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Fantasy Miniatures General
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Scenografy is welcomed too, this is in what momminiaturas is working right now.
For the now decesead Bretonians players, Norba miniatures has some knight a good price but so so quality, 10 of them 12 euros.
Gonna dump some pictures from my minis blog. I love me some fantasy miniatures.
Meanwhile - I am looking around for good/interesting daemonic or angelic creatures, both medium sized and human sized. Pictures and suggestions are welcome.
dang. Sure is dead in here.
Does anyone sell cat/tiger like people? Something like a barbarian cat race.
I'm lurking user but got nothing to contribute I'm afraid :( keep it up!
Where is that dwarf (?) in the red armour from?
I'm looking for something that could support this.
He was made by "Twillight Games Miniatures", but was sold through Hasslefree Miniatures until recently. Apparently the line got bought back? Seems to have went under again, though, as I can't find any mention of it.
Apparently they we're called Twisted Tales.
Can't find any trace of them, though.
Reminder that Otherworld Miniatures.
Yup I expected a bit more of life in there but well Tg is mainly 40k after all. About demons mantic plastic ones aren't bad (apart of the big guy that's it) and the great demon from momminiaturas is pretty spectacular.
OH man fightin fungi the song of blades and heroes game? Did you play it or they are some random minis?
Hmm. Those actually look like they could be fun to paint. They do look a lot more reasonable without mantics paintjobs and pictures on the webstore.
Any recommendation for amazon minis?
Wish their shipping to USA was less
Would Egyptians do, or are you looking for actual cats that are now bipedal?
Nekkid or just Greek?
Well if you weren't aware, they have a Voucher Programme where you can, e.g. buy a £50 voucher worth £65, so you can save some money that way.
We play the hell out of SoBH in general. We just got done with our second campaign this year, have taken a short break playing Frostgrave (which I've decided I do not enjoy at all) and Pulp Alley (with fantasy - works really well).
Am currently working on mission-cards for the engine, based on 2nd Edition 40k mission cards with a little bit of currendt ed. battle missions and Malifaux schemes thrown in.
Fightin Fungi is *just* the advanced version of the Sobh engine. It has a lot more traits, a lot of them really cool, and a reaction mechanic that makes for some very tactical games. We tend to not use it though, as it bogs the game down, and doesn't work as elegantly as the rest of the system with more than two players.
Mantic has shit painters, I dunno why they never hire more compentent ones with some basic skills, specially because it makes they minis look pretty bad. At least the quality of the minis is improving but lots of awful minis.
What style do you like Rum and bones has some very good Mesoamerican inspired ones and wargames factory used to make very decent Greek amazones but I dunno if they still do them.
This picture is ooooold. Metal Magic and Grenadier (now Mirliton, Em4 and Forlorn Hope) miniatures in this one. Great old-school sculpts that are a ton of fun to paint. By my paintjobs on them look a bit dated.
Fenryll miniatures, lovely Resin models well worth a look
Idd. Doesn't halp that you can't even get a closer look at the models on their webstore.
But bad pictures is something a LOT of miniature-makers suffer from. There's a lot of hidden gems out there that people wont even consider because the presentation is so shit.
I've been meaning to get some of the mantic zombies and ghouls for a while, so I will propably grab a few of the demons when I order those.
I can never figure out how they compare in size to other manufacturers miniatures, and it's also really hard to find properly painted examples of them around the new.
Got any pics or links?
I played a few games of SOBH and I love it, I was wanting to read fightin fungy to know if it was decent enough to buy it but if it bogs down the system I think I will pass. The setting seems crazy too.
Yup, you would think than without handling it in hand online websites would make a shiton of photos but nope. Even the drunken spaniards does a better job at that than a good deal of other manufacturers.
That's me done. Hope you enjoyed it.
>Got any pics or links?
Sadly I sold my ones, but the quality of them was pretty good and they fit well with 28mm models.
