now I'm leaning more towards greel since I already have a Geth's Grimoire and a Rings of Brighthearth, but I'm not sure it's worth attacking hands in a multiplayer game. Any secret tech for Greel or Toshiro?

>>Favorite extra turn spell?
Final Fortune all day er'ryday
>>Which triggers you more, Narset or Mizzix?
I haven't played against either deck so idk, Narset, I guess

>Savor the Moment
unless you have some vigilant creatures or upkeep triggers, all it is, is a 3 mana blue Explore. It's alright.

So I've found some interesting cards that could fit in Yisan.
Copperhorn Scout
Brown Ouphe
Invasive Species you can bounce anything that's being targeted
Tajuru Preserver never seen this in any list
Deepwood Elder for dank memes
Loaming Shaman so you can shuffle back anything important they destroyed

And some other stuff that's nowhere as good as these.

>extra turn
If I have to choose, Time Stretch. I've won so many games because of it.
Narset is pretty annoying since they don't have to pay mana to cast their stuff, whereas Mizzix has to pay the colored mana costs and you can deal with her easier.

>Favorite extra turn spell?
Final Fortune, for sure. Go big or go home.

>Which triggers you more, Narset or Mizzix?
Narset is likely more powerful, but goddamn is Mizzix annoying.

Time Stretch since I can combo it with Archaeomancer and Capsize very easily.

How many board wipes do you guys run on average?
What's a good rule of thumb?

I made a shitty cyoa for you guys 'cause I love you.

I was gonna pick Affluence but FUCK Fellowship sounds so good. And if they play at my power level fuck buying new stuff, we can play casual games allday erryday


Sell the foil deck. Buy the nonfoils back because I prefer them. Acquire staples. Use the $100 on the speculative market.

fuck off with this cringe

What do y'all think of this deck I just built?

Trying to go voltron but have a few ways to do damage outside of combat like bosh.

Question: is craterhoof viable in a little guys simic deck, but not necessarily featuring token machines? (in before the ban meme guy, fuck off).

Fellowship or Affluence, I can't decide which though...

>31 lands

Is 31 really too few? It's not like I running much big stuff.

It's less than a third, how many 60 card decks do you know that run less than 20 lands? It's usually best to aim for 35+ even with rocks.

Im ignoring my friends to post this rate my autism. I play stax and my husbano is Venser.

I love me some Venser, shame we'll probably never see him again since He gave up his spark to karn I think, not too brushed up on my lore. His Planeswalker card is great too, it's cool to see another side of UW that isn't lockdown and hard control,at least until you get his emblem.

I just really want him inside of me desu he looks like he has a fat pipe.

Could anyone please take a look at my Jhoria deck? I feel like the deck is good, but for $800 should kick more ass than it does. It doesn't feel very strong or good. I'm very bad at izzet decks.

pretty much about to get fellowship anyway so affluence so i can foil out my shitty chaos deck that does nothing but ruin games

craterhoof is always viable. also are you building ezuri? if not you should be building ezuri

I currently only have 1 EDH deck and I've been having a great time with the format

I wanna brew up a group hug and a group slug deck. For the hug I think I'm gonna build the flying purple hippo and I'm not sure who to choose for the group slug, any other card suggestions are also appreciated.

OK. I'm running the mimeoplasm, does anyone have secret tech?

I'm going self-mill, and I have dredge.
Are there any god tier creatures I can reanimate with my commander? Thanks!

I'm running 6 right now in Nahiri, Wrath of God, Day of Judgment, Hallowed Burial, Fell the Mighty, Phyrexian Rebirth, Terminus, with Fat Elspeth and Sunblast Angel as wipes on a stick and plan on sticking in Descend upon the Sinful this week putting the total number of potential wipes at 9

I feel it might be overkill since 2 of them cost 4cmc, 2 of them cost 5cmc, and 5 of them will cost 6cmc. Dunno if I should cut one for Descend upon the Sinful or just keep testing the amount of wipes. The problem I have with wipes that get cost heavy is not having mana for them when they are in your early hands.

If I decide to swap something for Descend I am not sure if I should swap Fell the Mighty or Rebirth with it.

Mogis for group slug, and you are talking pheldagryff I believe for group hug.

I can't stop taking apart and building decks. I've been building 2-3 a week for the last few months. I currently have:

Patron of the Orochi
Lord of Tresserhorn
Jori En, Ruin Diver
Sydri, Galvanic Genius
Sidisi, Undead Vizier
Sliver Legion
Ruhan of the Fomori
Karametra, God of Harvests
Isperia, the Inscrutable
Surrak Dragonclaw
Karlov of the Ghost Council

The Patron deck is the only deck I've had together for at least 3 months. I enjoy playing all of these decks but I wish I could just find a "main" one to always keep together.

