What would happen if someone came to play in your group with an army decked out in Nazi color scheme and symbolism...

What would happen if someone came to play in your group with an army decked out in Nazi color scheme and symbolism, their leader was Hitler, etc?

Wait, are you telling me Imperium is not nazi and it is not ruled by Cyborg Hitler?
Now I feel dumb.

Kicked out, and we would cut them off from our social circle.

we're all commies of various kinds

For what purpose?

For Revolution, comrade.

I'm going to assume the answer is some form of "the greater good"

You peasents are always revolting.

Depends on how it was presented.

I've seen an Imperial Guard force done up as various divisions within the Wehrmacht. It looked great.
If it was just some excuse to put swastikas all over the place, then nah.

Give them shit and refuse to play against that army.

Contrast this to the fact that my TTRPG group (which is actually composed of a completely different set of friends) has fought and defeated NOT!Hitler several times.

I take issue with the glorification of the ideology and the promotion of it in this case I guess


...Wait, no, are we still allies?

1. We really hate nazis. We live in the only left-leaning city in a shitbrown county.
2. Nazis have beat us up and literally tried to murder both some of us and our friends.

>came to play in your group
>with an army decked out in Nazi color scheme...

Wrong group, we're playing dnd. Also we're not looking for new players right now.

America had its Manifest Destiny and nobody bats an eye. Germany takes some Living Space and everyone looses their minds.

fuck off you SS dick hungry, slimy, Nazi ass motherfucker.

>it's a nice ww2 army you've got there, but we're doing the gulf war tonight.
Historical wargames are neat.


Now where's that one screencap of someone playing against a 40k Army with Hitler as a commander that replies, "Thanks it's hitler."

I'll have a good chuckle if painted/converted with skill.

Disregard I suck cocks.

Moral of the story: don't mess with people's living room.

because Jesus said America is the greatest country on earth user.

I hate non whites

>In before Hitler did nothing wrong.

i'd definetly want to play against that.

killing hitler sounds like a nice objective

>inb4: land war in Asia

This. If the guy did it well then I'd play with him. If it was done poorly and just used as an excuse to be an edgelord then I'd tell him to fuck off.

I play with him.

What do you want me to do, be a fascist and ban him?

Hitler obviously did something wrong. he lost

Well, historical miniatures are a thing, so it's not unlikely I might run into that...

1. I see.
2. Was that before or after you proclaimed open support of communist ideals? Because for one of those it kind of makes sense.

Hitler did so many things wrong.

1. Declaring war on Russia
2. Declaring war on the USA
3. Killing the Jews rather than recruiting them as "enhanced labor" and not allowing Jews to serve in the military.
4. Being a shit diplomat.
5. Invading Denmark and not offering it to the Swedes.
6. Not bringing Turkey into the war
7. Wasting divisions invading Yugoslavia instead of telling hungary to wait until the war was over.
8. Not bringing Turkey into the Axis.



reddit response: "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! BANNED!!!"

I'm a nationalist but I wouldn't throw a little spook moral tizzy over some dude bringing a Red Army themed IG army or something. Bigotry isn't cool desu.

"Damnit Bob, we tried running a Reich-5 campaign last year and the majority agreed we would do something different next time. Drop the passive-agressive bullshit."

>I'm smarter than hitler because I already know what happens in ww2

>Non-Working class 20 year olds
>seems legit

lol that one idiot in the Che Guevara shirt

>we got beaten up by Anti-Communists and decided to call them Nazis

Only good Commie is a dead Commie.

Considering that I want to get into Flames of War and other historical wargaming, I'd welcome them and compare armies.

Red Scorpions are awfully Naziesque as it is.

C'mon, in this day and age world needs reminder that not all terrorist are Muslim.

>passing on the chance to destroy an army of Nazis
I can smell the French from here

Fuck me, i know the guy to the right, black shirt bowlcut-guy.
Grade-a cockgoblin, doesn't even bring his own beer. Didn't help with the fire either.