These are my old ones, unpainted
thanks for the dump user
If you mean warrior females, dark sword has plenty of good quality ones.
And war games factory, they have a bit of everything really.
The basic SoBH will last you a long time and is surprisingly versatile. And then there's the boat load of expansions: I really enjoy the dungeon crawl one. Has some fun traits, magic items and a random dungeon generator I am itching to try out.
If you feel like you need more traits and a bit more grit, Ganesha just released an actual Advanced Sobh rulebook. Haven't got it myself yet, as I have most of the stuff in Fightin fungi, but its worth considering.
Working on a Frostgrave warband based off the cultist plastics. Anyone know of a wizard mini I could use to lead them? Not too sure on the wizard types so something fairly generic but styled similarly to the cultists.
It would be far more useful if you posted the manufacturer with the pictures.
>from my minis blog
Drop link too, I'm not agaisnt browsing it for pics and nice ideas.
What ruleset are you using in these pics?
I have a few suggestions.
This guy by reaper seems pretty suitable, though he might be a little too big for the frostgrave plastics: Reapers miniatures are all over the place, scalewise.
And more.
Either of these two guys could work as well. From Midlam Miniatures: Evil Lord and something else Evil.
SoBH. Just read about it on Wikipedia. It sounds great. I may even try it with LOTR figures as an alternative to the gw rules.
oh shit, I completely forgot.
Those are a mix of frostgrave plastics and GW greatsword heads.
I'll hang around for ~1 hour more, so ask away if there's a manufacturer you want. or
Haven't updated either in a bit though, since I haven't got a camera right now.
>>multiple correct solutions required.
wtf captcha. stahp.
As said, Song of Blades and Heroes.
In a similar vein, Open Combat is pretty fun as well, as is Pulp Alley, which can easily be used for fantasy.
Also all this range if you like Greek myths.
Damn, some of those minis are gold.
Check out Warmonger Miniatures as well. Same guys, but all of their nicer fantasy stuff. I especially like the War Orcs and Dwarfs.
>Dem Landsknecht Orcs.
>Dat troll throwing a goblin glider like a paper plane.
Kek, not bad.
Nice would buy for my cheeky gobbo army.
Do you have any of the cooler minis eureka miniatures make? I'd love a look if you do. Especially their chaotic stuff.
Anything by ramshackle games?
I really dig your painting style and colour choices.
Definitely looking at reaper minis for some homebrew I'm working on, but I hear warping tends to be a problem. Anyone have experiences with that?
Sadly no to both. But the newer mutants as well as their 28mm Colonial Portuguese are on my Buy Soon list. When/if I ever get around to it, I'll be sure to post some pics.
Prof. Witcheimer over on LAF painted some to exemplary standard though, pic related.
Thanks for your kind words!
Assuming their bones line: In general, their medium to big monsters are fine. A bit soft in detail, especially the earlier ones, but very robust and cheap. Their later stuff is getting a lot better, though I would definitely start with a sample, or try and take a look in person before buying.
I've painted one of their trolls - For that size of miniature, the material is really great.
It is bendy, though it keeps its shape well, and the paint doesnt flake off, even though you do all sorts of stupid shit. I transport my bones minis in my pocket with keys, dice and wallet and they are still perfectly fine.
If they are bend when bought, you supposedly can fix it with hot water.
Mesoamericans or just barbarian-like.
Mesoamerican like, and sorry it was freeboter.
Ok. Here we go:
From left to right.
Orcs: Grenadier, now Mirliton/Forlorn Hope
Ogre: Old Citadel Golgfags Mercenary Orges
Dwarf: Twisted Tales, used to be sold by Hf.
Necromancer and Skeletons: Grenadier, now Mirliton/Forlorn Hope.
Chaos Warrior: Ral Partha. He's an Anti-paladin.
All of these, except the Norse themed one who is from citadel, are from Alternative Armies re-released Asgard Miniatures line. REALLY good miniature.
