Adeptus Astartes ships edition

Adeptus Astartes ships edition

previous thread:
>Where can I find the rules?

>What the FUCK? What rules books do I actually need? (embed)
(Short version: 2007 edition of the rulebook, 2010 Update, and Armada)
Revised is a set of fan-rules, written almost entirely by a Dark Eldar player. It shows.

>Where can I find physical miniatures to use/proxy with? (embed) (But we always need more - Feel free to chip in with others you've found in-thread)
Also looking for more non-GW minis suitable for running boarding party games.

>Paper ship Proxies:

>Boarding action rules
See the physical models link for some appropriate options for Navy troops

>Tactics and strategy resources for tabletop
Marine Tactica underway.
AdMech tactica: (embed)

>BFG:Armada beta is now live
>Battleflee/tg/othic Steam Group

>user is hosting a campaign, you can find the forums and info here:

Application deadline is the 25th
Last few days to join.

Lads, reposting from old thread
if I quit to menu after completing a mission in a turn, like when the game crashes? The forced "lol hardcore no saves good old days" mentality fucking shits me, pretty sure I didn't select Iron man

nice thread title OP

>seven hundred point battles against chaos
>every one of his line ships has nurgle favour and macros
>mfw he just sweeps in amongst my ships and all I can do is die

I certainly know how I'm building my next chaos fleet.

never mind, found the box top left

Thinking about whether or not to buy. What issues would you say the game has right now?

Are the factions well balanced?

At least the Nurgle cloud doesn't stack anymore.

well it not on sale anymore so there's no point in buying it right now

early adopter bonus lasts for two months

What favor do you guys use on the eldar battleship?

Chances are it's going to get even a small discount before the two months expire, aren't they?

Saim Hann is quite good.

I doubt it. Games only have really early discounts when they sell like shit.

I don't really care about paying full price. So, that aside...

When to use bombers and when to use assault boats?

What are some upgrades/skills/tricks you generally want to use when fighting against Chaos? Seeing blips opening fire on my ships really pisses me off.

Assault Boats are useful when you need to cripple them, for example so they'll have a hard time reaching the bombardment zone or getting away with data.

When you absolutely need to fuck them over? Bombers

running silent

I hear this game is "micro hell" - too much going on, having to put too much on auto-activate or auto-engage. Your thoughts?

Auger probes, inquisition favour, bringing a Widowmaker.

Hide in gas cloud and make them come to you.

Eh, not really. For one, you can automate stuff and the AI is actually pretty smart about it. For two, you can slow down the game on a button press.

I don´t think there is "that" much micro outside of eldar. That being said most people are shit at rts so no wonder this would be a complaint. I mean heck you can pause the game in multiplayer. You can´t really tell me a game with 2 light cruisers and 1 escort is "micro hell".

Don´t get me wrong it gets hectic in bigger games but if you have some rts experience this shouldn´t be a dealbreaker.

How do I make a Chaos ship that's good at boarding?

OPs first thread clearly

Also 3v3 and points limits not for ants when

Data recovery is so stupid. Whoever thought this was a good idea needs fired.

Is it ever worth taking an Emperor BB against orks? I want to use it but I can't imagine a scenario in which it won't instantly be rammed to death because of its slow movement speed.

Unless you plan on using the assault boats to take out their engines, I don't see it as a very rewarding tactic

It's a sneaky game mode with assholish rules, but I haven't had one yet that was boring.

>eldar vs eldar
>we both have 2 shit cruisers and a fuckton of aconites
>I spam que move orders and half his ships stop
>end up winning after his 2 line ships stay still

Pretty sure the eldar mirror is a retard fest.

Eldar mirror is Ramming and Ordnance mostly.

Fuck me I love the dialogue

>Chaos vs chaos
>pretend to kite for the first minute or so
>deploy stasis bombs
>proceed to ram the enemy to death with my carriers

>Attacker bombardment vs Eldar
>Manage to dodge most of the stasis
>cruiser gets caught
>is raped by pulsars
holy shit those things are nasty, really short cooldown it seems too

how many battle cruisers will one be able to field at max admiral level?

Can anyone explain how the micro jump warp is supposed to work?

I click it and my cursor changes, but I'm not able to do anything just shows red everywhere.

You need a lot of open space. The larger the ship, the larger the area that needs to be clear around wherever you want to jump to.
In the beta it was invredibly useful and almost every took it on most of their ships so I imagine it was made more difficult to use to discourage that.

MWJ has been nerfed,you can't use it to jump directly beside enemy ships anymore. THis was a popular tactic especially against the Eldar. Now you have to jump to a spot wihout ships nearby

>have squig on my captain
>see 'execution' meter go up
>ship jumps anyway


Did you not read the tooltip? If you don't get the squig upgrade you can't do anything about insubordination. Once you have it you can click the execute prompt to end it like everyone else but you still have to invest crew points into the squig if you want to decrease the chances of insubordination triggering in the first place.

Two or three, I think. Max admiral level is eight, I think.

If you are talking about the video game a second battlecruiser slot is opened up at rank 7.

I clicked the execute prompt and it didn't do anything

Literally my first line was 'have squig'

It's a bit finicky. Enable the cogitator to give yourself time to get it.
In my personal experience sometimes you need to select the ship first before then hitting the execute prompt.

next time it happens select the ship and press the r key.