Gaea's Revenge and Death's Shadow

Sounds like you're going through a bit of a "Soul Searching" phase, m8. It will pass when you either get tired of doing it or you find something that just clicks. It's different for everyone.

I don't think I'll ever be able to stick with one deck. I'll work on a deck for a while and get it working really well then after I realize I'm tutoring for the same cards every game and trying to win in the same way, I get bored of the deck. Had to take apart my Grimgrin deck and change it to monoblack Sidisi because I was tired of getting Rooftop Storm then comboing. The Patron deck is going to come apart now because I just play some mana dudes then explode on turn 4-5 and dump my deck onto the table and try to alpha strike. Every single time.

I just wish I could play other people's decks every single game. It's way more fun trying playing a deck blind and trying to figure it out as you go. You play a tutor and cross your fingers that the card you want is in your deck.

I think I'm going to try Radha elves next.

Heres some stuff I run that might get over looked.
>Tainted Strike
Tainted strike is amazing on a lot of stuff but on a hydra omnivore(mineo) with a couple of other counters it kills the board
>Spirit of the Night
Spirit is a amazing target for mineo
Good target
>Hydra Omnivore
Pretty amazing if they let you make a giant one
>Nostalgic Dreams
Insane bomb in this deck

Turned my standard Boros Soldier tribal into an EDH deck. Not sure I'm happy with the change, but I was wondering how faithful you guys are with tribals. I've always kept this deck strictly soldiers but Aurelia is a tempting commander and I really like the RW god.

There are always a handful of creatures that don't fit the tribe that still fit the deck. Regal Force in any green deck, for example. Your tribe can have pets

So I want to build a werewolf tribal deck. I was thinking Ruric Thar for commander, any other good options?

Your playgroup not cool enough to let you use Arlin?

Makes flipping them kind of hard.

my usual playgroup isn't too sticky about such things, but I want an option when I play with other people

Just wait for Eldritch Moon.

Affluence for sure. I'd sell them foil Onslaught fetches right away.

As much as I love Inkwell Leviathan he doesn't do anything other that turn sideways. Soul of New Phyrexia on the other hand is really nice with your less exiley Fuck the Board cards. I personally really value versatility in EDH so I love Brutal Expulsion and Mystic Confluence but that's up to you if you want to find cuts for them. Treasonous Ogre is fucking stupid in a 40 life format so get him in there. Finally I'm not a very big fan of Sensei's unless you have a ton of shuffle effects or run Future Sight or/and Magus of the Future. You should probably do the latter.

>final fortune and that 8th edition foil
Muh fuking dick

Influence, gradually banning all basic lands.

Thinking about starting a new deck with pic related. Can someone suggest some nice card to go with it? My plan was to go with lots of aggressive cards that can get a counter by themselves, like with undying or unleash or vampries. Also sac and enter the battlefield abilities.

venser is dead mayne

damn shame, hes like the only cool azorius guy out there. teleporting ftw

It's been kinda the same for me. I have been lucky though, and have found my "holy trinity" or so to say. My main and pet deck is Stoutarm, and others my favorites are Memnarch and Ghave. I have had probably 50+ decks in total, with varying commanders. While Ghave is new-ish for me, Stoutarm and Memnarch have stuck for a long time, as well as Skittles has as well, but I didn't count him, as it's been a long ass time since I've played with him.

>too cool
stop, that walker wasnt designed to be used as a commander

Been there done that here's my decklist if you like :)

Four cards I've decided that should be in the deck are Chaos Warp, Mystic Confluence, Soul of New Phyrexia, and Treasonous Ogre. These are all excellent suggestions and I'm actually already running future sight and Magus of the future. I'm having a hard time deciding what to cut, though :/ I feel like everything in this deck is necessary, but it also needs more. This is all very confusing to me. I don't often run into a build that's as strange and difficult for me as this.

I just bought the Blue 2014 Precon yesterday (The one with walker Teferi), what are some cards I should swap out with better cards? I've seen a few but I'd like other opinions on what to get. Also, don't want to get him to be a stax build, stax isn't a fun deck with me and my friends.

Chain Veil is a must is you intend to use Teferi as your commander. Otherwise, it really depends on what you want to do with the deck. From what I recall, the blue precon was fairly unsynergistic.

