Tundra civ thread on Veeky Forums ep. 46

Continuing from the previous thread:
As our Industrial Revolution continues, peace reigns on our homecontinent of Aymsland. Across the ocean, tensions have arisen in Eyerdar - the Pacharnati Empire has set its eyes on the New Pajit Union and our allies, the Kaichou Empire and Sunset Alliance almost went to war with each other. With our help the situation was resolved, the kaichou were allowed to colonise Veita.
History continues to advance and the White Republic stands as the mightiest nation in the world.

Check out the pastebin for story, technologies, stats etc.
And an archive of ALL previous threads if you want to skim through some of them - we've come a long way since living in caves in the tundra!

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.tg/subject/Civ/username/Civ bulgar/page/1/

>Population:30 000 000 (64% white, 3 % chink,3% kafi, 5% hibibi, 8 % pajit, 4% darkskin,12% ramki)
>Colonials: 3 000 000 West 900 000 Southwest 220 000 Southeast
>Food stockpiles:8/10
>Food production: 8/10
>Political Stability: 6/10

>B.Food production & Population growth
>C.Improve religion/culture
>D.Settle new lands
>F.Improve Military
>G.Research science
>H.Improve Navy
>I.Improve economy
>J.Regional development
>K.Diplomacy and war
>L.Government and laws





The bulk of our navy is made up of mighty wooden,three decked ships of the line and lighter frigates - ships with sails, dependent on the wind. The last time we commisioned new ships we also constructed a new flagship of our fleet, the WRS Junus(named after the captain who discovered continental Eyerdar) - the largest three-decker we've ever built, a massive ship, crewed by a thousand men, with 110 guns on board. We've since built two smaller sisters of the Junus, armed with 90 guns each.
The Admiralty has worked with engineers to make new designs, however - steam power has been incorporated into the navy for the first time. We've built three steam frigates(two of which were converted from our old frigates), powered by a steam engine that drives paddle wheels to propel the ship through waters. The Admiralty has been sceptical of using steam power for our warships as these paddle steamers are not suited for the high seas.

>Navy:23 ships of the line,21 frigates,3 steam frigates;merchantmen transports ,good sailors, Stormborn, the Admiralty

>Population:31 000 000 (64% white, 3 % chink,3% kafi, 5% hibibi, 8 % pajit, 4% darkskin,12% ramki)
>Colonials: 3 100 000 Eyerdar 950 000 Veita 250 Ocras

>Food stockpiles:8/10
>Food production: 8/10
>Political Stability: 7/10

>B.Food production & Population growth
>C.Improve religion/culture
>D.Settle new lands
>F.Improve Military
>G.Research science
>H.Improve Navy
>I.Improve economy
>J.Regional development
>K.Diplomacy and war
>L.Government and laws

I was reading up on the evolution of warships in the early 19th century, very interesting stuff. Thanks for the patience, I like to make sure I know what I'm writing about


>I.Improve economy

Once we are industrialised, things will be easier to do. For instance, if we industrialise farming by introducing tractors and such farming equipment, then our population will generally not have to toil in the fields to feed the rest.



C it is, we haven't done it in a while.
In terms of religion - we have the four grand temples, temple-schools in every settlement and some medium-sized temples as well. We have a clergy without a single head - priests tend to their temples and their dioceses.
The arts haven't recieved much attention from the government in quite a while, they've progressed on their own - we are currently in an era of neo-classicism as our artists regard our glorious past as a well of inspiration, it is art of formality and restraint, a set of ideals that are aspired to - this is the broadly accepted artistic standart at present.
Education remains at a high level. In smaller settlements temple-schools provide primary education(mandatory for all).Secondary educational facilities can be found in towns and cities, tertiary education can be found in the universities of Lakeside, Centerhold and Victory, the Admiralty in Coasttown and the War Academy in Centerhold.

What area will in particular recieve support from the government?
A.Religious construction
B.Religious institutions and organisations
D.The arts
E.Something else

A. By religious construction I assume it means the scale and design of our temples. It would be cool to have buildings like the cathedral of cologne.

C. Better education for all




The government has invested in the building of a new university in Newport, chief colony in Eyerdar. We've expanded our already existing universities and academies and built new trade schools in large towns and cities. The National Academy of Sciences has recieved more funding to expand its facilities as to allow the great minds of our nation to work to their full potential.