Frostgrave thug bodies with GW empire Greatsords heads.
Left to right:
Foot-knight behind tree: Grenadier, now Mirliton/Forlorn Hope.
Man-at-Arms: Front Rank Miniatures.
Dwarf: Black Tree Designs, now apparantly named eoeorbis for some stupid reason.
Skeletons: A single GW graveguard. Rest from Ral Partha Europes Fantasy Armies line. Apparntly Iron Wind carries them in the US. maybe?
Left to right:
Red-head Bard: Old Metal Magic reissue from Midlam Miniatures.
Templars: Old Citadel reissued by Wargames Foundry.
Cleric: Midlam Miniatures
Fighter: Midlam Miniatures.
Thanks bro, ll dig into it later.
Have been looking those and others, most of the minis are expensive or look like shit and are also expensive for the shit that is.
I've been admiring your work on LAF for years now, and its been much inspiration to me as both a gamer and painter. Love your work and keep it up, truly too few people making great scenery, vignettes, and dioramas with their models between games.
Those are awesome. . Thry could almost be right out of a Hieronymus Bosch painting. .
I bought about $100+ of minis from them which netted me a massive amount of stuff. In general I was buying mostly single models intended for player characters or enemy forces in tabletop games. They come in their own individual blister packaging and depending on the model, may have to be shoved in at an angle that unfortunately bends a part during the trip.
I had one guy with a sword that got bent so it was at a 90 degree angle, more or less and a few others that had minor issues with warping, but I put that down to the dickheads that delivered it left it outside my house in the Australian sun, possibly for up to two days before I even fucking found the box, because it was just discarded in the grass.
That said; all the minis that were warped were easily fixed by getting some long needle nose tweezers, getting a bowl of really hot water and really cold water, holding it in the hot water for about a minute then adjusting the part, then dipping it and holding it in the cold water.
One or two of them needed the treatment a couple of times because I couldn't get the angles right, but it was nothing too severe.
I have heard that there are issues with these fixes being undone if the models are exposed to significant heat, like if you have to fix a model and then you leave it in the sun it'll go back to it's 'bent' form.
Overall though, really satisfied with the Reaper Bones stuff. The quality is actually higher than the photos show, because their photographer is an idiot and manages to overexpose the models to light so you can't see ALL the detail.
Can't wait for Microworld to finish/release these guys. I'm gonna buy so many tiny mustache mans.
Holy sheet. Those are amazing.
6mm fantasy project incoming.
here are some actually nice wolves
Those are from Gamezone, right? Pretty nice. Gamezone does some really amazing stuff mixed in with some really shitty stuff. And its really hard to find propper pictures of their stuff.
I'm planning to paint a Dark Sword mini based on this sketch and I'm kinda stuck coming up with colours for it. Gold parts will be NNM, and I don't know if I should make the belly scales gold or not. And what to do with her skin either.
Basically gamezone is THE company to get 28mm fantasy calvary from, their animal anatomy is superb but their infantry is...well it ain't bad but it's nothing to write home about either.
I love their not-Daemonettes.
I guess I'll post the pic of the actual miniature too.
I want mine to be a lot more vibrant than this.
Hmm, I'd be careful about having all three primaries (yellow/gold, red, blue) on the same mini - It tends to look a bit garish.
When I paint I tend to stick to one bright saturated colour, and then keep the rest somewhat muted.
Here is a very quick colour test I did, where I've focused on red. The brighest point is the head, and the rest are various reds broken with greys - mulberry. Contrasted by a deep purple on the lover wings and a pale green and grey-blue for skin and belly. Basically mix everything byt the red hair 50/50 with grey. Oh, and bright acid green gems.
Then I'd stear away entirely from Gold, and paint all of the metalics silver instead to not mesh with the palette.
At least, that's propably how I would aproach it, but its alot more muted than yours. Another aproach would be to swap you blue for a Violet - That would propably work out fine as well. Or just the gold for silver.
