WAAAGGHH!! edition
I need more greenskinz art.
WAAAGGHH!! edition
I need more greenskinz art.
First for Birdmen of Tzeentch
Ironjawz a shit. Armor is for pussies
May a thousand poxes wither their ugly green hide
How will President Kroak protect us from the orruks
So how do you rate the Orc release? i give it a 7/10. I'm glad lots of stuff stayed, and the new models are decent.
Kind of want the Wyvern for a proxy though, trying to raise a beastmen monster heavy force
Quick Veeky Forums, you've got 30 seconds to explain why this game was worth killing WHFB for.
>hardmode: don't say poor Fantasy sales
>When GorkaMorka sends his people, he's not sending his best. He's sending his rapists.
>Make Azyr great again!
I just finished reading the novel.
The birdmen are deadly badasses. They are ninja-mages with wings!
Rad, would you mind sharing it?
It's mere existence triggers the shit out Veeky Forums autists such as yourself, murdering fantasy is just the icing on the cake.
I say that alone is worth it.
Because WHFB was a trainwreck inside a trainwreck, you needed to buy six books and three billion core models just to get into it, find out it's boring af and give up the whole thing after sinking half a grand into it.
Not that you will actually be satisfied with any answer.
WHFB was killing itself by being a mediocre game with a niche setting
Ok none, got it.
Psssst, WHFB was dead, they planted AoS on its grave.
quick asshole, you've got 30 seconds to explain why fantasy was worth saving! go!
Because it was a game I could go into my local game store and find an opponent for, right up until end times. I have heard rumours of AoS players, but only spied them in the wild once or twice.
I actually wanted tot ask this in the WHFB thread, but there hasnt been one in a while.
Any predictions? Is it the board game? A points system? Something else?
So no reason then. What you have was a reason specifically for your own little meta, which has no impact on the rest of the world. We're still waiting for a good reason why whfb was worth saving
Quick /autist/, you've got 30 seconds to explain why you waste your life shitposting about a game you don't like instead of meeting girls or getting a hobby
Probably that campaign system they were talking about months ago, unlikely to be a points system. Might even be a PtG for all races.
Ogres are now on last chance to buy! :DDDDD
Point system is not impossible but they also just released all 4 GA books so it would kinda invalidate those
I want to say that it's probably the board game, but they just announced Orruks and it hasn't even been a week and we still have at least 5 weeks until then
Could be anything, really
>Point system is not impossible but they also just released all 4 GA books so it would kinda invalidate those
I don't see how those things are even related. If they released a points system it would be considered 'optional rules', and not core. They would only need to release a list with points, not rerelease all the battletomes and warscrolls
that's not a sound reason to save a game that was failing. that's personal, not practical
Imagine youre a casual and you just bought the 4 pack of books from GW because you were under the impression that it contained all the rules that you need
GW announces a point system. Optional or not, everyone is going to use this system at your local store because that's just how this hobby works.
Wouldn't you feel ripped off?
depends if its' free or not. if anything, that's just a different format like magic or any other tcg out there. just different options to play.
new Slaaneesh chicks with dicks I hope
Depends how the points system is implimented. If its all new book editions suddenly get points appended to them then Id be freaked.
If it was a spreadsheet Id be less pissed.
if it was all via the app then it depends why I bought the GA books, in case I bought them because I didnt/couldnt use the app.
Okay, you don't really get what he's trying to say.
1) You buy a GA book. This would have all the rules to use the models
2) GW releases a free document that has "OPTIONAL" plastered all over it. This document would have no rules, just point costs for the stuff in the GA books
That would not invalidate the books, it would add onto them. Add onto them in a way I think would suck if true, but that's another topic.
Do we have scans for the grand alliance books? i cant seem to find them in the ressources
I mean, from the sneak pic in GA:Destruction we can already tell that this book does not yet have point costs in it. This is either indicative of the point system not being plastered into the book or of the points rumor (again) being proven false.
I think boxed set or campaign system still seem like the most logical choices. Or, as FB currently theorizes some sort of AoS: Apocalypse with Godbeast miniatures and shit.
Run, run as fast as you can!
You can't catch me. I'm the Mannfred-man!
"Realm Gates Wars : Knights of Vengeance" aka "Mannfred's bizarre adventure 2 : The Orrukening"
>announcing the most exciting news for AoS
So it won't be new models, especially since they prereleased the Ooruk stuff two days ago.
>gaming in the mortal realms will never be the same again
Sounds like something rule wise. Maybe something to focus more on terrain, but that would go along with new kits. Maybe a new type of balancing, points or not. Would make sense since the books are out, so if they get some optional listbuilding rules out they don't have to bother with the old warscrolls and squatted factions anymore and can just use those released in the books.
But it'll be something stupid like "We now have an official facebook league! Play in our store and our redshirts will record your results and upload them to our homepage!".
