MTG Modern General

Competitive Modern Magic discussion
>Please do not discuss counterfeits in this thread, it deserves a seperate thread

Not interested in blogposts. Just answer this if you must:
>What is your opinion on Grixis? What Grixis creaturebase is the most potent in the current metagame and why?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'd like to discuss proxies and the best place to find tourny fooling real looking ones.

Anyone who pays straight up over 1k for a modern deck is a retard. Discuss.

How long until people realize vision isn't that good in modern?

It's very nice in the slower matchups, but the metagame really isn't all that slow right now. It could maybe slot well in the sideboard for these matchups, but your sideboard should have more "Game Over" cards than good cards. AV is weird.

I play with real cards and didn't spend over 1k on a deck. fight me.

Hopefully soon. I was putting of buying a playset for casual and deeply regret it. Modern is just too damn fast right now.

I think grixis is the best control color scheme in modern. I think a density of cheap threats is needed. Angler is best.

I think it's final form will be as either a 2-of in some controlling decks as lategame fuel, or as a 3-4 of in sideboards for control mirror-busters.

Friendly reminder, don't post in here unless you have at least 700 dollars invested in your deck.

You are shit otherwise.

>being this much of an assblasted casual

How's that cleric tribal deck coming along?

jealous poorfag detected.

>What is your opinion on Grixis? What Grixis creaturebase is the most potent in the current metagame and why?
Grixis is really good right now. Tons of removal for the aggro matchups, good value engines for the fair matchups and nice options for the combo matchups.

I've seen a list with 4 Snapcasters, 3 Dark-Dwellers, 2 Kalitas and 1 Tasigur and it's pretty darn tough when they're paired with the goodstuff draws like Kommand. Lack of Flip-Jace is unfortunate because the card is pretty fun, but I can understand its omission. It's probably a little too slow with 4 AV.

>you need to have money to post here

I'm sorry but what

what if it's like 5Gs spread around a few decks?

The only reason someone would care about how much money other people spent on decks is if they lose a lot to decks far out of their paltry price range. Because, you know, they're poor. Like you.

Thanks for the fuel.

>>What is your opinion on Grixis? What Grixis creaturebase is the most potent in the current metagame and why?
Grixis Control like Chapin built it is a powerful midrange/control deck that is at its best against aggro decks which are weak to spot removal (infect, delver, affinity) and slower combo decks (ad naus, turns). It has the power to grind over BGx and Company decks, but most of its card advatage comes from the graveyard, so it can be shut down by an unanswered Scavenging Ooze.

"Blue Jund" Grixis with Vryn's Prodigy and no counterspells is just that - a bad knock off of real Jund which no one should really be playing.

Something like:
4 Snapcaster
(4 Tar Pit)
3 Angler
2 Tasigur
1 Kalitas
With a Kalitas and a Grave Titan in the side
Is what I would run in Grixis Control.

I blew the shit out of my FNM with a $70 deck. I was murking $1000 decks every other game. It's how your deck is constructed and how good of a player you are. Sideboarding also helps a lot.

m8 I'm not even the same guy, I'm just saying the response was strange.

>The only reason someone would care about how much money other people spent on decks is if they lose a lot to decks far out of their paltry price range. Because, you know, they're poor.

I can state another reason: don't talk about your budget deck. It means you don't know much about the competitive aspect of the format (and the metagame).

I will no longer reply to your posts because the conversation is over.

PS: My Tarmogoyfs laughed at your post.

post realistic proxies. and where I can get them

>yfw everyone keeps using 30 cent cards to destroy your tarmos

You can easily use budget decks and beat the supremely overused shit like Jund, Grixis, Affinity. Eldrazi is probably the one that will give budget decks the hardest time, even with Ugin gone.

fuck twentysided store

I'm gonna cast tooth & nail and cheat in Painter's Servant and Iona, Shield of Emeria.....yeah screw this format. Modern really IS dead! Wooooo!

