Female Space Marines are so underrated why no one ever talks about them?
Female Space Marines are so underrated why no one ever talks about them?
Their codex sucks.
Because girls are icky!
I'm going to bite here because I'm hung over and feel like it.
Sororitas and Space Marines operate very, very differently and fulfill very different roles in the Imperial War Machine, and both do their respective jobs extremely well.
Space Marines are shock-and-awe supersoldiers that fall out of the sky like the Wrath of God and drop into the middle of the enemy lines, sow panic and discord, and cripple their army by destroying weak points and killing key leaders. They are equally adept at killing humans, Xenos, and other Space Marines, and they are a precious resource not committed to battle lightly. They are armed with the best tech that the Mechanicus can provide, and are demi-gods of battle and war.
Sororitas are cult-purgers and the militant arm of the Ecclessiarchy. They are fanatically religious in their belief of the God-Emperors Divinity and the Ecclessiarchy, and specialize in rooting out and brutally and publically murdering any Chaos Cults that would threaten an Imperial world. They are shining beacons of faith, armed with the best tech the Eccelssiarchy can buy (often at odds with the Mechanicus). They're so fanatically religious that only one canon Sister has WILLINGLY fallen to Chaos (There have been others who have been corrupted by powerful Chaos Lords, but when they were freed they either killed themselves or turned immediately on their masters before then killing themselves).
Either organization can and does switch roles when necessary, but they both do their jobs better than the other.
Shit rules
No plastic models
GW not giving a fuck
If you're too hung over to answer, no worries. But I am curious. Is there something special about women that they don't fall to chaos easily, or just the women picked by the Eccelssiarchy to be Sororitas?
Could there be a chapter of SM's, or Guardsmen group, etc that were just as resistant?
They're a loophole to get around a "no men under arms" rule.
No, I understand why they can only use women. But we've had entire legions of SMs falling to chaos, etc, etc. But the Sororitas seem pretty damn resistant. I'm asking if there is something about women in general, or just that only the best women are picked to be Sororitas.
Oh, I think that's just because of sheer zealotry.
I sold mine after the tank rush of 4th forced us to piggyback on the inquisitors.. A few faith point abilities to increase speed would have been the difference in me selling or keeping the army.
not him, but mostly it's just fiat. The Sororitas train at the Schola Progenium, which also produces adepts like commissars, storm troopers, assassins and naval officers, among other things, none of whom share the sisters' particular resistance (though some of them, like commissars, are often noted as being easier to kill than corrupt). They also work for the Ecclesiarchy, who, judging by the amount of corrupted priests we're treated to in 40k fiction, are DEFINITELY not immune to corruption.
Maybe you could make a case that the Sisters' particular combination of training+ecclesiarchal piety+their particular sense of duty combines to form a fighting force that's virtually immune, but you'd think if that were the case most of the Imperium would have picked up on it by now. The Sisters certainly don't jump through the same kind of hoops the Grey Knights are shown to do to render themselves immune to the lure of Chaos.
GW also tries to draw a line between 'corrupted against their will' and 'voluntarily betrays the Imperium' so that they can hold onto the idea that Mirael Sabathiel is the only sister who's ever truly 'fallen.'
Schola Education + Best of the best picked for sisterhood (the marines too, but they base their selection process more on martial prowess) + Religious indoctrination + Righteous Zeal.
In 1st edition, the Sororitas were tasked with inspecting all other imperial organizations, including the marines, for deviancy, so they were trained with a big focus on incorruptibility.
For OOC reasons, their two main sources of inspirations, Joan of Arc and Religious Orders, weren't really prone to conversion or understanding, Joan breaking holy swords on the back of prostitutes and things like that.
SM's are usually chosen based on combat potential, which may in part derive from faith but may equally be utterly detached from it. Sororitas are picked for their faith and their faith alone.
As a result, seeing as they go through roughly similar levels of indoctrination and such (depending on who you ask anyway) the Sororitas end their training with utter and complete faith in the Emperor and sufficient combat skills while SM's end their training with extensive and immense combat skills but simply sufficient faith in the emperor.
