Explain these bullshit fees?
It will never be a world currency if you can't transfer 100 $ worth on chain.
Explain these bullshit fees?
Another corecuck sees the sunrise.
Not sure where you're getting this from, average transaction price right now is $7.66. Which is still a bit high as you'd have to be dealing with an amount around $300 or larger to beat VISA fees.
>defending the size of btc fees
You are part of the problem. Gas yourself with your oven or car.
you should try the real bitcoin instead of bcore
Funny way of saying, "providing accurate numbers, I said it was still high but OP is off by nearly a factor of 10.
This desu. Unfortunately I don't know where to use real bitcoin
Go tell your mommy that you got your feelings hurt because someone told you the truth snowflake.
Ridiculous. And you think that's an appropriate number for the *average* fee?? It should be less than 5 cents. So much for the world currency. kek
And I'm not sure what you're talking about mentioning VISA, because I can pay online and offline with zero commissions. Those are paid by the merchants. I can also wire transfer my money for free.
>Ridiculous. And you think that's an appropriate number for the *average* fee?
Are you illiterate? I said, "which is still a bit high"
>And I'm not sure what you're talking about mentioning VISA, because I can pay online and offline with zero commissions. Those are paid by the merchants.
So? As you say someone's still paying a fee.
It's not "a bit high". It's insane and straight unusable for day-to-day transactions. If you used every day, suppose you made like 5 transactions per day (much less than my average). Then we would be looking at more than 30$ of fees every day.
hahahahahahaha didnt you hear? BTC is only for storing value now. forget everything else mentioned by BTC oldfags.
I still buy things with bitcoin, as long as its larger transactions you can still come out ahead as there's quite a few sites where you can get a discount by using BTC. By the way that's why credit card fees are relevant because when a vendor can offer you a discount for using BTC and still have more income compared to someone paying them regular price with a credit card you both win. If they can get it down to a couple bucks that would be good enough as that would make it viable for any moderate purchase of $100 or so.
There's no need to use it for small quick purchases like paying for gas or coffee because when you make a small purchase its something you want almost immediately and currently crypto's not fast enough for that. That's not exclusive to BTC either, whether we're talking BTC, BCH, XMR, or ETH they're all too slow to warrant buying gas or something with them compared to your normal purchasing method. Noone wants to sit around even five minutes extra before getting back on the road.
You don't know the difference between currency and utility do you?
With Zero Confirmation transactions re-enabled with Bitcoin Cash, merchants can accept payment with high certainty in less than 10 secs.
I'm not aware of any merchants that currently accept BCH with zero confirmations. If they start then it would be relevant.
Holy fuck just neck yourself
I can imagine a lot of applications utilizing this.
Look up banksta on android, new merchant payment provider who accept bitcoin cash with zero-conf.
Expect to see more of these startups as the stupid established bcore merchant payment providers such as bitpay refuse to support bitcoin cash.
The tipping point is coming sooner than you think. Soon these established companies such as bitpay will be forced to support BCH or become irrelevant.
Opps poorly worded but w/e. BCH is the real bitcoin and the payment providers that realise this first will reap the rewards.
>We are limiting the app for payments for less than 5 dollars for now and we will gradually increase it.
Can't remember the last time I paid less than $5 somewhere.
The app is still in beta dude, give it a month or 3 while it matures.
>There's no need to use it for small quick purchases like paying for gas or coffee because when you make a small purchase its something you want almost immediately and currently crypto's not fast enough for that.
that's wrong, the majority of cryptos are slow but bitcoin is very slow in comparison. normally it would take no more than several minutes for a transaction
>normally it would take no more than several minutes for a transaction
Which is too long.
For Bitcoin it's even longer. Not sure what you're getting at here...