Tooth and Nail shitbrews still exist?

clearly a buttmad poorfag. show me your playset of tarmos and I'll show you my legacy Doomsday deck with a playset of LEDs and ACTUAL FACTUAL DUALS you could never afford.

They're good at the casual FNM level because other shit brews with limited interaction get BTFO by turn 4 entwined tooth and nail

>tfw my Ajani's Pridemate eats Tarmogoyf alive

Even if I lose the game, it always feels good to destroy an expensive card like that with a 50 cent uncommon.

What's the list? this is now Budget Modern General. I've been doing pretty well on MTGO with a budget Blue Tron list. I play Scuttling Doom Engine instead of Wurmcoil, no Ugin, Perilous Vault instead of O-Stone, and an extra Platinum Angel to try to compensate for my tiny penis. I did drop the dough for Remands because they're integral. But everything else is < 2 tix per card. Whole thing was probably 50 tix tops. I should probably grab Wurms and Ugin since they've come down a bit lately and I could probably afford 15 bucks of cards.

Trying to find out more about this. Need to dig a lot.

Also I just realized I'm not playing thirst for knowledge what the fuck am i doing with my life

>I bet I spent more money on artificially rare cards than you did!

This is MTG in a nutshell.

I ain't denying that

Sorry bruh, the ship has sailed. The best you're going to get is Stoneman and Vhila Xhang on aliexpress, and it's a 50/50 split on viable proxies and shit you throw in EDH/cube

You made me break my promise, but sure I like Doomsday.

sorry mate, couldn't find a pick of the doomsday deck on my compute and I don't have the deck with me right now, so have a pic of my No-Land Belcher deck that has the LEDs in it, to at least prove I have those.

lmao look at this budget ass deck what a loser

I play mono red burn with a foil jap goyf in the sb so eat a bag of dicks faggot

Kek I bet those LED aren't even real.

Mono red Burn huh. Wow. Powerful deck. Places all the time. LOL. Even Goblins has been doing better than Mono Burn. What a loser.

>Mono-red burn
>Foil Goyf

Do you just run it to bring it into the mainboard and show a Jund player your foil goyf when they Inquisition you?

Does Jund keep this hand against an unknown opponent?

No. How do you beat Affinity/Burn/Infect's speed and power? How do you beat Jund's T1 discard and overall powerful creatures and answers? What about Grixis? And Abzan Company?

Hand cannot be kept.

>no hand disruption
>6 lands
the fuck are you on

two of those lands are spells though

both ghost quarter and raging ravine are awful in the first 4 turns, stop being bad.
I haven't gotten a chance to order their new stuff yet. I am thinking about ordering some of their new stuff. Their fetch and shock lands are very real looking. Avoid getting the old batch and get only the new stuff. Goyf looks ok at a distance but you need to double sleeve these things. They feel like a poker card. I heard that you can use steam to remove the weird layer.

>two of those lands are spells

No, they are not. Ghost Quarter and a Manland do not equal spells.

>steam your cards

Go ahead user, it'll work perfectly, I promise

you're better off just rubbing your greasy cheetos fingers on it and maybe run it over with your car so it looks older. Since you likely aren't going to be selling it if you're buying unconvincing fakes.

No one said anything about selling or being unconvincing friend.

All fakes are unconvincing

Oh you poor newfriend. Keep believing that.

Have fun with your Scalding,Tarns and T A R M O G O Y Fs friendo

It's fixed now. Tarmos are passable, but S c a l d i n g T a r n got fucked harder. None of the thoughtseizes are passable, way too purple.

The ONS fetches are fine. Lilys are forever fucked, since the chinks refuse to change the simple fix.

Why are you alpha males paying money for fakes when you could just follow some beta neckbeard home and kill him and take his stuff? I mean if you are going to commit crime why pay money to do it? Or is that not "competitive" enough?

That comment is more wolf than frog. Of wait I see what you did there.