>Navy:23 ships of the line,21 frigates,3 steam frigates;merchantmen transports ,good sailors, Stormborn, the Admiralty

>Population:31 000 000 (64% white, 3 % chink,3% kafi, 5% hibibi, 8 % pajit, 4% darkskin,12% ramki)
>Colonials: 3 100 000 Eyerdar 950 000 Veita 250 Ocras

>Food stockpiles:8/10
>Food production: 8/10
>Political Stability: 7/10

>B.Food production & Population growth
>C.Improve religion/culture
>D.Settle new lands
>F.Improve Military
>G.Research science
>H.Improve Navy
>I.Improve economy
>J.Regional development
>K.Diplomacy and war
>L.Government and laws

C. The better our technology, the better our army.

G. Steam has helped us move faster on the water, but what if we could move faster on land, or in the sky...

D. Settle more of Ocras. We should make Ocras our continent, especially when you see the tension that arose in Eyedar between the Kaichou and SSA.

You accidentally voted for religion, but it's safe to say that's another vote for science.


>G.Research science
we need the telegraph and more engine tech as well, and maybe efficient vaccines and chemical medicine and later maybe penicillins and other antibiotics.


Rolled 98, 86 = 184 (2d100)

Rolling for the two areas that have recieved major breakthroughs
0-20 Power
21-40 Mechanization
41-60 Metallurgy
61-80 Military tech
81-100 Natural sciences
If the two are of the same area, my post's digits substitute one

>double natural sciences
Critical Major Breakthrough?

The National Academy of Sciences has registered numerous major breakthroughs and inventions in recent years.
Mechanized mining has led to more and cheaper coal and iron and we are now seeing cheaper, easier to produce and stronger steel on the market - metals have become the core of our manufacturing in the North and the Westerlands, bringing factory and mine owners(and us, of course) much wealth.
In the sciences we've registered many new inventions and discoveries - Prophylaxis Against Malaria, superior vaccination, hereditary genetics and natural selection theory, better medicines and treatment methods. Inorganic chemistry has produced artificial fertilizers and rubber and a new explosive liquid - nytroglicerin - is being experimented with.
Great new inventions are making life and work easier as our population increases at higher rates than before.

>Population:33 500 000 (65% white, 3 % chink,3% kafi, 4% hibibi, 8 % pajit, 4% darkskin,12% ramki)
>Colonials: 3 500 000 Eyerdar 1 000 000 Veita 300 000 Ocras

>Food stockpiles:8/10
>Food production: 8/10
>Political Stability: 7/10

>B.Food production & Population growth
>C.Improve religion/culture
>D.Settle new lands
>F.Improve Military
>G.Research science
>H.Improve Navy
>I.Improve economy
>J.Regional development
>K.Diplomacy and war
>L.Government and laws

D. Settle more of Ocras.


>C.Improve religion/culture
Education for everyone until 14.
we'll need educated people for the next wars.
Engineers are the future's soldiers.

That what military schools and academy's are for.

we need more that 10000 trained engineers, we need an army greater than any you can find in real life, we're literally the size and power of what Germany would be in 1945 if their conquered the the US and the rest of europe and we still have Imperial technology.
We can do great things given enough brain power since we do not lack resources.
A more educated population will bring us a new era, of prosperity , the dawn of industrialization will let our people learn instead of working at an early age.

New geological discoveries in Ocras have spurred increased colonisation - massive coal deposits in the arid interior, iron in the central mountains and a variety of other minerals and metals. Despite its smaller size this continent is rich in resources and most importantly - untapped.

>Population:35 500 000 (65% white, 3 % chink,3% kafi, 4% hibibi, 8 % pajit, 4% darkskin,12% ramki)
>Colonials: 3 900 000 Eyerdar 1 200 000 Veita 700 000 Ocras

>Food stockpiles:8/10
>Food production: 8/10
>Political Stability: 7/10

>B.Food production & Population growth
>C.Improve religion/culture
>D.Settle new lands
>F.Improve Military
>G.Research science
>H.Improve Navy
>I.Improve economy
>J.Regional development
>K.Diplomacy and war
>L.Government and laws

>G.Research science
we seriously need Boat tech to make colonization faster.

I might agree with you if we were in the 20th century but we're still at a point where men fight in line formation like th e Crimean or Franco-Prussian war. What matters for an army are the fighting men, tactics and weapons. Engineers are a special minority who are trained to operate weapons like artillery.