I think this marks the fifth time I've said that, another one and I'll make a much less nicely worded copypasta.
GA books contain the following:
1) The very same warscrolls you can already get as free pdfs from the GW homepage by clicking "Download your free rules pdf" under any AoS unit.
2) A page of flavor text per faction. If you just read the webstore descriptions of each unit you get more fluff than that.
3) Battalions, of which all the good ones are constantly posted in these threads anyway.
And with the new Warscrolls being full color, I think buying a GA book is literally cheaper than printing out the individual warscrolls.
Mannfred Starscream did nothing wrong.
Thx, bro.
This. The GA books are worth getting merely because I want to reward gw's pricing on them. They're just so good
Prepare to meet your new waifu!
"Fury of Gork"
Side note : Pretty sure Josh Reynolds wrote almost 70% of all AoS's BL material. They are overworking the guy.
Because it only culled the worthless factions (with the exception of the lizardmen although they have a possibility to be great again) and gave us a chance to play as post-HRE Germans who are setting out to conquer the mortal realms and create a new Empire of Man, our Second Reich
>inb4 Games Worshop releases their own Bismarck
While I don't know what the big thing it could be, I think they might expand on the lore of the minor factions such as Former Empire. I could use some new backstory to give a bit more meaning to my conquests other than "for [current leader] and our new fatherland!"
exactly why I had no motivation to start collecting until AoS.
They're currently like America pre-Trump.
HUGE THANK YOU, user (or anons)!!!
>about 7th edition
>start collecting dwarfs
>buy a box of Thunderers and warriors and an organ gun
>spend so much of my precious free time building and painting them
>a long time later am able to show my stuff at the lgs trying to find an opponent
>find out I'm about 1500pts short of the level everyone is playing
>someone agreed to drop to my level and play small game
>it was terrible
>player base locally wasn't that attractive for a community of players
>shelve my dwarfs and move onto other games
>years later aos drops
>most of the whfb players get mad, obviously
>find one player willing to give it a go
>have a rip roaring good time
>get together to game about twice a month
>once in a while get another player interested and play demos with us
>player base continues to slowly grow
>some leave, some join, some new armies start appearing in the mix (the start collecting boxes helped)
>same old whfb players are still grumbling playing 8th edition
AoS End Times.
>New composition rules
>Existing characters get updates
>Big fluff books
>Entire setting gets canned and an unsatisfactory 9th ed springs from its ashes
>40K Warscrolls
A new edition. 1 page of rules and no need for Warscrolls. Now you just push models.around and forge the narrative and agree with your opponent to decide outcomes. No winners or losers just amazing narrative forging.
>AoS fans go wild and applaud GW for giving them freedom from rules or balance.
> Now we can play with toys like we always secretly wanted.
Here's your (You)
Dank meme my friend.
Yeah, I had to paint 100 fucking marauders of chaos to be able to field my favourite models.
Now I just use a gorebeast chariot, chariot of tzeentch and a lord
Because campaign points were said to be for participation not for game balance
I only started playing DnD in 3.5E and that shit was hard enough to keep track of as is. My entire gaming group have Master's degrees in Maths, Physics or Computer Science and we still fucked up adding every now and again. Can't even imagine dealing with that shit.
Has anyone reup the anime manual i mean godbeasts
That's probably because Penny keeps distracting you or Sheldon constantly interrupting.
The setting was stagnant and there was no way of dealing with that without breaking the premise of the setting.
Already confirmed to be a new board and updated Bretonia (all Knights, no peasants and is a full airborne force on pegasus, not a single unit is on foot)
If it were a boxed set then they'd fit it into the current release schedule. I don't remember them announcing a product going up for sale on a Monday before.
Also, it says 'Gaming in the Mortal Realms will never be the same again', which implies something is coming that will affect how everyone plays. I don't see a board game doing that.
I don't think it's a points system though - then again, GW did send reps to observe a recent tournament, so who knows? Maybe they've seen how well balancing mechanics can work if someone actually thinks about them.
Saucy sauce? An army of ALL THE PEGASI* sounds neat.
*Pegasi? Pegassuses? Pegassode?
Confirmed where?
It will most likely just be an official tournament or event format with no points, things like the weird events they do at warhammer world. Pretty much an event packet game stores can pick up with prizes
The real question is what do you call a gathering of pegasi? Flock? Herd? Murder?
For horses, in the military it's called a troop, in agriculture it's called a team, and in the wild it's called a herd
Ooh! A Flight. A flight of pegasi sounds good
They're cancelling Age of Sigmar for a simplified ruleset consisting of the words "Just do whatever, lol" and a picture of a shrugging Dwarf.
A truly elegant system, all you need to do is have a conversation with your opponent before playing.
Someone with some insider info suggested we could be getting new realm of battle boards that are godbeast themed. Guess that's a possibility, though I'd say it's definitely a longshot.
