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Today, you might have just saved a young woman's life.
Of course, it's not a definite. By persuading Soma to return to her place at the Nameless Temple – or to consider the idea, at the very least – you aren't removing her from harm entirely. You're not sure if there's a way to completely remove someone from harm any more, not these days. Still, she'll be safer there than she would be anywhere else, like her old home with the Seer's lunatic cultists. That was a dangerous place to be, especially in the face of her dwindling faith.
Still, a different young woman died in the Nameless Temple, slain by one of the Emperor's soldiers. Shiki, her name was, and her death set a terrible chain of events in motion. There's a lesson there – never assume that things can't, or won't, get worse.
You never said it was an optimistic lesson.