Price of glory works great with that as a commander

At first i though fellowship but affluence gets me the opportunity to play in more non-edh tournaments and play with friends more often so i would pick that

>tfw venser is dead on new phyrexia and was building a plane hopping ship

you know what wotc will do right?

>zombie venser serving the praetors

>Favorite extra turn spell?
None. I think that's a dumb mechanic, either not good to cast it paying it's mana cost or to get abused with some free spell bullshit.
>Which triggers you more, Narset or Mizzix?
Narset easily, she just attacks and win, that simple. I see no fun in just casting spells with no effort, it's just broken. Mizzix at least doesn't have hexproof so she's fair.

Can anyone take a look at my new Daxos of Meletis prototype? Its the second edh deck I want to build and the first draft, so it could be really bad.

Iron Myr is illegal, Stoic rebuttal is bad, as is render silent and artifact lands are usually bad choice, unless you're playing Metalcraft or artifact deck.
Otherwise seems pretty solid, decent amount of landa and such. maybe some things to give daxos double strike would be okay?

Have you guys looked into doing a horde/challenge deck to play against with several EDH decks or even just solo with an EDH deck? I enjoyed playing the ones from theros, but I feel like there's got to be a way to expand well on that concept.

I'm pretty to new magic and have a rule question , I have a brion stoutarm deck that has swords to plowshares and serra avatar, could I exile serra while it's in my library or does it have to be on the battlefield?

Huh, why would Iron Myr be illegal?
The artifact lands are in it because of stoic rebuttal. I originially wanted to include more Metalcraft stuff but yeah, I can probably remove it.
More double strike is also probably a good suggestion, I'll try to find some auras or artifacts

You can't target something in your library, what the fuck?
Why would you target your Serra Avatar anyway?

What kind of question is that? You can target only permanents or players with spells. Therefore, you can SoP Serra Avatar only when it's on the battlefield. Not even sure why would you want to do that.

Anyone have some sweet The Gitrog Monster tech they want to share?

On a scale of 1-10 how big of a dick am I?
Based on decks alone.

Iron Myr produces red mana. Daxos is white/blue. You would be better off with a counterspell that does something, as you don't have enough artifacts to trust metalcraft being online. You're better off with Arcane Denial, Dissipate or Dissolve, even though two latter are pretty bad. It really depends on the meta, but here best counterspells are Mental Misstep, Dispel and Swan Song probably. Free, or one mana counterspells are baller as fuck, three mana is usually too much.
Artifact lands are usually bad, because they are easier to remove, and die to artifact wrath.
Afterall, without dedicated deck, they hinder you, and you're better off with a basic land.

Raven's Crime, Worm Harvest.
Loam is a must, and pretty much Crucible, too.
Squirrel Wrangler is pretty fun.
Get Titania and Squandered Resources.
Super secret tech isBind:^)

Not that much, since most of those are pretty casual commanders. Only strong one is Brago, really.

Youre right lol, I probably meant the white producing myr. Swan Song is a good idea, altough arcane denial also looks sweet

Seems fine, Brago and Krenko are the only potentially problematic ones
3/10 dick level, would play with

Which of these decks should I make?

>red/white burn and control with Archangel Avacyn as the commander
>blue/black aggro-mill with Lavaz as the commander, and all sorts of graveyard based zombie shenanigans
>green/red xenagos beatdown filled with trample and double strike
>green/black infect with Meren the grave-yard beast as the commander
>blue/white artifact control with Medomai as the commander

Lavaz is the most interesting one there

Arcane Denial is super good, since it's not as colour heavy as Counterspell, and it can be political, and in decent situation you can use it to draw 3 cards from countering a spell you exiled with Daxos. I've found most myr to be really underwhelming, as they're quite slow and prone to removal. I'd run more noncreature mana rocks instead. Then again, it's really mostly based on meta. My meta is full of instant win combos, and really many Doomsday Combos too, and seems to be, that most 1 mana counterspells are too situational in more casual meta to be of any use. Pretty much only good big spell seems to be Ad Nauseam.

Thanks user, that's what I was leaning towards as well. Any staples I should make sure are in there? I have a fairly functional mono-black geth deck that I was going to co-op into it, but I'm struggling with the mana-curve. Would you recommend more of a zombie zerg-rush to keep their removal busy, or fuck-huge immortal flying demons to make them forget about lavaz.