You AntiFa types really need to kill yourselves desu.

not even /pol/.

Wait, i recognize several of them.
Umeå, visst?

We don't know, they may have been actual Nazis.

But ya, people who think Fascism=being a Nazi need to get fucked. I can be a Fascist without thinking we need to gas anyone.

This. After all it's paint on plastic. If you get your asshair curled up by that then there is no cure for you.


>doesn't provide for the whole
>expects the bounty of the group

To be fair, not declaring war on Russia was a pretty 'no duh' thing, and it might have been enough.

They had a tenuous peace with them, and it would be a bad idea to fight a war on two fronts

The more minor stuff is hindsight, but even in the moment fighting Russia was a bad call

stalin was literally planning to invade as soon as his army was reorganizing, made total strategic sense as if hitler was busy with the allies he could swoop in and spread communism

Eh. Some historians will argue that Russia was planning on attacking anyway and that attacking before they fully mobilized was a great idea.

It was the following tactical incompetence on his part that led to things not really working out so great in their minds.

Someone please make this into a real dreadnought

this, Stalin had a plan to invade Europe. heres something even more interesting if its true, apparantly Hitler tried to sign a peace treaty with Poland and they told him to fuck off, she he invaded everyone before they could attack Germany.

>apparantly Hitler tried to sign a peace treaty with Poland and they told him to fuck off

There was an offered treaty, it was shit because it required the Annexation of Gdańsk. Though honestly, in hindsight, I would have taken it.

Correct, not all muslims are terrorists.

But all ISIS ARE Islamic.

As a Pole I said that it would stain our honour forever, it would deny our standing as a country as if we bowed down, we had an treaty with UK that affirmed the gov about how we are safe (but UK with frogs fucked up)

germany had decent relations with pilsudski, when your next president or w/e gained power that's when everything went to shit. hitler sent one of his gauleiters to the funeral and held a memorial for pilsudski in berlin

I'm a Commie and this photo gave a me a violent and painful diarrhea

Also my IG literally had Swastika banners. Because it was fun.

>As a Pole I said that it would stain our honour forever
You are a Pole. Your people's honour IS stained forever by being born invariably caring about your people's honour.

> it would deny our standing as a country as if we bowed down
Poland just re-entered existence for the first time in over a century. Should've appreciated that and focused on not getting Russia'd again.

>Your people's honour IS stained forever by being born invariably caring about your people's honour.
not him, but what is that supposed to mean?


The polak stereotype among other slavs is them being unbearably anal about about their "panski honor", which is the reason why nobody respects said "honor" and tramples it at every possible occasion.

So other slavs are just antagonistic dicks?

Nice double trips, btw; checked.

The polak steretype among our people is constantly trying to steal Lviv and surrounding lands.

>So other slavs are just antagonistic dicks
All slavs are antagonistic dicks to each other. Any other people that have a long history with other closely related people can understand.

It's like a big, screwed up family. Only Mom's on a permanent leave since before we were born, we don't know our Dad(s), and we're all 12 year olds (except Rus, he's 15 and bullies everyone) who will never grow up.

>to each other
as in "to other kinds of slavs", ofc

But Lviv was never yours to begin with, cвыння!

As long as he's not a skinhead and it's just some dumb meme army it's whatever. If the guy is actually a Nazi it's kind of awkward. But then again real life white supremacists are awkward to begin with. Like, they're so fucking pale and have such obvious skinhead haircuts even when they have actual hair, it's like shit nigger do you even know how to hide your power level you dumb cunt? Why don't you just tattoo a Chaplin mustache and swastika to your face.

Describe western Europe, Asia, the Anglosphere, Latin and South America, and the ME in the same manner now pls

Pointless, since every people at large can be imagined as an underage brat, since in the context of geopolitical relations countries and nations never have to "grow up" like individuals do since there is no higher social construct that they'd have to adapt to.