>Eldar vs Eldar
>low level cruiser clash
>just started playing Eldar
>why are these guys taking so long to kill?
>clipped the other guy's ship and both exploded
>well, that didn't go as expected

I think I'll stick with Imperial until Marines come out.

Right thanks

Ork fleet of just rammship escorts y/n

People pausing in this game is balls

Chain taunting 5 times is pure bullshit.

>muh kite fleet

In planetary assault do you have to get cruisers to the objective or can I use escorts to do it?

I can't wait until cutscenes are processed, there was a great shot of Spire in his admiral gear.

Only ships of the line, no escorts.

Damn, there goes that idea. Other than using all light cruisers, what else is good for planetary bombardment as the attacker?

Microwarp, but whatever. I handled the first campaign one with just a Lunar and a Dominator.

oh dis gun b gud

>cruiseen spidset

>field Emperor
>get a solid five minutes to tab out and fap at the start of each battle because it takes forever to get anyehere

I dislike Brutes because I have such a hard time hitting other escorts with them. And it's not like I want to hit things much larger...

I fielded 11 against 2 chaos ships and the guy just retreated like a fag

why is the cogitator enabled in multiplayer? fuck that shit, I wanna go fast

because it's a key feature of the game.

>key feature


Stop whining and get over it.

How fun are orks? Thinking of pick this up but that price point is a bit higher than I want to spend on a whim.

Orks are fun depending on the matchup.



>ork mirror





>it's a key feature that slow-minded people be given a crutch

Or just slow reflexes.
I'm sorry you're korean, I know it must be a terrible burden to be born with such power.

Let's put slow-mo into every game so mr poor reflexes can catch up

How much variety is there for them? From what I could tell it seemed like the focus was mostly on beefing up broadsides, boarding as much as possible, and using traktors to line up rams.

Do they have a little flexibility in how they do close range combat?

Yeah, maybe you'd whine less if it was more common.

At any rate, it's a significant enough investment of development resources and effort that they aren't going to remove it just because some tard can't handle "if you don't like it don't use it".

Bombers: Damage
Assault Boats: Critical hits, based on opponent's troop value. Don't use against Nurgle ships.

Bombers do more damage the less turrets the enemy ship has, I think.
Good for finishing off 15%hp wrecks.

Strangely enough, Ork ships are somewhat highly adaptable to different styles of play. While getting up close and personal is the easiest way for Orks to smash face, the Kustom Point system lets you adjust armaments with greater flexibility than others.

Though not designed for it, the Ork Battleship can become the largest carrier in the game with an unprecedented 6 launch bays. Not even the Chaos Despoiler can boast of such fighter capacity

>always use lots of escorts
>realise I'm crippling my levelling


Oh geeze I need this

Anyone else bugging out with eldar? sometimes it just wont let me move my ships, which is a fucking problem since I need to GTFO after my initial pulsar burst.

Also how am I supposed to level a ship if I lose it every single game? I have a max level of 5 on any ship and I havent been able to level my void stalker at all because shit keeps dieing.

You'll have forever to level, don't sweat kemosabe.

>play for hours
>encounter only 2 eldar players
>they weren't even gud

Did Tindalos meme on Eldar too hard? Is Chaos next?

Alright faggots. what's your favorite ship so far?

>enemy ship explodes in close proximity to 2 of my cruisers
>my cruisers spontaneously combust and I auto lose breakthrough

Man the devs really fucking hate eldar

>play as orks
>chaos outrun/maneuver me
>eldar outrun/maneuver me


What happens if I screw over the knife ears in the campaign?

>+300% chance for zzap guns to crit when lock-on is activated


It's a Starcannon fest now.

Be kunnin ya grot

The Dauntless. With refined lenses to make the prow lance useful, additional shield generator, auxiliary shield capacitors and voss pattern void shields.
I love to flank with them, getting behind the enemy and shoving that heavy lance right up their ass. So many people underestimate the little light cruisers.

>orks have the heaviest prow armour
>orks have multiple upgrades to boost zzap guns


So what do you think the second fleet is gonna be? I know the first is space marines.

I've tried it, its good. Gets raped by carrier based chaos fleets though.


I once faced a Battleship, battle cruiser and cruiser all taking as many zzaps as possible with the favour that gives you the map wide lightning strike.
It was fucking brutal. They focused fire for 15k out and melted my BC in about thirty seconds.


zzap guns are basically lances, aren't they? Which eldar are 80% immune to?

They're lances with an extra crit chance.

I really hope Tindalos fixes the cutscenes issue soon.

I want to get my campaign on but I want the damn cinematics to play already.

Apparently it may be an issue concerning Windows 7 codecs or something.

Neat, I guess. I suppose that might just be enough to crit some eldar engines or genatoria.

>cruiser clash against orks
>as his last escort and ship on the field explodes he tells me it was his first 600 point game and asked if I had any tips for him
>want to give him a tip
>the victory screen has come up and I don't have enough time to think of and then type one that would suit him
>I can't ignore him because I want to say gg and not come across as a dick
>quickly hammer out "I don't think so" so i can get the gg in before the game ends
>mfw I came across as a dick anyway

do rams do more damage if both ships are going faster?

>eldar cruiser heading towards my little ram escort
>button waiting on recharge
>we're about a centimetre away when we simultaneously boost
>he takes like 600 damage and I disintegrate