Get in now faggetz
*silently moons*
Tweet from Richie any day now
just bought ripple, i'm ok.
Steady gains.
This means moonmission in a day. The target is set at 7000 sats
Is it actually possible to buy Link "high"? Link has been reach ATL's all the time now.
Somethings happening.
aaand...its gone.
This desu. $2 in 2018. Not as high as other shitcoins, but a hell of a lot higher than LINK.
>inb4 some downy misunderstands how market cap and supply work
It's nothing
We're just returning to our 16-17c comfort zone we left yesterday
wtf why won't the pajeets let us moon
means nothing really never does. we're gonna be stuck at 16 cents for years to come. maybe sergey will come back from vacation. maybe he cucked rorys girl and thats the december announcement
>shilling LINK
Shill your own coin then...f-fart....head.
what was the deal with ripple and link?
shouldn't we be worried as fuck because of ripple?
nah fuck ripple niggers.
We are at the stage when 1% up is moon?
Link is over
yep thats been our stage for the last month when the team disappeared
Yes, Ripple won.
>comparing apples and oranges
How many of you brainlets read whitepapers?
Wait until they dump it in a few hours to try and get more bag holders to sell. Sub 10c this time maybe. they want the cheap bags. Don't sell them!
Or their pump won't work in the first place. LINK is one giant group of bagholders now. The pajeets have nobody left to scam and flip on except each other. If yesterdays FUD didn't work it's over for them.
Congratulations to all who did not sell your bags!
it's just accumulation
the FUD was real. No one knows why 1 million Links were transferred to a Binance wallet. The delusion is real
The price is not going anywhere until 1 million Link go through Binance over the next while
Your FUD is MUD.
My hads are iron.
Poo in da loo.
Quit ya cryin.