Also just watch Hetalia

As others said, Russia was likely planning on invasion. It was preemptive. That 'peace' was nothing but a prelude to war and Germany refused to wait and fight it on Russia's terms.

Hitler's big fuck ups usually came in the form of trying to micromanage every project to his own stupid logic instead of listening to the generals and letting the experts do what they're best at. Also unrealistic expectations. True, he made questionable strategic decisions but Barbarossa was just one of a list of shitty options.

He would get punched by the other players and kicked out.
We're all Jews.

Id assume they were some kind of socially handicapped person? Or possibly a complete dipshit. The only people Ive ever met that are into nazi shit have been tards.

But Id give the guy the benefit of the doubt and talk to him. Maybe he just really likes the nazi aesthetic, which would be a bit odd but whatever. To each their own right.

>Also just watch Hetalia
I was hoping for a slightly less homoerotic approach.

One of my closest friends was a Jewish neo-nazi.

Well you can't have it. Politics are insanely homoerotic by their very nature. Like all the other stuff that must be done by Real Men.

If it's not specifically a WW2 wargame, then:

> calmly explain that if this is an attempt at a joke it's in extremely poor taste
> be understanding, we've all taken things too far sometimes

If he even for a second gets defensive or mildly implies any "Clean Wehrmacht/Bolshevism made me do it"-type horseshit.

> laugh at him
> explain to him why he's wrong
> why his beliefs are shit
> get out

Also, if you are less tolerant towards "SJWs" than genocidal anti-semites, you should consider suicide.

Hitler's biggest fuck-up bar none was throwing Germany and Austria into a war they were utterly incapable of winning from the outset, trusting in the leadership of insane and incompetent asshats like Göring to carry them through a war with the US, the UK AND the Soviets. Couple that with an extreme mismanagement of war production and allying with nothing but living cartoon characters it was a recipe for utter disaster.

Hitler, and those who aided and abetted him, doomed Germany.

The uniforms were pretty snazzy. Others seemed to find the fashion agreeable, considering Hugo Boss is still around.

> leather trenchcoats
> pretty snazzy

are we supposed to be impressed that you hang out with retards?

almost half of the people i play with are fascist militants.

How's middle school?

this is not usa, my dear friend.

I'm guessing english isn't your firsr language, since you don't seem to know that ending your sentence with "my dear friend" doesn't actually make you sound intelligent or articulate. In fact, you sound like a fedora-swigging tryhard. But that was evident enough from your first post.

ah yeah, sorry, ill call you a faggot

do i fit now /b/ ?

Probably not play with them because it sounds like an edge lord. If not an edge lord then we play kill the Hitler

>the self hating jew
I will never understand how they exist, did they inherit existential angst from the Germans somehow?

> "almost half of the people i play with are fascist militants"

I hate humanity.

I would beat them mercilessly!
On the tabletop. With my dudes.

Seemed we were going for post-declaration mistakes so choosing 'the war' as a whole was off the table. You'll get no argument on that one.

The most common and consistent blunder was him sticking his idiot hands into every pie he could find, and those all snowballed as one resultant failure cascading into another. The biggest enemy of the actually competent people put in charge of trying to meet Hitler's demands ... was Hitler himself.

If we're counting his entire leadership then yes, listening to idiots who achieved positions through nepotism and diving into the war would be it.

if a foreign power invaded, would they band together? these brats?

This. The German army in general had the best uniforms.

Humanity hates you too, user.

I'd buy you a ticket so you could play a game in Germany.

>Thinking in terms of leather trenchcoats.

You think they only made coats for Kommandant? As pretty much the sole supplier of uniforms it, was the quality tailoring, not the Hollywood shiny black leather, that even got them contracts post-war.

It's an aesthetic that fits certain creative needs, inspiring various media today. One for personal use? Nope. But if you need to dress up a jack-booted fascist analogue in your new setting, accept no substitute.

Part of that whole "covenant with God" thing, probably. That fine print is important.

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