Warscrolls will also be simplified, for example, Nagash's profile is now 3.
What does 3 mean? Talk to your opponent!
"There's no points, how do we balance?"
"Just add up all your warscrolls and try to get the same value. See, here my Nagash is 3 and my Pink Horror is 7, so my army is 10 total."
"Yeah, that seems fair."
No more huge blocks of saurus warriors that dont move supported by FOUSANDS of skinks.
Now i just take whats cool and looks good.
Shitpost start@10am?
Might even sell my marauders, they're sitting at the bottom of my drawer.
I always fall for this surprise shit and get disappointed every time.
mfw tomorrow
Hey /AoSG/, I'm leaving my rural area and moving to the big city in a few months, and I'll finally have the opportunity to play a game without a 4 hour round trip. While I really like the look of the new Ironjawz, I'm not so much a fan of the 'Ardboyz. Is an army composed largely of Brutes somewhat competitive, and still fun to play?
There is about a 90% chance this city you're moving to won't have an AoS scene, better check that out before you commit.
Haven't playtested them yet (my friend will get some soon), but I'm sure you'll be able to whack something synergystic and viable up.
If you find it imbalanced or too weak just speak with your opponent and add models/remove theirs. It's the advantage of AoS.
It probably is. But nobodies played with them yet, as they havent been released.
From what I observed until now, despite at times there being posts like this the shitposting gets specifically intense when one or more AoS fans express their disliking of old WHFB (be it fluff, rules, community or miniatures), having monitored the number and types of posters for a while too, I'm led to believe in fact that the thread very often contains also people preferring, or liking on top of AoS, warhammer fantasy that do not come actively to shitpost but end up falling to it on occasion of the slightest provocation.
then you live in an area where fantasy fags still live in their basements and have yet to see the glory of the golden sun.
enjoy your dead game, grease waffle.
I agree. I love that they kept Lizardmen, and I know they are loving their flaunting of stormcast and khorne/archaon. But when it the lizardmens turn, it better be good. I know in the last thread one user mentioned how the lizardmen don't have a uber unit that the other factions have. Dread saurian and kroak are decent, but don't have that kick that most find with nagash or archaon or gordrakk or the celestant
>Autists unable to work out how to get people to stop hating AoS
Be nice plz
I'm here because I play GW games only - Too deep into the lore and sunk money to bother playing a different Sci-Fi or Fantasy, not really interested in historicals, plus no FLGS so it's mostly games in a GW- And I gotta keep up to some degree with what's going on.
When I shitpost it's because this whole deal makes itself a -really- easy target.
Can you go into more detail of your findings? We could create a 'Posters of AoS general' with your data.
Ditto except I rarely shitpost
>I'm led to believe in fact that the thread very often contains also people preferring, or liking on top of AoS, warhammer fantasy
I come here just to post rumors and because of curiosity about fluff to potentially incorporate into my headcanon of the old world.
It is unlikely it will be a new book or something, since they never reveal new products on a Monday. It will be a free download thing that will probably be in the back of all the new books from now on.
Ardboys move faster and that's just about it. Get some Goregruntas to deal with the Brutes' awful speed and they'll do just fine.
The army's main shortcoming is the lack of range and Ardboys don't help with that anyway.
I've been working on a new Lord-Celestant today, just for the hell of it. No idea about the stats as of yet, but it should be easy enough to brew up some profile based on the regular Lord-Celestant, right?
Just take the on-foot Celestant and give him either the axe of the Dracoth-Celestant or the axe of the Drakesworn Templar. Just don't give him the axe of a Decimator Prime because together with his Command that'd make the guy into the single best tarpit-cleaner in the game and homebrewing isn't for overpowering.
>updated Bretonia (all Knights, no peasants and is a full airborne force on pegasus, not a single unit is on foot)
'ardboys are Liberators that trade rerolls for rend, while Brutes are Paladins without the cool special rules. Most sigmarine players aren't too crazy about Liberators in the first place, but at least stormcast possess the tools to pressure the enemy into engaging their Liberator brick. Ironjawz don't have the same bag of tricks to draw from, which poses a problem for both units, to be honest.
That said, 'ardboys are a bit faster than the sluggish Brutes, so there might be something to be gained there, but the new Gore-gruntas do that too, except better.
That said, cost-wise you get 15 Ardboys for only slightly more than 5 Liberators and the Ironjaws Hero has a Command that turns them into rape trains so they have better buff opportunities than Liberators, never mind smaller base sizes so it's easier to pile them in.
>40K Warscrolls
You joke, but that would be fun as fuck in small doses. Me and a friend of mine are planning to write up some scrolls for our Admech and Tau armies and put a couple into the battles.
AoS is about bringing models you find cool, and consolidating the fanbase could be interesting... Warmachine and Hordes are 100% compatible
What happened to Skavenblight in the AoS lore?