D. Claim more of Ocras and its mineral wealth for our country.

>Engineers are a special minority who are trained to operate weapons like artillery.
>we researched rifling so we'll get more artillery because its simply better than cavalry
>Our nation need engineers aplenty to industrialize everywhere
>You can never have enough engineers in a fucking non industrialized nation
>We'll research tech faster
It's a good idea, but I'll agree we might want to rush finding that special place in Ocras, or not who knows what we'll find, we must be prepared to build something bigger than a temple, A true wonder.


welp changing to
>C.Improve religion/culture

G. i agree, better boats and sailing technique and tech

Ònce again

What area will in particular recieve support from the government?
A.Religious construction
B.Religious institutions and organisations
D.The arts
E.Something else

B. strengthen the elemental orders, and make sure they are up to speed with the modern era.


white mandatory education until 14, 10 for other races but still free until 14 if they wish to keep studying.



What area shall we direct our religious institutions towards?
A.Cultural - higher population growth, aspiration towards diligence and creativity
B.Militant - strengthen the elemental orders and our people's will to fight
C.Hierarchy - for a more stable society bonded by faith and loyalty

>A.Cultural - higher population growth, aspiration towards diligence and creativity
let's go for a population boost and better technology.


C. social stability and filial piety ftw

A.Cultural - higher population growth, aspiration towards diligence and creativity


Courage, temperance, wisdom and justice - the four virtues of Oofnarr's faith. The courage to go on a great undertaking; The wisdom to see it through; A sence of justice to know it is right, a sence of temperance to know how far to go.
Man strives towards harmony, but also aims for the stars. Our earthly ambitions mean more than providing ourselves with a comfortable lifestyle - man dies and another is born and the dead are remembered by their deeds and what they left behind them.
The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit. Our people strive to create large families and to leave a legacy and opportunity for their children, to secure a future for our people.

>Population:37 000 000 (66% white, 3 % chink,3% kafi, 4% hibibi, 8 % pajit, 4% darkskin,11% ramki)
>Colonials: 4 200 000 Eyerdar 1 400 000 Veita 1 000 000 Ocras

>Food stockpiles:8/10
>Food production: 8/10
>Political Stability: 7/10

>B.Food production & Population growth
>C.Improve religion/culture
>D.Settle new lands
>F.Improve Military
>G.Research science
>H.Improve Navy
>I.Improve economy
>J.Regional development
>K.Diplomacy and war
>L.Government and laws

>G.Research science
We might want to throw a few mountains of gold at any naval engineers that is able to to make steamboats work at this point, we need them, badly.


Rolled 97 (1d100)

Haven't rolled in a while so - international development incoming! High is good for us

World peace?

Well, I think the dice gods are in a good mood tonight

>H.Improve Navy - Steam-ships

Did we just vassalize everyone?

>Rolled 97 (1d100)
holy shit we got a good international roll

G. work more on steam engines and increasing the power and decreasing their size.

>>H.Improve Navy
why not. We should do some government and laws soon.

The Kaichou Empire and the Sunset Alliance have proclaimed eternal friendship in a historic meeting in Kotoima, resolving all territorial and trade disputes and dedicating the next century to a great co-prosperity pact along with the White Republic. The Kaichou seem to have also adopted partial constitutionalism in model to our own republic, though the imperial court still has much power.
Long live the Occidental Alliance!

We Axis now

>The Kaichou Empire and the Sunset Alliance have proclaimed eternal friendship in a historic meeting in Kotoima, resolving all territorial and trade disputes and dedicating the next century to a great co-prosperity pact along with the White Republic. The Kaichou seem to have also adopted partial constitutionalism in model to our own republic, though the imperial court still has much power.
>Long live the Occidental Alliance!

this is amazing

we have become axis

We have been an Axis-esque nation, mostly because we were made by /pol/ and Veeky Forums carried on from that but also because an efficiently and effectively managed facist state is an amazing war machine.

Only thing is unlike many fascist nations, we are not a dictator and don't, ignoring two occasions, eliminate entire cultures.

We're Imperialistic Fascist Republic without corruption.
We're the lovechild of the roman 'empire' and Nazi Germany that somehow is able to fix corruption.

Advancemens in steam technology have led to the development of the screw propeller, a type of fan that transmits power by converting rotational motion into thrust. Naval engineers have built the first commercial ocean-going vessel in the world - the SS (Steamship) Horizon. Naval engineers now compete for great prizes in designing superior ships every year in Coasttown, spurring creativity and innovation as sea transport will become easier and more efficient than ever before! A new age is upon us, truly!
>without corruption
Human nature finds a way to fuck shit up, but we recently made great efforts to stall that so we're living in good times now.