Here's a really great tutorial on painting bright red hair:
Hope any of that is useful to you! and post pics when you get to painting it
Not very cheap manufacturers there, and even less than do them in good quality, also I don't see any of it to be bad, they are very characterful.
>It tends to look a bit garish
Maybe, but I want this one to be very bright and colourful. Shiny blue scales, golden wings and the like. Making sure that an onlooker immediately recognizes this is a weird, magical and majestic creature. So I thought she'd be colourful like a parrot.
Basically this miniature is supposed to be my antidote for all the gray and black or dark blue I usually paint.
Makes sense - Know that feeling.
Peraps try to tie the different colours together by shading with the same tone, like a deep purple for both the red and the blue. In pic related I tried mixing in a little of the same purple both in the tail and the red part of the wings. It's basically the old GW liche purple in tone. Sorta red-ish and warm.
Another trick would be to repeat the same colour in multiple places, like making the gems in the crown the same blue as the tail. Anchors and ties together the different parts of the miniature.
I've tried shading dark blue with red washes before and the effect was nice. Going for the same tone on a lighter shade might be a good idea.
I think an Egyptian skin tone would work. Make up like this might look interesting, but I'm not entirely sure about it.
I think it works pretty well. The make up looks like it'll be hard to pull off, but I really like that it adds a 3rd point of repetition for both the red and the blue, and the skin seems to work well with the yellow.
Have you thought about hair colour? Id think either a Beige or Black could work really well.
I was thinking black, but beige... It's an interesting idea.
Might work, and also draw attention towards the face and work well with the bright blue tail.
You might also be able to go for a more saturated red on the gems.
Man, I am getting hyped for this miniature now. I need to paint it at some point as well.
I still can't find Advanced Song of Blades & Heroes anywhere on the net, I might have to actually pay for it.
What do you find works best in regular SoBH? I've had a few small games and enjoyed it, but I don't think we were using the right units really, turned into a bit of a turnover slogfest.
Okay, I think I have all I need. Now to get on the actual miniature.
I tend to keep most units at Q 4+ or 3+. 2+ is boring as you just 3 dice all activations which takes a lot of the tension out of the game, while 5+ is very unreliable and difficult to use (but fun for group activated rabble like goblins etc.)
Apart from that, its a question of learning when to throw how many dice, and what to do first in each turn. Of course, sometimes you roll snake eyes, but thats the terms of the game.
The real key, like in any game really, is to have a good scenario that forces people to not just slog it out in the middle, which, while fun for a bit, tends to get stale. Check out this compendium to get started: hour11gaming dot blogspot dot dk/2012/09/massive-update-to-whfbskirmish.html
In particular I recommend The Pit.
Once you get the hang of the system its pretty easy to improvise scenarios. As I said earlier, I am working on a card-driven objective for our local games.
Some things to experiment with:
1). Npc-type characters, either related to objectives (slay the dragon to steal its hoard) or just wandering the board to provide flavour and hazards to play around (roaming gangs of skeletons patroling a graveyard or a bear guarding its den and mauling anyone getting close). We use a variant of the Frostgrave creature ai to control neutral monsters.
2). Assymetrical objectives: Different warbands have different goals. Works really well in multiplayer games.
3). Magic Items: Have the objective be an item that can then be used in the scenario.
Here's an AAR I did when we started playtesting Fightin Fungi
www.lead-adventure dot de/index.php?topic=60121.msg920816#msg920816
Has anyone seen the AtlantisMiniatures range? They look awesome but I'm holding off until I see some quality reviews
Thanks a lot mate, very inspirational. I wish I had half of your effort.
Amazing. I'd love the chance to delve into the old world at this scale. I used to play a lot of Warmaster back in the day. What ruleset do you think people will use with these?
Could anybody suggest a 28mm Wizard that would look good next to the Gripping Beast Viikings?
Does kings of War require individual basing or could it handle tracking casualties by base or strip?