Theres also the risk of pride. A sororitas is still human and thus less vulnerable to it while a SM is post-human and thus may be inclined towards dangerous pride.
Beyond even that, SMs tend to engage in more raw combat than Sororitas, which may expose them to greater risk of developing an unnatural bloodthirst, even ignoring that some chapters have a genetic pre-disposition to it.
Im unsure is there any aspect of the Marines that naturally incline them towards Nurgle desu but the fact that they employ extensive Psykers in their forces and the fact that they are constantly driven to achieve more for the sake of Humanity may incline them towards Tzeencth.
Comparatively, the Sororitas not only have firmer faith but less of a natural inclination to chaos than any baseline human does. As a result, they are more reliable but less individually powerful. Fair trade if ya ask me.
Much appreciated, thanks.
And thanks to you. Hits a few answers I was considering myself, and then some.
>all these badass 40k armies
>wanting to play the army of girls
I know right! And they get the coolest looking stuff in fluff. All the other Space Marines are basically reskinned versions of each other. Slap on some different paint and you have a different chapter. The female ones though, you have a wider range, from the normal power armor to the ones running around in paper. And somehow, that obsession with fire just makes them super-hot. And that white hair. Rawr. Love it.
>Mirael Sabathiel
Does she even have rules?
Chaos corrupts things that are actually relevant.
>the fact that they employ extensive Psykers in their forces.
This reminds me that Marines have a greater understanding of the Warp and use it via their Librarians, so they may go on the slippery slope of radicalism.
Sisters have nothing but hatred for all things psychic, so they're less prone to taking that path (also, most are probably sent to die as repentia as soon as there is the smallest doubt on their purity, which kinda limits the risk of corruption)
Yes, and?
I was expecting some huge nerd sperg about it being ok to play with girls, but your response proves that you aren't gay so carry on dude.
they do have pretty cool artwork...I suppose
And a Pipe Organ Missile Launcher...
Due to the limited releases, they are one of the few factions that haven't fallen prey to the current gigantism obsession. And I like the idea of an non-superhuman elite force. It was that or drop troopers.
Also, I'm a social worker, and playing with fanatical zealots that torture people at the slightest suspicion is a great way to blow off steam without actually strangling one of my patients.
half of 40k are space marines. yes they are played different but still half Are space marines
Because you don't talk about the Inquisition.
Faith in the Emperor is the greatest armor of the soul.
>But the Sororitas seem pretty damn resistant
They can and do fall all the time. Actual acts of faith are fairly rare.
Notice he had to specify "willingly".
>They can and do fall all the time.
>Notice he had to specify "willingly".
I wouldn't say all the times. Even without talking into account the means of protection that exist, the amount of things able to corrupt a person aren't that common.
You have daemons, some rare breeds of xenos like the enslavers or the jeanstealers, a couple artefacts, and the very rare puppet master psyker.
Even if the sisters have an increased exposure to that kind of threats, that's still not your everyday event.
Fluff-wise, the sisters a stated as incorruptible several times (especially in the older codexes, 2nd and 3rd ed). While certainly an exageration to make the faction appear under the best light like most codex lore, it shouldn't be dismissed.
The sisters come off as the type to be always keeping an eye at the local priesthoods, just in case their faith and loyalty is found wanting
If the sisters were to get a bigger model (not that I am strictly for that) what do you think it would be?
My bet is that they get a bigger living saint modle
Was expecting post of exorcist tank. Instead literal heresy.
I am thinking something along the lines of the great cross but Ecclesiarchyfied.
Ha! The Sisters don't even have a normal named sister with rules. You think they'll give rules to a one note villain?
But we have female Space Marine AND SoB threads fairly often, OP.
>they are one of the few factions that haven't fallen prey to the current gigantism obsession
But what if they DO get a Giant Woman?
>If the sisters were to get a bigger model (not that I am strictly for that) what do you think it would be?
>My bet is that they get a bigger living saint modle
>Was expecting post of exorcist tank. Instead literal heresy.
That isn't heresy, and I didn't have an Exorcist picture...