>Population:39 000 000 (67% white, 3 % chink,3% kafi, 4% hibibi, 7 % pajit, 4% darkskin,11% ramki)
>Colonials: 4 200 000 Eyerdar 1 400 000 Veita 1 000 000 Ocras

>Food stockpiles:8/10
>Food production: 8/10
>Political Stability: 8/10

>B.Food production & Population growth
>C.Improve religion/culture
>D.Settle new lands
>F.Improve Military
>G.Research science
>H.Improve Navy
>I.Improve economy
>J.Regional development
>K.Diplomacy and war
>L.Government and laws

A.explore the poles! i want our flag on both poles!

>D.Settle new lands
Ocras is ours thanks to these new ships.

>Government and law-fight corruption
Let's make sure the no ones nosing our in our administration messing things up for their own greed

Is the name of that ship a reference to the film "event horizon"? Cause all i can imagine now is a what that would look like with our culture.

>D.Settle new lands

Italy under Mussolini?

D. Take the rest of Ocras. After that is done we should invest in the region and establish mines.

What said. We need the prestige.


>event horizon
>In general relativity, an event horizon is a boundary in spacetime beyond which events cannot affect an outside observer. In layman's terms, it is defined as "the point of no return"
>ships being called the point of no return
i think that's the general idea
close but not quite i'd say, more republic ,less dictatorship and a more early form of Imperialism (think of the British Empire).

Rolled 23, 59 = 82 (2d100)

Let's do both at once since there's such enthusiasm!
As new colonies in Ocras are sponsored with the goal of bringing the continent's riches to fuel our home industries, a grand project has been announced! Expeditions shall be tasked with reaching the poles - from Coasttown to the north and from New Coasttown to the south!

So... the colonies are doing kinda shit but we did, maybe, get to one of the poles.

i think the roll are for south and north not for colonization and exploration.

Nah, those are the two poles.
While we've sailed around the northern tip of Aymsland and have accessed an arctic passage east, towards Jamatun in the warmer months, explorers have been unable to pierce the great icy shores of the Northern Pole. Sailors from Ocras have managed to map the southern Arctic's shores and have charted several arctic islands south of Ocras. The shores of the Southarctic have been explored, but the pole itself is beyond our reach at the moment. Some interest has been generated in hunting the exotic animals that survive in these cold climates - whales, narwhals, seals and such and sailors will no doubt make ventures to these cold waters from time to time.

>Population:41 000 000 (68% white, 3 % chink,3% kafi, 3% hibibi, 7 % pajit, 4% darkskin,11% ramki)
>Colonials: 4 500 000 Eyerdar 1 500 000 Veita 1 500 000 Ocras

>Food stockpiles:8/10
>Food production: 8/10
>Political Stability: 8/10

>B.Food production & Population growth
>C.Improve religion/culture
>D.Settle new lands
>F.Improve Military
>G.Research science
>H.Improve Navy
>I.Improve economy
>J.Regional development
>K.Diplomacy and war
>L.Government and laws

Let's develope our colonies a bit more

>G.Research science
we seriously should have continent wide railroads by now.

A. i vote for another try, now that we know a bit more, we can better plan an expadition.

J. Focus on Ocras.

>>G.Research science


>I.Improve economy
Time to go whaling.

>G.Research science

We start building a large,heated bunker on the shores of the Southarctic to serve as a base of operations for future expeditions as well as a facility for hosting dangerous experiments we don't want the public to be aware of.

Because every setting needs an arctic base filled to the brim with mad scientists.

>Councilor Aron, Formerly Hyper-Militant Asshole

>Continent named orcas for no real reason but because the continent needed a name.

>Discovered whales and shit in the oceons south of the continent.

Rolled 74, 62 = 136 (2d100)

Technology continues to advance...
rolls can hit the same area twice now
0-20 Mechanization
21-40 Military
41-60 Transport
61-80 Natural science
81-100 Power

Our scientist really have a Hard on for Natural sciences

natural science, every time.

Geothermal when?

meh I like it. We could find solar energy sooner.

We'll discover particle physics before we even invent the light-bulb?
It's quite funny in a way, we're the master of theories and failures at practice.
We seriously need engineering sciences to step it up.

I know, this is hilarious. Were like a nation of Teslas, but without the practical usage.

Do we even have engineers?

>Do we even have engineers?
BREAKING NEWS: Scientist Claims it is possible that theories might have another use than fighting insomnia.