New Avacyn is garbage in commander, she's only useful in standard or limited.
B/U Lazav is allright, milling is decently efficient with him, but your success could depend on your opponent's decks, unless you want to mill yourself.
R/G doesn't have much double strike enablers, as it's white ability mostly.
G/B Meren is good, but with infect she isn't really synergistic. If you want to do infect, you're better off either monoblack or BUG
U/W Medomai is meh, if you want to do control, there's much better options, like Brago or GAAIV, although Medomai is underused, unlike those two.
All really depends if you want to do a good deck or gimmicky deck.

Most of the decks we play include one or two instant combos, so we aren't that cutthroat. Ive included now both Song and Denial, I'll see how that goes once I actually have the deck complete in a few months.
Youre also probably right about the Myr, dunno I just like them

I don't know Lavaz that well, but I'd probably build him with a bunch of protection cards (darksteel plate etc) and maybe some cipher cards along with the normal B/U goodstuff

I want a good deck. A really really good deck. I've made a shitload of gimmicky decks, like kruphix-eldrazi and yissan tutor, but I want something that will actually be useful and that I could invest in, without just dropping a skithiryx or iona. I have something like $2000 in singles and I want to consolidate them into one solid concept.

See, I was thinking that protection of lavaz would be a lower priority, depending on the deck that my opponent is using. He's already hexproof, so he can't easily be burned and I don't think making him indestructible would be overly helpful since he's still reliant on other cards for his primary effect. Give me like 20 minutes and I'll post a trial decklist.

I can totally get behind that. If you want, you can always try everything, and then make cuts and all if you want to improve or modify your deck in some way. It's the way I play, just swap something if I feel it being underwhelming or underperforming.

Out of those, I'd recommend either Lazav or Meren, as they are definitely more powerful than the other ones. If you want a super powerful deck, I'd recommend a three colour one, as they can be the most flexible with best amount of answers. Manabase is the hardest thing to get tuned, and debatably the most expensive thing, too, but if that's not a problem for you, or you already have the lands needed, I would suggest trying that.
I have a Ghave deck, which only has had couple of times trouble producing three black mana, but it's been mostly consistent. Are you bad enough dude to take such risk for greater flexibility?

Yes and no. Recently in drafts I've started using 3 colours for flexibility and it works fairly well, but I don't have very many 3 colour commanders. I have like... Tasigur and Daghatar the Adamant. I'm not worried about the mana-base because, as much as I don't have pain lands and fetch lands, I do have a shitload of mana-rocks and mana-dorks. What I struggle with is finding a reasonable mana curve. I just love those 5 and 6 mana game-breakers. Most of my cards are either artifacts, or B/U/G.

> Venser build a planeswalking ship.
> Other planeswaker try to stop him but fail.
> Turned out he was a good guy all along when he sent it to oblivionin the blind eternities, getting rid of the most powerful phyrexians.

BUG has decent commanders, as well as esper. I think Damia and Mimeoplasm are best of BUG and Esper there is Sharuum, Sydri, Oloro, Sen Triplets and Zur. I think Esper is the most competitive of all three colour combinations.

Like I said, I'm pretty new to edh and magic in general, I figured using that to get an extra 40 life would help

I have Kangee doing nothing, may I see your list? I may want to try to build him for the sake of it.

Nah, You're better off flinging it to someone with Stoutarm. If not instant kill, at least you're gonna do a big chunk of damage, while doubling your life anyway. Why remove a good win condition from your grasp?

Good point, just wanted to know so I don't make that dumb mistake while in an actual game

post Daghatar pls

Post em, rate em, would you play with each of em

> "What the fuck dude? I just blinked a second and everything is on fire?"

Ok. I'm just really apprehensive about it because I don't want to get out of control with non-tribals.

Standard flavor has always served me well, but I don't know about it's EDH flavor still.

Any recs?

You probably want to have Lightning Greaves in there, with that many RW instants you could do with a Sunforger as well.

Which is the better blink General? Brago or Roon?


Brago, he comes out earlier, blinks more than one thing and he can blink things that aren't creatures.

Jarad and Slobad gain my favor. Rest seems really boring for me to pilot. Would play against them though and probably enjoy it really much.

You should add "The brewer" or "The autist" and have it say "Only plays jank. Rarely takes advice in deck building. Enjoys mill" with commanders being phenax, mirko vosk and szadek

>commander damage is a stupid mechanic
This sentence infuriates me, and everyone that thinks that commander damage is bad thing, is retarded.
>It's probably only good rule the RC has made.
You forget that brago needs combat and to connect, and Roon has more colours, and most importantly, his ability can be used as a removal. Then again, I agree with you mostly.

Notice she plays oloro primarily. She's pretty condescending when it comes down to her other playgroup and their brainless houserules.
I would, but my meta doesn't have one yet