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CYOA Thread
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They're basically the same thing.
The other one lacks the IRC link for some reason.
The OP one is outdated and lacks information. Like
Got an idea for a CYOA, a Royal Guardian remake but in the cyberpunk world. Bodyguard is enforcer/assasin, Captain of the Guard is head of security etc. and instead of kings there are CEOs, gang/police leaders of various degree of evilness. I am not up to the task so just throwing it out there.
Sockminster made a poll last thread if you're interested.
Did the maker of Vampire king end up implementing the "mortals" page?
>people choosing fairies
That's what the 'child' page is apparently, he just put it oddly.
Why? So it's fine to want fuck a mermaid but it's not fine to want to be a sharkboy while you fuck her? I don't get that. Monsterxmonster is clearly more logical.
I haven't eaten in 2 days, someone send help.
>Furry race
God, why?
>Monsterxmonster is clearly more logical
If you're a furry.
Fuck off. Nobody but you cares.
Because everyone should have an option, you dink. Just ignore it or something.
don't start a discussion on furries in a new thread, user. Keep that shit out.
>posting wips
But a stroke or something on the intro text, maybe a box with low opacity behind it.
I do enjoy how you did the picture of the race (partly inside the textbox)
I wish I cared enough about graphics to go out and find images plus do what you did. it looks nice.
Also, no one will pick the Imps due to their lifespan.
Highly doubt that.
Not your kind. Especially not when it could've been cat girls or something.
Navenes is obviously best choice.
Fucking furry shits!
Monster x Monster makes more sense than Monster x Human unless you also believe it makes complete sense for tigers to want to fuck humans primarily.
>implying I'm a furshit
Look, buddy, I'm not telling you to like it. I'm recommending you to ignore it. You don't have to like every CYOA.
I'm talking about a specific option, not the whole CYOA.
But the CYOA is about making monstergirls sexually submit to you, not about natural sexual selection.
>Species was made by a god when he was horny.
I wonder
You don't have to like every option either. Seriously, you only have to pick one. You don't have to whine until the designer makes every single option perfect for you.
Yeah, but I am allowed to criticize and question them.
Yes, and MBs are the ones with the natural physical prowess to pull that off.
Why didn't he just make male ones anyway? Why assume an immortal god who's existed from the beginning of time is 50000000% Heterosexual. He existed millions of years before that was even a thing...
You're not doing that, though. You're just saying "stop posting what I don't like!" That's not criticism, or at least useful criticism.
>MAGICAL furfags
I'd rather be raped
You need to explain the origin of these racial groups. Sylvanen etc seems to imply a common ancestor, and for humans in particular people will be curious.
Also let us genocide the cat furries.
That seems a bit excessive.
>God why?
That's a question, rest of this is you guys whining at me for not liking it. Hell, you're only whining at me despite there being at least three other people complaining.
>made by a goddess
>made by a goddess
What was the world made by...? What was the universe made by..? What were humans made by...? If you prefer: 'innate.'
Jesus Christ I drained every ounce of energy I had into making
3 Races,
9 Species,
And you people complain about one option?
The choice isn't even that important, the next section will let you move stats around, this is literally just lore and fluff.
I'm going to take a nap. If you guys have insightful complaints I'll be listening.
Still, how does a human get a superior predator like a bigass dragongirl to submit? You'd have to be superstrong, superdurable, etc. You'd barely be human anyway. Instead I'd rather be a dragonboy and go submit the monstergirls who are naturally lower on the foodchain/sexchain. Perhaps even have true battles of dominance with a warrior giantess!
I have no respect for a monstergirl who submits to a normal 5' 11" human with a 7" dick. That's just pathetic.
>Why isn't god gay?
You're bitching just to bitch, autismo.
It's not about making sense it's about muh HFY combined with muh fetish. Monstergirls' lust for human semen doesn't make the slightest bit of sense when monsterboys exist, as they should.
>insightful complaints
If I were pressured into having sex with someone I didn't like, I'd do it if it meant a god would come down and genocide the furry race.
