So if lead can block magic, does it mean that radiation can be used to boost powers?

So if lead can block magic, does it mean that radiation can be used to boost powers?

It means that the spell uses some form of radiation that lead reflects in its process.


So does that mean an X-ray can detect alignments?

>I'm sorry you'll be shitting the remains of your intestines out in 48 hours, Ted.
>Have some scotch though.

That's actually a great way to remove rads in STALKER.

Yes, you should find a large source of radiation immediately and totally irradiate yourself.

Record the results for science.


No. Radio waves are blocked by lead and yet you don't get brain tumors by using a cellphone. Also radiation really fucks up cell phone signals. Same thing would apply with spells I believe.

>debating how much ammo and what armor i should take from my stash because weight
>ignore the ten bottles of vodka in my pack

>doesn't use anti-rad
Bandit scum. Duty will cleanse the world of your anarchistic filth.

Now class, why does lead specifically block radiation? Because everything blocks radiation. Most shit just blocks it less because it is less dense. Which means there is less shit in the same volume that can happen to be in the path of a a paritical of radiation and absorb it. The classic example from D&D was divination being blocked by a great thickness of dirt, less wood, and a thin sheet of lead. Honestly, this is probably because calculating the signel degridation due to matter interference is a pain.

Tldr: much like your head, it isn't that Lead is radiation proof, it is just very dense.

Detect and change, yes.

You sound a lot like my old physics teacher.

Wait wait let me try to remember my physics class.

Dense materials like lead or tungsten or funnily enough uranium block high energy electromagnetic radiation like x-ray or gamma ray.

Low density stuff like water or liquid hydrogen is used to block charged particles. You want this layer to be on the outside because when charged particle is slowed down by your particle shield it gives off bremsstrahlung radiation.

So is magic mostly high energy EM radiation or charged particles?

Are the Skitarii literal wizards?

>does magic work like science?
Ask your DM.

Magic is blocked by lead but not by water so by your examples, magic is high energy EM radiation.

No, no, lead is just inherently anti-magical. You could prevent a wizard from casting by fashioning lead into a bullet and embedding it in his or her body, for example. Wood blocks magic because dryads once lived in it and some of their spirit still lingers, whereas dirt blocks magic because it is profane and dull material, dragging down the higher dimensional emanations magic needs to stay, well, magical.

That is wrong by the rules, and your ideas sound extra retarded.

That means a charged particle weapon would be able to punch right through an anti-magic field.

In fact a charged particle weapon would also do a huge amount of damage to lead shielded (and thus protected against magic) targets by bremsstrahlung radiation. Imagine the baddies hiding under a lead bunker thinking their safe from magic, and then you laugh maniacally as you switch on your death ray and see shadows of their skeleton writhing in agony.

>you cannot catch radiation sickness from victims
Sure you can.

That Russian traitor that Putin killed with Polonium a few years ago was so radioactive that he irradiated every place he went before getting taken to the hospital and dying. They literally had to decontaminate several public restrooms because of his radioactive piss.

>that Putin killed
Now now, that's not proven.

Are you reading my campaign notes? Because I've been working on a post-apocalyptic fantasy campaign where radiation breaks down the fabric of reality, allowing for magic.

fuck off putin

Stay away from my Tibetan dog grooming bulletin board

The fun part is that, of all the political leaders in the actual world, Putin is the only one I'd believe would do his assasinations himself.

>That means a charged particle weapon would be able to punch right through an anti-magic field.
Sure, and bullets and swords can do it too. The important discovery is that an antimagic field would block high energy radiation. Pull an antimagic field to touch radiactive stuff without worry, walk into irradiated areas, etc.
For the physicists in the thread, what other things would be stopped by an antimagic field? Lasers? Microwave guns?

No lasers or microwave guns will not be stopped by anti-magic field because you can see into the anti-magic field and people inside the field can see out, so presumably low energy EM radiation can travel both ways.

if AMF blocked all EM radiation then when you're inside the field and look up you will see the blackest black. And conversely on the other side an AMF that blocks all EM radiation will look like a black sphere, or perfectly reflective sphere if it reflects instead of block.

Although that is assuming by laser you're talking about your average visible light wavelength laser. If you're actually talking about Project Excalibur style bomb pumped gamma ray laser of death then yes, AMF would block it.

Magic is inherently bullshit, so it is best explained with bullshittery. Pre-Enlightement natural science was full of ad hoc explanations, so the situation is entirely analogous to that - you simply cannot argue why those ideas are retarded.

depends how it works. If it blocks radiation, it wouldn't effect lasers or microwaves. If it blocks EM radiation, it would stop them, as well as light and heat

>You could prevent a wizard from casting by fashioning lead into a bullet
Who would do such a terrible thing?

You ever read Roadside Picnic? That book is a fairly good depiction of humanity's understanding of the whole system.

Only after enlightenment we where stupid enough to think we actually had some idea. Which guy was it who said something along the lines of "For the first time in human history we can stare in comprehension at what God created, how proud a moment it must be."?

If he exists, he probably never thought we where more shallow and stupid than that moment.


>Roadside Picnic?


>Duty will cleanse the world

>vodka in my pack

Dammit, making me want to reinstall... or run a STALKER game...

OP's image is bullshit.
The body mistakes radium for calcium and will move the radioactive material into a person's bones, where it stays even after they die.

Those chicks working at the radium watch factory had their bones examined post-death and the bones were still emitting constant rays of particles week after week.

If some of that radium migrated to pelvic bones, you could be banging one of those radium-poisoned bitches and one day find that your dick melts off.

Fey creatures can't cross running water though.

I think the image means that the radiation itself is not contagious and not the radioactive material.

Which is why Putin is the best leader, he's not afraid to do what needs to be done with his own hands.

Trump/Putin Russo-American Empire 2016

lead also blocks dirt and cows, and water and air