What if you built your deck back in early 2013 when modern merfolk only cost 200 bucks, and it just so happens that its 700 dollars now? my "investments" went up in value, does that count?

Killing someone is jail time. You can play off having fakes by saying you bought them on ebay and didn't know.

Speaking of killing someone, what major crimes has user performed against the magic community?

Ill start
>paid a guy to rob a lgs in cards in an area we didnt live he just asked to see folders then snatched them, he never played so we gave him all of the big casting cost jank and told him it was worth the most

>cracked the lock on some asian dudes locker at another lgs and took his legacy decks

>buying cards on ebay then reporting them as fake and sending the seller back chinaman proxies and getting our money back and keeping the cards


Seems legit :^)

I'm making Naya Burn, why do the decks that splash green not use Scalding Tarn? It's much cheaper and I'm not complaining, but why would splashing green take out the Tarns and be better and cheaper?

That last one is pretty clever!

>tfw I beat Naya Aggro with a shitty U/R artifacts lacking the affinity essentials

Why would you use Tarn over Wooded Foothills, Windswept Heath, and Arid Mesa?

And way more illegal than the other two.

Because you have tarns leftover from a real deck

>mfw it turn out that most of magic players are just people who have money and copy the pros and they don't actually understand the thought process behind the decks they play or even know how to play them

I have a feeling that Doom Blade and/or Ultimate Price could be a Modern Budget All-Star if people remembered they exists.

xmage, cockatrice or untap?

Is Goblins/8 Whack worth even playing? Does anyone see Goblins becoming Tier 1 again ANY time soon?


No plays for the first two turns and a turn 3 liliana as your first play ensures it's gonna do almost nothing. Nah.

>Is Goblins/8 Whack worth even playing?
There are other aggro decks which are simply better. Get burn if you absolutely can't afford anything else.


yes, because you just said you have a 700$ dollar deck.

>MTG Players
>Digital fakes and clients

>mfw a kids card game costs $1000's
>mfw you could actually buy a real kid for that price
>mfw you could just play with the kid instead, you know like sexually, you could put his little dink in your mouth and say the alphabet
>mfw memedern is even gayer than this post

biggest tits in modern?

It's 100% true. I don't even know why I come here. I have half a real life pauper deck and 3 or so on MTGO.

I keep waiting for that day when Modern won't cost thousands of dollars but it's never going to happen. I just wanted to play people in real life.

The pauper players here have banned Burn and any blue colored card.

How come her face is so gaunt, yet her rack is still so plump and juicy?

Why is pauper somehow the worst format of all time, but not for the reasons you think when you hear about it

mtg target demographic.

Dubs for truth.
Because the players are so cancer.


I don't read moonrunes, so can someone explain what the fuck is going on in this picture?


no idea, found it on pixiv.

>mfw ill never have an affinity deck made entirely of mecha loli card alters



Making a Modern Black-Aggro Control (i want it mono black)


So far

2 Extirpate
2 Surgical Extraction
21 Swamp
4 Vampire Nighthawk
4 Phyrexian Obliterator
2 Lashwrithe
4 Liliana of the Veil
2 Thoughtseize
4 Victim of Night
4 Raven's Crime
4 Blackmail


it's good and control decks will want a playset. But you're still playing control in a metagame where burn affinity and infect are top tier

I'll be playing jeskai control even if it turns tier 3 so I really hope they go down in price a little bit.

They got restrictions that can potentially lose you the game. Catch all cards are infinitely better for a reason.

Keep lili and Thoughtseize, throw the rest in the trash and replace it with a jund deck

This kind of thinking is the epitome of the casual. There's nothing worse than having opponents continuously remark on how expensive cards you play are. I don't get salty if my deck gets beaten by a pile of commons. You either built a good deck, played better or it's variance.

In the last thread an Emerica list was posted, fucked up saving it... Anyone have it?

4 Nahiri
4 Detention Sphere
1 Emrakul

No more >memedern protours

RIP in piss shitty format