Why did you make them furfags instead of catgirls?
Its different degrees of power fantasy user.
Some people get a kick out of having much more powerful women submitting themselves to weaker males, where as others prefer the opposite.
Judging by how these threads are filled with lonely, sad virgins, its no wonder they prefer the former over the latter.
More like: why is god straight?
He invented the concept of straight, gay, trans etc. Everything is a direct consequence of his existence. He existed long before these things were even understood by humans, much less existed. Why would he be confined to any one box?
Why do the oddball, artificially created cat people have to be part of some stupid sexual agenda? Why can you not think with your dicks for five minutes and let something be without dragging fetishes into it?
>Every time I come to my hometown my neighbor faggot cat always comes over and gives me THIS face
Thanks, Faggot Cat.
Even despite monsters being stronger they still feel that they are monsters and humans are the master race and want to fuck them, that just makes sense.
Chill, Ferrean. This is par for the course involving CYOA's.
You know what
I'd rather be raped than be forced to read your trying to argue.
In fact I'd pretty much rather get raped anyways
Because catgirls are just humans who say 'nyaa' every now and then. These are supposed to be races that exist independent of your fetishes.
I think user is saying he hates the furry bestiality race so much he wouldn't care what happened to him if they were genocided. Which is a noble opinion.
>He invented the concept of straight, gay, trans etc
He invented straight, devil invented gay and trans
I don't like how you made humans and elves have to hang out and be nice to furshit.
Not him, but reading the CYOA, it says that they're humans/elves that got infused with animal DNA. Logically they'd be more human than that picture.
He made /everything/, that's what makes him God and not Satan.
Darn, I was going to say that.
Why? Why does it have to be furry bullshit? Who brought up convenient excuses for fringe sex shit? What's wrong with just having things, without "people" like you dragging all and sundry through the fucking shitheap to discuss your pet issues?
>humans invented the concept of straight, gay, trans etc...
>meanwhile God and the Devil are playing blackjack and fucking hookers
Rorch's Husbando was done. Images Remain.
You should have slept instead of making the poor decision of including furries.
They're humanoid. There's no reason to believe they'd have no fur at all or even be less animal-like than how they currently are.
Gay, straight, trans etc all exist regardless of whether humans recognize them for what they are.
>This reaction to someone saying he'd rather get raped
Did your ancestors jew-gassed or what?
Got a mistake in the Razhans text. Says Bazhans in the first sentence.
Ha, have you even read the CYOAs here? There's more weak men submitting to powerful women.
Just because he made the materials doesn't mean he made the actual thing.
Because you're yet another whiny entitled shit who insists that everything be what he wants, and CYOA has been completely filled with you and your ilk for weeks now.
You should keep the furry race in the cyoa just to piss off the one or two people who hate furries so fucking much they might be closet furries themselves.
/cyoag/ might become shit due to their saltiness and shitposting, but god damn will I enjoy drinking their tears.
They literally have a cat head. A straight up, regular cat head. They're bipedal, furfag cats. They're as furry as you can get. Doesn't make sense for a human base.
He's saying he'd gladly get raped to have the option removed. It's not somebody refusing something that don't like, and it's beyond any reasonable approach of a human being. It's mindless, fanatical knee-jerking.
>There's more weak men submitting to powerful women.
They have mother issues.
>Why does the race derived from humans and forced to cohabit with humans imply the author has a fetish for furries?
I wonder.
Are you taking the "I'd rather get raped" thing at face value?
Do you realize that I'd rather get raped than have to listen/read what you say/write?
Submitting to pure virgin waifus that exist only to serve the self-insert hand and foot.
>Just because he made the materials doesn't mean he made the actual thing.
There's no reason to believe their existence is anything but intentional given that homosexuality, at least, exist in just about every species to one degree or another.
And? Could just be intentional. You may as well ask why they don't look like elves or elephants.
Nah, I'm asking why he made them furry.
I know right, fucking robot-fetishes. We get it, you want to fuck you toaster, keep it to yourself next time.
Just admit you want them to stay because it's your fetish, be honest.
You're asking why people are pointing out that this human offshoot doesn't look human. Are you brain damaged?
>You may as well ask why they don't look like elves
I am.
Not even a full hour. I'm impressed.
So go make your furry cyoa?
Sheesh, it's not that hard.
I don't know, but if I were him I'd edit every single option to be animal people just to fuck with you.
Farrean is already making it for him.
You know they weren't just derived from breeding humans, but from active magical experimentation? Sometimes shit happens.
Same. Let's try to change the topic.
I like how you still think it's only one person despite there being three or even four at this point.
How is 'Human goes around raping monstergirls into submission' not a furry CYOA?
Do you think the furry option powers to make people want to get raped are because of how smug that picture is
I mean if he literally choose any other art is it possible that people would not have been as upset because at least the furry doesn't look at smug
They're just broad categories that people defined so its easier for people to identify with a cultural subgroup and feel they belong in a community.
But really those labels don't really need to exist, people are going to fuck other people regardless of gender, inanimate object or other animals that appeal to them sexually. That's it.
Because after all, humans are herd animals.
He gave humans a lot of faults, but he doesn't want them to give into them.
They were still derived from humans crossed with 'animal traits'. You'd think the product would be mainly human.
Stay salty my friend, stay salty and closet furry.
YOU DON'T KNOW THAT THEY'RE FAULTS. You're just assuming that an immortal, omnipotent, omniscient god fits into a certain--small--box. You have no idea what happens in it's mind so you're making shit up.
Maybe the creators didn't want that..?
I wouldn't be surprised if it was god damn Cthulu. And it might be, given how it claims that their native magical ability leads to wild divergence.
Because it's a bestiality CYOA, there's a difference.
If it is not a fault then why do most old texts refer to it as a sin? And for that matter how do you know it is not a sin?
Why would the creators create furshit?
I should also point out it's bullshit he made the furries the objective smartest and most magical, and thus the outright best, race.
Just about every other species on Earth does not care about homosexuality but humans. Even for humans, most have only cared about it for the historical equivalent of ten minutes. If that, considering how much less people care in the modern day.
>Why would the creators create furshit?
Because they're horny? Because they think 'furshit' is cool? Because they can? You might as well ask why they made Humans, wolves, etc. Because they could and they did.
You said that you'd expect them to be mostly human with minor non-human features. I said that I did not, and wouldn't be surprised if it ended up some weird mish-mash only vaguely humanoid a la Cthulu. The text claims that members of the species can vary widely, suggesting that one of them could actually be Cthulu-shaped.
>not immortal
>70 years lifespan
>doesn't have any stats maxed out
>only 12 total stat points
>frail as fuck
>not based Machinations or Golem master races
What are you smoking and where can I get some?
So it IS their fetish.
If something is mostly human, it should look mostly human. Also the reference to Lovecraft threw me off.
>Smarter than everyone else.
>Brains are the most important trait in civilized society.
>Always magical.
>Leading to consistency and an advanced society that can rely on magic.
It's simple to see. Physicality doesn't matter at all in an advanced society, and humans don't live that far past 70 in the first place. So, they're objectively superior to humans and elves. This reveals an author bias.
Pink Mana. Proud and Kind sounds like the best character trait.
The Golem, Sorcerers.
Chaos Magic(Main), Heresy, Abjuration, Healing.
I'd explain my build, but somewhere among the way I started wondering if teaming up Golem, Sorcerer and Chaos Magic was really a good thing. Maybe I need to clam down.
Animals are retarded for the most part. Modern day people are kind of a moot point since people are so divided on if it should be accepted or not, people can still be killed for being homosexual in some places.
Exactly. It feels fake to have a monstergirl submit to a regular human. Like she's just playing along. Yeah, you're the one fucking and "dominating" her but she could still snap your pencilneck with no effort whatsoever. It's more roleplay than submission.
As a monsterboy you're on par or even greater strengthwise and then it's actual dominance. A true battle of dominance and submission between two apex predators.
Because hot girls with cat-ears and a tail aren't furry